Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 532
________________ SELF 515 city of Brahman, 15, 37; 34, 175; vidual soul and the II. S., for the two the S. in the universe and in man are intelligent ss. and therefore of the is the antaryâmin, puller or ruler same nature, 34, 118-23; Brahman within, 15, 132-6; 48, 101, 132, in the city of the s., 34, 178; the 226, 279, 607-11, 655; how to ob- Lord acts as the ruler of the pratain union with the H. S., 15, 299- dhâna and of the ss., and the pra302; the Sun as the outer S., and dhâna, the ss., and the Lord are of Breath as the sinner s., 15, 305-12; mutually different nature, 34, 329, individual ss. derived from the 434 sq.; Brahman is superior to creator's S., 25, 8, 8 n.; 48, 88 sq.; the s., 34, 345 ; different states of to attain complete union with the the s. and the nature of Brahman, Supreme S., the aim of the hermit, 38, 101, 133-83; bondage and re25, 203 sq., 203 n.; Brahman ap- lease of the s. result from the wish pears to be broken up into givas or of the Supreme Person, 38, 138 sq.; individual ss., 34, xxv; the individual 48, 603; relation of the Highest S. soul has Brahman for its S., 34, to individual s. has to be viewed like xxvi, 23; 48, 133 sq., 141; indivi- that of the snake to its coils, or dual s. or ss. (connected with pra that of light to its substratun, 38, dhâna or matter) constitute the body 173 sq.; Highest S. and individual of the Highest S. or of Vishnu, 34, S. referred to by 'the two birds, xxviii; 48, 93, 128, 130, 132, 138- inseparable friends,' &c., and by 45, 242, 253, 307 sq., 312, 406, the two drinking their reward, 435-7, 469 sq.; the characteristics &c., 38, 240 sq.; the light into which of the released s. are similar to those the soul is said to enter is the of Brahman, 34, xxx; discussions Highest S., 38, 407; lordly power of as to whether certain terms or de- the other ss. depends on the highest scriptions are meant for Highest S. Lord, 38, 416-18; man fashioned or individual s., 34, xxxii-xxxiv, from Pragâpati's s., 41, 402; Brahxxxix sq., lxix, 64-289; 38, 54, 205- man or Highest S. is different from II; 48, 257-353; difference and the s., 48, 98 sq., 209-37, 242, non-difference of the Lord (Brah- 468 sq., 658; in state of release man) and the individual s., 34, xxxix, individual s.enters into the Brahman xlviii sq., 69-77, 81, 114-16, 183-91, and attains its true nature, 48, 192, 277 n., 278 n., 281 sq., 318-20, 343- 323, 351; supreme bliss cannot be6; 38, 68 sq., 149, 339 sq. ; 48, long to the individual s., but only 427 sq.; in its activity the s, is de- to the Highest S., 48,213 : the Perpendent on the Lord who impels it son within the sun and within the with a view to its former actions, eye different from the individual 34, lvii; 38, 58-61; imperfections S., 48, 237-42; only Brahman, but and suffering of the s. are not Brah- not the individual s. (not even when man's, 34, Ixii-Ixiv; 48, 406, 563 sq., released) is identical with the world, 607-11; released ss. participate in 48, 261; the meditating s. recogall the perfections and powers of nizes itself as being of the nature the Lord, with the exception of the of Brahman, 48, 269; individual ss. power of creating and sustaining the modes of the highest Brahman, 48, world, 34, lxxxv ; 38, 415-18; 48, 271, 406, 469 sq., creation results 214 sq.; although eternally un- from connexion of Prakriti and s.. changing and uniform, the H. S. 48,282, 490, 492; activity of the soul reveals itself in a graduated series depends on the Highest S., 48, 356, of beings, 34, 63; the real, inner 556-8; the enjoying s. the cause most s. and secondary ss., 34, of the world, 48, 378; ss. are one 64-6, 68, 72; difference of soul with Brahman in so far as they are and Highest S. due to limiting ad- its effects, 48, 391 sq.; Brahman juncts, viz. body, &c., 34, 104, abides within the s. which thus 281 sq.; 38, 340; 48, 100 sq.; the constitutes Brahman's body, 48, 392, "two entered into the cave' are the indi- 394, 469 sq.; mutual relation of s. 112 Digitized by Microsoft ®


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