Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 615
________________ from one 11n.; 13, 149 4e declaration 598 UPASAMPADÂ-UPOSATHA Upasampadà, Pali t.t., Ordina- for common residence and comtion, q.v. munion of U., 13, 249 sq., 253-8; Upâsanâ, or upâsana, Sk. t.t., about the ball in which the U. devout meditation, 34, lxxviii, cxiv, service is to be held, 13, 250-3, 22; 38, 203 n., 253 n. See Medita- 270-2; lawful and unlawful U. tion (a). services, 13, 258-60; how to fix Upasena Vangantaputta, ordained and to make known the day of U., a saddhiviharika one year after his 13, 268-70; the number of Bhikkhus own ordination, 13, 175 sq.; prac- to be counted on U. day, 13, 269; tised the thirteen vows, 36, 268 n., regulations about Bhikkhus who 270 sq. ; sayings of U., the Elder, cannot be present at the U., 13, 36, 289, 326, 328 sq., 331; con- 274-8; regulations concerning a verted by Buddha, 49 (i), 192. mad Bhikkhu who may or may not Upasîva, n. of a Brahmana, 10 (ii), be present at the U., 13, 278 sq.; 187, 197-9, 210. how the U. is to be held by an Upasîvamânavapukkhâ, t.c., 10 assembly of less than five Bhikkhus, (ii), 197-9. or by a single Bhikkhu, 13, 280-2; Upasruti, a demon harassing chil- regulations about confessions of dren, 29, 296; 30, 211. offences committed on U. day, 13, Upastuta, n.p., 32, 152 sq.; 46, 282-6; cases of incomplete assem32 sq., 35 sq. blies at U. services discussed, 13, Upasunda and Sunda, Asuras, 49 (i), 286-94; without the observance of 116. the U. no one can reach prosperity, Upatishya Sâriputra, see Sâriputta. 35, 291; restrictions as to going Upatissa, called Dhamma-senapati, from one residence to another on or Sâriputta, 11, i n.; 13, 149 sq. U. day, 13, 294 sq.; the pârisuddhi See Sâriputta. declaration of a pârivâsika should Upavaktri, see Priests (a, b). not be accepted, 13, 297; a special Upavala, see Uvala. U. allowed if a schism among the Upâvana, n. of a Bhikkhu, 11, fraternity has been composed, 13, 87 sq. 297 ; exceptional U. held, in order Upavarsha, a Mîmâmsaka teacher, to avoid quarrels with regard to quoted by Sabarasvâmin, 8, 32 ; his the Pavâranâ ceremony, 13, 350 sq.; views quoted and discussed, 34, regulations about holding U. with xxxvii, 206 sq. ; 38, 268. an expelled Bhikkhu, 17, 288-91; Upavasatha, Sk. t.t., see Fasting (a). after re-establishment of concord Upavattana of Kusinârâ, 11, 81, 85, among the Samgha, 17, 322 ; objec103 sq., 122, 247. tions against a Bhikkhu's taking Upavesi, pupil of Kusri, 15, 226. part in the U., 17, 338, 340; a Upavîra, demon harassing children, Bhikkhu under disciplinary pro29, 296; 30, 211. ceedings cannot raise objections Uposatha, Pali t.t. (the same as Sk. against a regular Bhikkhu's taking upavasatha), Buddhist Sabbath part in the U., 17, 373 ; Bhikkhus day,' 11, 251 sq., 251 n., 254 n.; placed on probation, allowed to the Pâtimokkha repeated on the share in the U., 17, 386; a Bhikkhu U. day, 13, x sq., 1, 241-6; Bim- placed on probation, must announce bisara suggests to Buddha the in- the fact at U. meetings, 17, 387; stitution of U., 13, 239 sq. ; regula- duties of Bhikkhunîs with regard to tions concerning the U. ceremony the U. ceremony, 20, 323; not to and the recitation of the Pâti- be held with a Bhikkhunî who has mokkha, 13, 239-97; the U. service been inhibited from the Exhortais to be held by the complete tion, 20, 336; laxer rule about fraternity of one residence, 13, 247, holding U. discussed at the council 249 sq., 253-8, 278; Arhats also of Vesâlî, 20, 386, 398, 410; Sashould come to the U. service, 13, manas keep the U. day, 36, 83; 247-9; rules about the boundaries meritoriousness of observance of sq.; the should od 13, 297 ; a spe Digitized by Microsoft ®


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