Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 612
________________ UNDEVELOPED-UPALI 595 U. there is the Person, 15, 13, 22; Upadhi, Buddhist t.t., the elements 34, 237 sq., 243 sq.; 48, 354-8; of existence in the world, 10 (i), 94 means the body, and not the pra- 11.; (ii), x, 150; 13, 85 n.; pain dhâna, 34, xxxix, 237-52 ; that ele- arises in the u., 10 (ii), 5, 133, ment in Brahman, from which the 194 sq.; the Bhikkhu is not to see material universe springs, 34, cxix, any essence in the U., 10 (ii), 60, 243; is the body in the simile of the 62; overcome by Buddha, 10 (ii), chariot, 34, 239; 48, 357-9; means 94, 106, 186; freedom from U. or the subtle body, 34, 241 sq., 244; Nibbâna, 10 (ii), 201; when he has 48, 358; is Nescience, 34, 244; is become free from U., the pilgrim not mentioned as an object of know- finds in sin no pleasure, 17, 37 sq. ledge, 34, 246; the Ahamkâra or See also Nirvana. I an effect of the U., 48, 62, 72; Upagghaya, see Teacher (6). the U. is merged in the Imperish- Upagupta, successor of Sanavâsa, 19, able, 48, 125. xii, xiv. Unevolved, the, see Undeveloped. Upaka, a naked ascetic belonging to Ungrateful, penance for being, 7,177. the Agivaka sect, meets Buddha, 13, Unity and diversity of the Brahman 90 sq. and the world, 8, 374, 374 n.; the Upaka, or Upagana, a young Brahtrue sense of U.and denial of duality, man, Buddha's meeting with, 19, 48, 351-3; but see Brahman (d-g), 168-71, 168 n. Self (6), Soul (6), and World (a). Upakara, other name of Parikara, Universal Soul, see Self (b, d). 35, 287 n. Universal Weal, see Horvadad. Upakarana, or Upakarman, ste Universe, see World. Veda (c). Un perceived, see Undeveloped. Upakâsinî, a demon harassing chilUnseen principle, Sk. adrishta, t.t. dren, 30, 211. of the Sankhya and Vaiseshika philo- Upakosala Kamalâyana, taught by sophy, 34, li, 382, 406; 38, 75, 115, the sacred fires, 1, 64-7; 34, cv, 137 n., 166; the u.p. and the activity cviii, 126 sq.; 48, 273-7, 679. of the Lord are the operative causes Upakosala-vidyâ, the Upakosala of the world, 34, 382 ; the motion meditation,' teaches first Brahman in the atoms is due to it, 34, 387, as the cause, and then its various 388 ; is it to be considered as in- forms, 1, 64 n. ; 38, 219, 233-5; hering in the soul or in the atom? 48, 679. 34, 388; according to the Sankhyas, Upakurvâna, Sk. t.t., the Brahabides in the pradhâna, 38, 70; is makârin for a certain time only, 38, of the nature of religious merit or 318 sq. demerit and acquired through mind, Upali, the barber, the Vinaya speech, and body, 38, 70; refutation ascribed to him by tradition, 13, xii of the Sankhya and Vaiseshika sq. ; 20, 374-6; examines men who doctrines of the u. p., 38, 70-3; wish to become Bhikkhus, 13, 217, is due to the non-particular con- 220 ; questions Buddha about junction of the Selfs with the Vinaya regulations, 17, 276-80, internal organs, 38, 70 sq.; the 276 n., 317, 322 sq., 391 sq., 395; limitation of actions and their results 20, 265-71, 313-19; one of the cannot be caused by it, 38, 70 sq. principal Thera Bhikkhus, 17, 360 ; Untruth, see Truth son of Atalî, converted by Buddha, Upâdâna, t.t., 'grasping,' the source 19, 227; praised by Buddha as a of the five Khandhas, the cause of teacher of the Vinaya, 20, 206 sq.; pain, 10 (ii), 138; 11, 148 n.; the story of U. the barber who becomes inaterial cause of the world, 34, xxv. a Bhikkhu together with the Sâkya Upâdhi, t.t., limiting adjuncts of the princes, 20, 229 sq., 35, 163; saying soul, 34, xxvi, xxx, lvii, Ixii, Ixiv, xcv, of U. the Elder who carried the cxxi; 38, 153. See also Brahman Rules of the Order in his head, 36, (6), Mâyâ, and Soul (a). 368. 092 Digitized by Microsoft ®


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