Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 603
________________ 586 TRANSMIGRATION he who performs works, migrates of the world cannot proceed from through his works, led by the three a being subject to t., 34, 17; sinful Gunas, and following the three beings are re-individualized, sinless paths, 15, 257 sq.; the elemental ones are not, 35, 50; neither as the self (bhûtâtma), overcome by bright same nor as another is a man reand dark fruits of action, enters on born, 35, 63-5 ; a man who will a good or bad birth, 15, 295-300; not be re-born, is aware of the fact, by the dim rays of the sun a man 35, 65 sq.; he who will not be retravels on helplessly, to enjoy the born, feels bodily, but not mental fruits of his actions here, 15, 329; pain, 35, 69 sq.; that which is rethoughts alone cause the rounds of born is name-and-form, 35, 71-5; birth, 15, 333; it is difficult when if one dies with craving for existence born to be born as a human being, he will be re-born, if not, not, 35, 19, 369; 45, 15 sq., 42 sq., 249, 75 sq., where there are beings who 294, 331; a vision of beings leaving will be re-born, there time is, 35, 78; one state of existence to be born in the virtuous man re-born in heaven, another, 21, 10; through lust men the wicked in hell, 35, 93-5; there are tormented in the six states of can be re-birth without t., 35, 111; existence and people the cemetery t. and individuality, 35, 112 sq.; he again and again, 21, 48, 54; punish- who is about to be re-born knows ments in hell and t. of those who that he will be born, 35, 113; exscorn Buddha's law, 21, 92-5; plained, 35, 120; re-birth takes after hearing Buddha's law, beings place with the quickness of thought, are re-born, as gods or men, Indras, 35, 127 sq.; meeting of all kinds of Brahmas, &c., 21, 125; the three beings in various t., 35, 292; Budmisfortunes : being born in hell, dhism does not teach t. of souls, 36, among beasts, and in Yama's king- 142 n.; keeping the vows is like a dom, 21, 248; Gainas share the belief boat carrying to the other shore of in t. with Buddhists and Brâhmanic the ocean of t., 36, 256; the 'fagphilosophers, 22, xxxiii sq.; he who gots' (the body) consumed, while does not comprehend the causes of the fire' (the animating spirit) is sin is re-born to pain, 22, 2 sq.; men, transmitted elsewhere, 39, 131, 202, gods, hell-beings are produced by 202 n.; a Taoist statement of the regeneration, 22, ; Mahâvira, transrotation of births, 39, 150; 40, when he had reached Kevala, saw 9 sq., 10n; caused by the Tào, 39, all conditions of beings in their 249, 249 n. ; the pious monk bedifferent births, 22, 263 sq.; monks comes on leaving this body, either who follow the rules prescribed for a Siddha, or a god, 45,8; the fool's the rainy season will not be born death happens many times, the sage's again, or be born once, or twice, death at best only once, 45, 20; but never more than seven or eight souls gain human birth through times, 22, 310 sq.; of the soul into four causes, 45, 30 n.; the various vegetable or animal seed, 25, 17 sq., births of Kitra and Sambhûta, 45, 18 n.; the perpetual student will 56 sq. and n.; Bhrigu's sons abannot be born again in this world, 25, doned the world, hoping to escape 74; plants and animals destroyed the Wheel of Births, 45, 62; Mrigafor sacrifices, are re-born in higher putra remembers his former birth, existences, 25, 175 ; an ascetic shall 45, 89; Samudrapâla crossed the meditate on t. and recompense, 25, ocean-like flood of worldly exist209-12; acts which cause continu- ence and obtained exemption from ation of existence, and such as en- t., 45, 112; influence of the observsure cessation, 25, 503; debtor re- ance of the seventy-three articles born as slave in the house of the on the t. of the soul, 45, 161-73; creditor, to repay the debt, 33, the duration of the Lêsyâs in mun44; false witness will be re-born as dane existence (as denizens of hell, a woman, 33, 92; the origin, &c., brutes, men, and gods) detailed, 45, Digitized by Microsoft ®


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