Son of Suddhasures, 707 sở:04 Sq., 676, 602.8 84. 19,
Sauvîra, became a Gaina monk, 45, robes, &c., given to them, 20, 383 87, 87 n.
sq.; how Gopâla's mother became Udayanîyâ, Sk. t.t., completing the chief queen of U., 36, 146.
offering, 44, 402; but see Sacrifice (i). Udgâtri, see Priests (a, b). Udâyi, a Bhikkhu, had a crow's Udgîtha, t.t., explained, 1, i n.; voice, 13, 266; commits a Samgha- meditations on the U., 1, 1-17; 15, disesa offence, 17, 397-408; inhibited 78-84; 34, Ixxiv; 38, 247, 252-6, the exhortation of Bhikkhunîs, and 272-4, 282 sq., 282 n., 292, 303-5, then went away, 20, 336 sq.
321, 333, 345-9; 48, 8 sq., 19, Udâyin, tries in vain to make the 633-6, 664 sq., 676, 691, 696 sq.,
Bodhisattva enjoy worldly pleasures, 707 sq.; the U. of the dogs, 1, 21; 19, 38-46; son of Suddhodana's is the Pranava, 15, 307; U. and minister, converted by Buddha, 19, Aditya (the sun), 34, Ixxvii ; 38, 333, 227; 49 (i), 37-9, 43, 195 sq.; 346 sq. and n.; ether is the U., Buddha addresses U., 36, 4, 6. 34, 83; U. and Udgâtri, 38, 197; Uddaka Râmaputta, one of the never used to denote the syllable Om teachers to whom Gotama attached in its connexion with the Rig-veda himself after his pabbaggâ, 13, and Yagur-veda, 38, 199; the best 89 sq.; 36, 46.
of all essences, 48, 696 sq. See also Uddalaka Aruni Gautama, n. of a Om, and Sâmaveda. teacher, 1, xxxiii, 44; 15, 216 ; 34, Udgîtha-vidyâ in the Brihad-aranCV, cxv, cxviii; 38, 276; dialogue yaka and in the Khandogya-upanibetween U. and his son Svetaketu, shad, 34, 1xviïi; 38, 192-9. 1, xxxiii-xxxvi, 92-109, 271; 12, Udraka Râmaputra, the philosopher, xli; 15,1 n.; knows the Self called Buddha's meeting with, 19, 131, Vaisvanara, 1, 84 sq., 88; 43, 393 n.; 131 n., 142; 49 (i), 132, 132 n.; 48, 288; taught by Kitra Gângyâ- was dead, when Buddha began to yani, 1, 271-3; teacher of Yâgña- preach, 19, 167 sq. valkya, 12, xlii; 15, 132-6, 213, 226; Udumbara, see Trees, 48, 280 ; quoted, 12, 14; 26, 82, Udumbarikâ Sâkhâ of the Uddeha 413; 44, 37, 182 ; wished to obtain Gana, 22, 290. holy lustre, 12, 335 sq., 335 n.; Uduvâtika Gana, founded by BhaAruni Auddâlaki Gautama, father drayasas, 22, 291. of Nakiketas, 15, i n.; instructs Uggenî, n. of a town, 10 (ii), 188. Saukeya Prâkînayogya on the Agni- Ugra, n. of Rudra, offerings to, 29, hotra, 29, 58 sq. n., 44, 79-85; was 256, 352; 30, 221 sq.; 41, 159 sq. a householder, and yet taught his n. of Vayu, 41, 16o. son, 38, 288; challenges the Brâh- Ugradeva, n.p., 46, 33, 36. manas to a disputation, they choose Ugras, a class of Kshatriyas, 45, 71, Saunaka Svaidâyana for their cham- 71 n., 321, 339. See Caste (e). pion, U. A. becomes Saunaka's Ugrasena, a Parikshita, offered pupil, 44, 50-6; teacher of Proti horse-sacrifice, 44, 396; father of Kausâmbeya, 44, 153.
Râgîmati, 45, 113 n. Uddâlakâyana, n. of a teacher, 15, Ugrayudha, killed by Bhishma, 49 186.
(i), 113 sq. Uddâyana, see Udayana.
Úhâ, n. of a river in the Himalaya, Uddeha Gana, founded by Ârya 35, 109. Rohana, 22, 290.
Ukha, n. of teacher, worshipped at Uddhamsoto, see Urdhvansrotas. the Tarpana, 30, 245. Udena Ketiya, n.pl., at Vesâlî, 11, Ukhshan, son of Vîdi-sravah, 23, 40, 57 sq.
215, 215 n. Udena, a king and lay devotee, 13, Ukhshyat-ereta, the Saviour born
302; the ladies of King U. pay of Srûtat-fedhri, forerunner of homage to Ananda who preaches to Saoshyant, 23, 195 n., 220, 220 n., thern, 20, 382 ; questions Ânanda as 226 n. See Allshedar. to how the Bhikkhus dispose of Ukhshyat-nemah, Saviour born of S.B. IND.
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