Upâli, the Nirgrantha, converted U. in Vedic literature, 1, lxv-Ixvii;
by Buddha, 19, 242; 45, xvi sq. 8, 20 sq.; 15, xxxii; the germs of Upâli, a young boy of Râgagaha the doctrines of the U. go back to with sixteen other young boys, be the hymns of the Rig-veda, 1. lxvi; come ordained, 13, 201 sq.
form a body of revealed truth (Sruti), Upananda, n. of a Nâga king, 21, 5. 1, lxvii ; 34, xi, ciji; different classes Upananda, disciple of Sambhûta- of U., 1, Ixvii-Ixx; their date, relavigaya, 22, 289.
tive age, 1, lxvii, lxix sq.; 8, 19; Upananda Sakyaputta, of the 15, xxxii sq.; list of the U. chiefly Sakya tribe, and his two novices studied in Bengal, 1, lxviii n.; the Kandaka and Mahaka, 13, 205, 214; twelve U. explained by Vidyâranya U. and King Pasenadi of Kosala, 13, in his Sarvopanishad-arthânubhâti321 sq.; food given to the Samgha prakâsa, 1, lxviii; number of U., 1, by a family with especial reference Txviii sq. ; language and metres of to the venerable U., 17, 75; spends the U., 1, lxix, lxxii sq., 148 n.; 8, the rainy season in one place, 15 sq.; principle on which the accepting a share of robes in an- passages from them have been other, 17, 238 sqq.; causes quarrels, selected and arranged in the 20, 198, 204 sq.; U. and the pre- Vedanta-sûtras, 1, Ixix; 34, xli-xlvi; cept by which gold and silver were critical treatment of the text of the forbidden by Buddha, 20, 392 ; an U.,1,Ixxi-lxxix ; 15,xxjii-xxv; diffientinent Arhat, 21, 3.
culty of translating the Upanishads, Upanayana, see Initiation.
1, lxxix; 15, xii-xx; works on the Upanishad, t.t., meaning of the U., 1, lxxxiv sq., lxxxviii, xci, xcvii; word, 1, lxvi, lxxix-Ixxxiv; a hymn principal part of the sacred science, of the Rig-veda called 'U.' 1, lxvi; to be studied, 2, II, III n.; the word U. used with different Bhagavadgîtâ and U., see Bhagavadmeanings in the Upanishads them- gîtâ; relation between the Sanatsuselves, 1, lxxxii sq.; means doctrine, gâtîya and the U., 8, 135, 141-7, 1, 136 sq. ; secret vow, 1, 280 sq.; and notes to 152-76, 178-81, 184with the U. as the bow, hit Brah- 94; relation of Anugîtâ to the man, 15, 36; secret meaning, mystic U., 8, 197, 200, 207–12, 215, 224, import, 15, 46; 38, 216 ; 43, 339, 226 sq.; not revealed by God, 8, 363 sq. ; 44, 155, 155 n.; true name 227; instruction received after and doctrine of the Self, 15, 105; studying the U., 8, 251 n. ; quoted, revelation, 15, 330 ; the Punsavana 14, 281 ; list of U. to which Sanand similar rites called “U.,' 30, kara refers in his commentary on xxi n.; the Pankarâtra called a the Vedânta-sûtras, 15, ix, ix n. ; great U., 48, 528; whatever he does Sankara's commentaries on the U., with knowledge, with faith, with the 15, x ; 34, xv: list of smaller U., 15,
U., that is more vigorous, 48, 682 sq., xi sq. : Ganaka Vaideha knows the 684, 688. See also Upanishads. Vedas and U., 15, 159 ; historical Upanishad-brâhmana, a name of groundwork of the U., 15, 161 n.; the Kbândogya - brâhmana ? 1, an Aryan must study the Veda with Ixxxviji; the last book of the Tala- the Rahasyas, i.e. U., 25, 56, 56 n., vakâra-brâhmana, 1, xc.
60; Vedânta, i.e. U. to be studied, Upanishads.
25, 59 n., 213, 213 n., 215; rules
for the study of Aranyakas and U., (a) The U. literature. (6) The teaching of the U.
29, 141-50 ; the teachers of the U.
belong to different sections of Brâh(a) THE U. LITERATURE.
manical society, some of them are Persian translation of the U.,1, lvii even Kshattriyas, 34, ciji; the sq., lviii n.; Anquetil Duperron's Atharva-veda in the U., 42, xl-xliii; translation of the Upanishads, 1, lviii- are of no use, 48, 346 sq.; see also Ixi, lxxxviii, xci; Rammohun Roy Scripture, Secret doctrines, and and the U., 1, Ixii-lxv; place of the Sruti:-MS. of the Aitareya-upa
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