tions to V., 25, 272, 272 n.; 26, (c) MITRA AND V. 381-3, 412 sq. ; 44, 208, 346, 506; M. and V, invoked, 12, 91; 29, property of a mortal sinner thrown 43, 97, 231 sq., 287; 30, 52, 56, 92; into the water as an offering to V., 32, 441; 42, 37, 102, 122, 153, lord of punishment, 25, 385, 385 11.; 211; 44, 385; 46, 110, 115, 127, invoked with the Rudras, 26, 122, 237, 309; Idâ produced by them, 122 n.; animal sacrifice for V., 26, 12, 217 n.; meet Ida, 12, 218, 218 221, 428 ; expiatory bath frees from n., 224; grant rain, 12, 241; 32, Vi's snare, 26, 381 sq.; invoked and 115 ; 42, 172, 436; principal sons worshipped at the wedding rite, 29, of Aditi, 12, 356; 32, 242, 244, 32, 169, 281; 30, 187 sq.; the girls 246, 248; prayers to Mitra, Aryaworship V., 29, 44 ; invoked for the man, and V., 12, 356; new moon protection of a child, 29,54; sacrifice offerings to M. and V., 12, 375, of sacrificial cord, &c., in water with 378-81; the waxing and the wana V.-verse, 29, 84; Bali offerings to ing inoon, 12, 380 ; Vasishtha, their V. and those belonging to V., 29, 85, son, 14, xii, 140; 38, 235; are out85 n., 161 ; worshipped on crossing breathing and in-breathing, 26, 39, water, 29, 127; worshipped at the 144, 213 ; 41, 89, 122; 43, 270; consecration of ponds, 29, 135; Bali 44, 181; that which is of M. is not offering and prayer to V. at the of V., 26, 57; Sûrya or Sun, the house-building ceremony, 29, 214; eye of M. and V., 26, 83, 343; 30, 123; 'if thou belongest to V. the Vasatîvarî water not to be I buy thee for, or redeem thee from taken for them, 26, 225; Soma V.,'30, 53, 269; worshipped for the libations to M. and V., 26, 266 thriving of horses, 30, 89; Nya- n., 269-72, 278, 296 sq.; are ingrodha tree sacred to V., 30, 122; telligence and will, 26, 269 sq., are invoked at the Upanayana, 30, 151; priesthood and nobility, 26, 270 sq.; King V. worshipped at the Tarpana, V., Mitra, Agni, 26, 285 sq.; curds 30, 243; invited to the Soma, 32, offered to them, 26, 315 sq., 316 n.; 408; worshipped at the ordeal by 41, 105, 108 n.; 44, 268 sq. ; deities water, 33, 256,258 sq.; the Râgasîya of a Ritu-graha, 26, 320 n.; Agni, called a V.-sava, 41, XXV; knot M.-V., Indra, win in the race of the sacred to V., 41, 58 ; offering to V. gods, 26, 327 n.; offering of a in the Sûta's house, 41, 60; the barren cow for M. and V., 26, 387garment of initiation belongs to V., 9; 42, 176; 44, 411; deities of 41, 87 ; the horse sacrificed for V., the Maitrâvaruna priest, 26, 436 ; 41, 162; 44, xx, xxiii sq. ; invoked Idà, their mother, 29, 296 ; M. and in medical charms, 42, 1, 3, 10-12, V.compared with Ahura and Mithra, 237, 241 sq., 443; the sin of using 31, 199 n.; called vrishanau, 32, V.'s name in vain, 42, 12, 563; 146; mount their golden chariot, prayer to V. for protection against see Aditi and Diti, 32, 243 ; sons of treacherous designs, 42, 88 sq., 389- Daksha, 32, 248; allied with Aditi, 93; invoked to remove evil bodily 32, 263; the Maruts protect them, marks from a woman, 42, 109; deity 32, 273, 278; Aryainans, i. e, Aryaand metre, 43, 53; V. and the man, M. and V., 32, 326, 330 ; sacrifice of Sunahsepa, 4t, xxxiv, invoked with the Maruts, 32, 375, xxxvi; invoked for universal sove- 386, 419, 423; the Mitrâvarunareignty, 44, 63; is the king of eyed gods in the North, 41, 49; the gods, hence invoked by the that which is hewn by the axe, Kshatriya, 44, 251; worshipped at churned, and cooked by fire bethe Asvamedha, 44, 281; the eldest longs to V., that which is broken god who accepts the sacrifice, 46, off by itself, self-produced, and 307; Agni invoked to cause, by cooked by steam, to Mitra, 41, sacrificing, V. to go away, 46, 307; 67 sq.; to V. belong plants grown Agni invoked to deprecate V.'s in ploughed ground, to Mitra the anger, 46, 307.
Nâmba plants, 41, 71; anointed
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