4. com, 39, 3th the
and all culture, 39, 139-41, 268-90, Man or the Master of the Tâo, 39, 292 sq., 295 sq., 305 sq., 328 sq., 135, 146 sq., 151, 153, 236-43, 237 328 n.; the Ruling Powers do no- n., 364-7; 40, 25 sq., 28, 33 sq., thing, but those subordinate to them 42 sq., 48 sq., 53-5, 75-84, 88-90, act, 39, 144, 334-8; antagonism of 105 sq., 110, 115-18; when he enT. to Confucianism, 39, 144 sq., 147, ploys his mind, it is a mirror, 39, 242 n.; 40, 192-201; 'vulgar 137, 266 ; low to become a perfect learning' contrary to the principles man, 39, 153, 246, 256 sq. ; 40, 48 of T., 39, 147, 368-73; 'Perfect sq., 77-82; the superior man, he Enjoyment,' what is it? 39, 149; 40, who does nothing, 39, 293 sq., 40, I-4, 107; transrotation of births in 60 sq., 286 sq. ; contrasted with T. and Buddhism, 39, 150, 40, 10n.; ordinary philosophers, 39, 303-5; the distress of those who disallow how he acts in accordance with the the great Taoist principle of doing Tâo, 39, 309 sq.; after living a nothing, 39, 154 ; 40, 97 sq., 98 n.; thousand years, he ascends among the principle of doing nothing and the Immortals, 39, 313 n., 314; thereby accomplishing everything, sages, the uncrowned kings, 39, 39, 154; 40, 104-6, 104 n., 285-8, 331 sq.; the perfect man who has 291-3, 314 ; submission to what is comprehended the Tâo, 39, 342 ; beyond our knowledge and controlthose whom the ancients called the highest issue of T., 39, 248, 258, 'Retired Scholars,' preserved the 258 11.; the usefulness of what is Tâo in their own persons, 39, 371 of no use, 40, 137 sq. ; the stages sq.; he has no thought of self, 39, attained to by a Taoist disciple, 378 sq.; he is the Great Conqueror ending with the attainment of the of all, 39, 385, 385 1.; the courage Great Mystery, 40, 146; longevity of the T. s., 39, 386; his attainas the aim of T., 40, 235 sq., 236 1., ments under the influence of his 270-2; its mysticism, 40, 247 sq., 'Heavenly constitution,' 40, 12-14; 257. See also Humility, Morality (d), the contemplation of the process of and Philosophy.
beginning and ending of all things, Tâoist sage (True Man of Tâo, is the delight of the T. s., 40, 46Perfect or Great Man), symbolized 8, 47 n.; sages, like rulers in court, by the dragon, 16, 57 sq., 58 sq. n., keep their face to the south, 40, 75, 409-11, 412 n., 416 sq.; his firm 75 n.; specimens of true men of and correct course finally leads to Tâo, 40, 91-4, 93 n., 114 sq.; success, 16, 83-5, 85 n., 86, 252, 'Heavenly Master,' title of a chief 252 sq. n. ; by humility he will be of Taoism, 40, 97, 97 n.; he leaves successful, 16, 89 sq., 90 sq. n.; no traces of his conduct, 40, 138; it is advantageous to meet with him, he only is able to enjoy himself, 40, 16, 141-3, 143 n.; his course is like 138 sq., 295; his happiness, 40, 160 that of the earth, 16, 214, 215 n.; sq.; the sagely man rests in what is sages, by their spirit-like ability, in his proper rest, 40, 205; the sage is vented the diagrams of the Yî for not at war in himself, 40, 206, 206 divination purposes, 16, 372 sq., n.; the True Man possesses both 374 n.; the sages who made the the True Knowledge and the Tâo, Yî were independent of it, 16, 404, 40, 280-3. See also Morality (d). 406 n.; the sage and the Spirit-man, Tâo Kih, see Kih. 28, 317-20, 317 sq. n., 320 n., 323, Tao-sing, assisted in the Chinese 325; the accomplished Taoist as translation of the Vinaya, 19, xxvi.
the Perfect Man,' the Spirit-like Tâo Teh King, or the Tâo and its Man,' and 'the Sagely Man,' 39, characteristics, t.w., Lâo-zze's 127 sq., 168-71, 192-4, 323 sq.; 40, treatise, 3, xxi sq.; editions, com140,214 sq., 274 sq.; certain Taoist mentaries, and translations of it, 39, sages who are crippled or deformed, xii-xviii, 6-8; a genuine production and yet perfect men, 39, 133, 223- of Lâo-ze, 39, xiv, 4-9; its histori34; characteristics of the True cal clements very vague, 39, 2;
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