Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 614
________________ UPANISHADS- UPASAKA 597 nishad, discovered by Dr. Bühler, 1, studied to attain union with the lxxviii sq.; Aitareya-upanishad and supreme soul, 25, 203, 203 n.; Aitareya-aranyaka, 1, xci-xcviii, 155- recitation of U. frees from guilt, 268, 236; Aitareya-upanishad called 25, 482 ; U. and Aranyakas conBahvrika - brâhınana - Upanishad, 1, stitute the Grânakânda, 34, X; xcii; the Bahvrika or Mahaitareya. differing theories claim to be founded upanishad, different from the Aita- on the U., 34, xviii; their teaching reya-upanishad proper, 1, xcv-xcvii, according to Saukara, 34, xxiv-xxvii, 200 ; works on the Aitareya-upa- CV-cxiv; their teaching according nishad, 1, xcvii sq. ; three Upani- to Râmânuga, 34, xxvii-xxxi, cii; shads in the Aitareya-âranyaka, 1, meditation on the Lord in the way 200; the Samhitâ-u., or the third prescribed in the U. leads to final Aranyaka of the Aitareya-aranyaka, emancipation, 34, xxix; to guard 1, 247 n.; Ananda-valli and Bhri- the U. against misinterpretations on guvallî in the Atharvana-u., 15, the part of the Sâökhya, was the xxviii; Atmabodha-u., modern, 1, task of the Vedantin, 34, xlvi; what 52 n.; Muktika-u., 15, xliv; Sarva- is the relation in which those parts sara-u., 1, xcvii; Váruny-u., 15, of the U. stand to each other which xxviii; Veda-u., means Brahma-u., enjoin identical or partly identical 34, 94; Yágñiki-u., 15, xxvii. See meditations ? 34, Ixvi sq. ; differseparately Atharvasiras, Brahma- ent accounts of the U. as to the upanishad, Brâhmî-u., Brihad-aran- stations of the way which leads the yaka-u., Gâbâla-u., Garbha-u., Gopa- vidvân up to Brahman, 34, Ixxxii, latâpanî-u., Isâ-u., Katha-u., Khân- cvii-cxi; 38, 382-6; the philodogya-u., Kaushitaki-brâhmana-u., sophy of the U., its relation to BâdaKena-u., Kshurika, Külika-11., Mâ- râyana, Sarkara, and Râmânuga, dhyandinîya-brâhmana-u., Mahânârâ- 34, ci-cxxvii ; doctrine of Mâyâ yana-u., Mahopanishad, Maitrầya- not in the U., 34, cxvi-cxxi; the nîya-u., Maitreya-u., Mândûkya-u., soul comprehended by the U. only, Mantra-u., Mundaka-u., Nrisimha- 34, 36 sq.; Mantras and passages Tâpinî-u., Paingi-u., Prasna-11., referring to sacrifices which occur Ranâyanîyas, Samhitâ-u., Subala- in the U., cannot be viewed as u., Svetâsvatara-u., Taittirîya-u., supplementary to the vidyâs of the and Talavakâra-u. U., 38, 222-5; Mantras and sacri(c) THE TEACHING OF THE U. ficial works occur in the U., because Their highest object, the recog. they have to be studied in the forest nition of the self in man as identical as well as the vidyâs, 38, 225; 48, with the highest Self or Brahman, 644 sq.; stories met with in U., 1, xxv, xxx; 34, cxxi sq., 128, 317; their purpose, 38, 305 sq.; 48, 48, 3, 39, 174, 200; Schopenhauer 697 sq. ; the brahma-vidyâ in the and the U. 1, lix-Ixii, Ixiv ; U., 42, lxiji sq., Ixvi, ixix; refer to their teaching about knowledge immortality, 48, 7; doctrine, proand works, 1, 314-20; are the claimed by all U., that the entire couch of Vishnu, 7, 3; no philo- world forms the body of Brahman, sophical system in them, 8, 8, 13; 48, 135; the way of the soul of 34, ciii-cxv; summum bonum ac- him who has heard the U., 48, 277 ; cording to U., 8, 16 sg.; doctrines declare the gods to have bodies, of the U., and Buddhism, 15, xxvii, 48, 328; knowledge, in the sense li sq., rites for the welfare of the of the U., different from cognition embryo, for securing male offspring, of sense, 48, 692. See also Brahand birth ceremonies, treated of in man (h). the U., 15, 222 n.; 29, 179; Brahmâ Upapataka, see Sin (6). knows this, which is hidden in the Upasads, Sk. t. t., see Sacrifice U., in the Vedas, as the Brahma- (i). germ, 15, 256 ; recognize two Upasaka, Pali t.t., a lay devotce, supreme beings, 21, xxvii; to be 10 (ii), x. See Buddhist laymien. Digitized by Microsoft®


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