Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 616
________________ UPOSATHA-USHNAPAS 599 the U., 36, 145, 150, 155, 270. Urvatat-nara, the ruler in the Vara Compare Pôsaha. of Yima, 4, 21, 21 n.; son of ZaraUposatha, n. of the elephant king thustra, 5, 118; 23, 204, 204 n.; of a Kakkavatti, 36, 128 sq. the younger, 23, 219. Uppalavannâ, n. of a Bhikkhunî, Usa, see Kâûs. Usadhan, son of Mazdayasna, 23, Uprightness, see Righteousness. 216; king of Iran, 23, 222, 222 n., Uragas, serpents, created, 7, 4. See 303. also Snakes. Usanâ, n. of a Rishi, 32, 392, 397. Uragasutta, t.c., 10 (ii), 1-3. Usânâ, n. of the Soma plant, 26, 20, 334. Uragasutta, t... 10 (i), 1–36... Isanas, chief among Urdhyamsrotas (Pali, Uddhamsoto), Usanas, chief among the discerning Buddhist t.t. for one who has ones, 8, 91, 91 n.; dialogue between reached the world of Ayrihas, 10 the daughters of U. and Vrisha(i), 57, 57 n. parvan, 14, xli, 237, 237 sq. n.; the Ürdhvanabhas, n. of Vayu, son of world of U., 14, 308; Dharmasastra the Maruts, 26, 198, 198 n. of U. quoted, 25, xxvii, xxvii n.; Urine, see Bull, Easing nature, Medi- quotes a Sûtra of Manu, 25, xxxv; cine, and Nirang. line of battle invented by U., 29, ūrmyâ, the night, invocation to, 234. 32, 357, 362. See also Night. Usenemah, n.p., 23, 225. Urûdhayant, the holy maid, 23, Ushah, the cock lifts up his voice 225. against the mighty, 4, 197, 197 n., Urûdhu, son of Pouru-dhâkhsti, 23, 199. 212. Ushahina, n.d., worshipped, 31, Urugadhasp, n.p., 47, 34. 197, 202, 205, 209, 215, 219, 224, Ururviga, n.p., 5, 143, 143 n. 387. Uruvela,, Buddha at, 13, 74, Ushas, the Dawn, morning prayer 116, 118-34. to, 26, 229 sq. n.; Bali to U., at Uruvela Kassapa, see Kâsyapa, the Vaisvadeva, 29, 320; invoked, and Uruvilvâ-Kâsyapa. 29, 343; 42, 161; 46, 281 ; Indra Uruvilva-Kâsyapa (Sk.), or Uru- tries to conquer U., 32, 145; is the velâ Kassapa (Pali), praises Buddha's mistress, Pragâpati the master of doctrine, as compared with sacri- the house, 41, 158 sq.; invoked in fices, &c., 13, 137-9; a distinguished a charm to promote virility, 42, 31; Arhat, 21, 2; one of the five U. and the rising sun dispel the hundred Arhats who are to become evils of the night, 42, 318; or future Buddhas, 21, 198; converted Sûryê, Sûryâ Sâvitrî, or Dyu, 42, by Buddha, 49 (i), 192; n. of a 661; the red one, the Dawn, Bhikshu, 49 (ii), 2. See also awakening all beings to welfare, Kâsyapa. goes along on her chariot, 46, Urvad-gâ, n.p., 5, 146. 358 sq. See also Dawn, and Sûryâ. Urvad-gâi-frâst, n.p., 5, 138, 138 n. Ushasti Kâkrayana, a sage, ate unUrvakhshaya, brother of Keresâsp, lawful food, when in danger of life, 18, 370 ; 23, 255, 255 n.; son of but refused to drink, 1, 18-21 : 38, Thrita, 31, 234. 30; 48, 701; questions YâgñaUrvarâ (the field), worshipped as valkya about Brahiman, 15, 128 sq.; a goddess, 29, 334. 38, 242 sq.; 48, 656-8. Urvasî, the lower arani, 12, 389 n.; Ushi-darena (Osdâstâr), Mount, 26, 91; 46, 305; mother of Va seat of holy happiness, worshipped, sishtha, 14, xii, 140; legend of U. 23, 11, 19, 33, 33 n., 283, 286, 309, and Purûravas, 26, 91, 91 n.; 32, 321 sq. See also Mountains. 307 sq.; 42, 521; 44, xiv, 68-74 : Us-hindu, Mount, in the sea Vouru49 (i), 113; an Apsaras, 42, 411; 43, Kasha, 23, 101, 10in. 108; the Urvasîs, i.e. the Apsarases Ushmapas (gods) alarmed at the such as U., 46, 318, 323 sq. greatness of Krishna, 8, 94. and Purûravas, 26, 24. xiv, 68-74: Visha, 23, 101, 101 normed at the Digitized by Microsoft ®


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