Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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________________ 604 VÂMADEVA-VARESHAVA tion, 25, 424; worshipped at the Vanity, absence of, 8, 103, :14-16, Tarpana, 29, 122, 220; honoured 166, 246; destructive of a man's as teacher, 29, 141; had obtained life, 8, 181; is dark conduct, 8, intuition of his identity with Brah- 320 sq. man and everything in the universe, Vânîya Kula of the Kaurika Gana, 34, lxv; 38, 37, 37 n., 101, 48, 71; 22, 292, became Brahman in his mother's Vanôfravisn, the Aspigân, 47, 34. womb, 38, 328; Brihaduktha, son Vapahoma, see Animal sacrifices (c). of V., 44, 302; Agastya and V., Vappa, is converted by, and receives seeking Râma, 49 (i), 93, 93 n. the ordination from Buddha, 11, Vâmadevya, see Prayers (c). 155 n.; 13, 99. Vâmaka, n. of a Rishi, 11, 172. Varadatta, at the head of the SraVâmakakshầyana, n. of a teacher, manas, under Arishtanemi, 22, 278. 15, 227; quoted, 41, 314; instructed Varahamihira, quotes Manu, 25, by Sândilya, 43, 345, 345 n.; pupil xcvii. of Vâtsya, 43, +04. Varakasa, n.p., 23, 212. Vâmanî, a name of the highest Self, Varanâ, t.t., that which wards off," 48, 272. the non-released soul abides in it, Vanand, Zd. Vanant, constellation, 34, 153. chieftain of the south, 5, 12, 13 n., Varanâvatî, river, its water wards 21; 24, 91, 91 n., 131; meat-offer- off poison, 42, 26, 376, ing to the star V., 5, 336; the star Varaprabha, n. of a Bodhisattva, V. worshipped, 23, 9, 16, 97, 97 n., 21, 21 sq., 26 sq.; the 23rd Tathâ351 ; the V. Yast, 23, 310. gata, 49 (ii), 6. Vanant, see Vanand. Varâza, 11.p., 23, 203, 205. Vânaprastha, t.t., Sk., the forester, Vardast, an author of the Sad Dar, or hermit, see Hermits. 24, xxxvii. Vanâra, n.p., 23, 205. Vardhamâna, see Mahâvîra. Vanasavhaya, n. of a town, 10 (ii), Vardhamânaka, one of the celestial 188. regions, 22, 190. Vanaspati, lord of the forest,' Vardhamânamati, one of the offerings to, 26, 208 sq.; 29, 352; 44, sixteen virtuous men, 21, 4. 3 n., 253 sq., 336 n. See Soma (c). Vâredad-gadman, Zd. VaredadVandaremaini, brother of Aregat- hvareno, one of the producers of aspa, fights against Vistâspa and the renovation, 18, 78 n., 79; 23, Zairi-vairi, 23, 80 sq., 80 n. 220, 220 n. Vand-Allharmazd, n. of a teacher, Varedat-hvarenah, or Varedad5, 246 sq., 257, 371. bvarenô, see Vâredad-gadman. Vandîd-khîm, epithet of Pêshyö- Varedhakas, a tribe, conquered by tanû, 5, 229, 229 n. Vîstâspa, 23, 117, 117 n., 280. Vanfraghesn, son of Yim, 5, 133, Varena, see Varenya. 133 n. Varenô, demon of lust, of illicit Vangantaputta, see Upasena V. intercourse, 5, 110; 18,93; 37, 253, Vanghu-dhâta, son of Hvadhâta, 253 n.; opposes Ard the righteous, 23, 215. 18, 270, 270 n. Vanghu-fedhri, the virgin mother Varenya daêvas, fiendish inhabitof Ukhshyat-nemah, 23, 195 n., 226, ants of Varena, V. fiends, 4, 140; 226 n. 23, 59, 224, 251, 292 ; spell against Vangîsa, desires to know the fate them, 4, 140, 140 n.; the female V. of Nigrodhakappa who had recently fiend, 23, 29; Ahura Mazda helps attained Nirvana, 10 (ii), 57-60; to smite them, 23, 33; flee from praises Buddha, 10 (ii), 73; saying Mithra, 23, 136, 144, 155; Fravashis of V. the Elder, 36, 322. protect from the female V. fiend, Vangîsasutta, t.c., 10 (ii), 57-60. 23, 197. Vânîdâr, son of Aîrîk, 5, 133. Vareshava, the Dânayan, smitten Vânigagrâma, Mahâvîra at, 22, 264. by Keresâsp, 18, 370; 23, 296. Digitized by Microsoft ®


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