of a S. repast consisting of raw food, 7, 168; after having partaken of a S., given a S., or been invited to a S., he must avoid connubial intercourse, 7, 222; S. of the gods, and S. of the manes, 7, 232, 251 sq.; new moon S., and S. on Ashtakâs and Anvashtakâs, 7, 233, 238-41; 34, 297 n.; rewards obtained by the performance of S., 7, 241-6, 256, 260; 25, 98, 126 sq.; one should avoid wrath, shedding tears, and being in a hurry when performing S., 7, 248; should be performed in an enclosed place, 7, 250; food for the manes must not be placed upon a chair, nor touched with the foot, nor sneezed upon, 7, 250; details about the S. repast, 7, 250 sq.; fit and unfit countries and places for S., 7, 255-60; a S. with sesamum, on the full moon day of the month Mâgha, 7, 266; sacred texts repeated at S., 7, 301; 15, 14; survivals of Brâhmanic S. in Buddhist funeral feasts and gifts, 11, xliii sq., 131-5; enumerated among public spectacles to be avoided by the Bhikkhu, 11, 192; fragments of S. meals are for the Manes of those who have died childless, 14, 52 sq.; to be offered by the heir, 14, 87, 87 n.; 33, 375-80, 385; Gaina monks should not accept food at S., 22, 92, 97; disposal of the cake offerings, 25, xxiii sq., 123 sq.; the Mânava Srâddhakalpa and Manusmriti on S., 25, xl-xliv; results of inviting sinners to S., 25, lxvii, 107-9; number of guests at S., 25, 98 sq.; different kinds of S., 25, 122, 122 n.; 29, 250, 251 n.; offered to three ancestors, 25, 366; Abhyudayika S. for joyful occasions, 29, 110-12; 30, 110 sq.; all ceremonies accompanied by an Anvâhârya S. (?), 30, 13, 13 n.; a S. in the rainy season, 30, 231; persons excluded from S. cannot be witnesses, 33, 86; local customs with regard to feeding Brâhmanas at S., 33, 389 sq. See also Ancestor Worship.
Sramana, see Samana. Sraosha, or Srôsh, obedient attention, angel of Obedience, 4, 89 n.;
18, 443; 31, xix, 69, 74, 127, 127 n.; comes to meet the departed soul and guides it to heaven, 4, 89 n., 373; 31, 15, 20, 20 n.; Rashnu, Mithra, and S., the three judges of the departed soul, 4, 89 n.; 18, 33, 33 n.; 23, 168; 24, 18; 37, 155, 155 n.; invoked and worshipped, 4, 101, 101 n., 136, 223, 230, 241; 5, 139, 402, 405; 31, 69, 74, 197, 205, 208 sq., 212-15, 218, 220 sq., 222, 224, 226 sq., 254, 256, 271, 274 Sq., 280, 319 sq., 325 sq., 345, 351-3, 358, 387 sq.; 37, 219; the Genius of Active Piety, and his holy bird, 4, 196-200, 196 sq. n.; first tied the Baresma and sacrificed to Ahura, 4, 196 n.; dialogue between the holy S. and the Drug, 4, 200-4; wields the club against the fiends, 4, 214; 5, 402, 405; 37, 279; pious, sovereign S., 4, 274; red chrysanthemum belongs to S., 5, 104; attacks Aeshm, 5, 128, 128 n.; 24, 33; Behrâm fire an assistant of S., 5, 185; messenger of Aûharmazd to mankind, 5, 224, 224 n., 226, 235; 31, 95 sq.. 101 sq.; the vigorous, 5, 228; comes three times to defend mankind against demons, 5, 366, 366 n.; ceremonial of S. during three days after a death, 5, 382-4; 18, 59-63, 240 sq.; 24, 310, 351; 37, 183; protects the soul from demons during three days after death, 5, 382, 382 n.; 18, 60; 24, 17, 17 n., 19 sq., 318 sq.; Vohûman in the thoughts, S. in the words, Ard in the actions, 18, 18 sq., 18 n.; 'the season of S.,' 18, 23 n.; takes the account of sin and good works, 18, 60, 66; dedication to S., 18, 447 sq.; who makes the world grow, invoked, 23, 6, 15, 40; the incarnate Word, invoked, 23, 9, 17, 36, 38, 159-67, 332, 339; comes for help and joy, 23, 26, 30; brings the liar into the power of Mithra and Rashnu, 23, 129; companion of Mithra, 23, 132, 145; praise and worship of S. in the Srôsh Yasts, 23, 159-67; 31, 296-306, 297 n.; Fravashi of S. worshipped, 23, 200; Fravashis invoked together with S., 23, 227; brother of Ashi Vanguhi, 23, 274; is tall and victorious, 23,
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