anotheriv, xil t.com inately
Ushnih, see Metres.
Uttara, disciple of Mahâgiri, 22, Usig, Kakshîvat, son of, 12, 355; 289. family of priests who have first Uttarabalissaha Gana founded by established Agni, 46, 52 sq., 137, Uttara and Balissaha, 22, 289. 139, 182, 202, 205, 228 sq., 271 sq., Uttarakurâ, n. of the palankin of 341, 371; Agni called the U. of the Arishtanemi, 22, 277. gods, 46, 233, 261, 297; the U. Uttara-kuru, n. of a rich town, have opened the mountain-prison 35, 3; one of the four great conof the cows, 46, 309.
tinents, 35, 130. Usig, the, and the Karpan gave the Uttaramati, one of the sixteen kine to rapine, 31, 121.
virtuous men, 21, 4. Usinaras, n, of a people, 1, 300. Uttara - Mîmâmsâ(-sûtras sysUsinemah, n.p., 23, 212.
tematizes the Grânakânda, 34, x; Usmânara, son of Paêshatah Pain later than the Pûrva-Mîmâmsa, 34, tisrîra, 23, 203, 216.
x; another name for Vedanta-sûtras, Usnâka, n.p., 23, 214.
34, xii, xiv, xiv n. Uspaêsta-Saêna, n. of a family, 23, Utthậnasutta, t.c., 10 (ii), 55. 219.
Uvâla, the obstinately wrong Uspâsnu, n.p., 23, 216,
Bhikkhu, 20, 27-31. Ustavaiti, n. of a holy woman, 23, Uvarî, converted by Buddha, 19,
225; the Gatha U., 31, 91-144. 245. Ustâzanta, n.p., 23, 214.
Uzava, son of Tîmâspa, 23, 221, Ustra, son of Sadhanah, 23, 214. 221 n. Usurers, see Usury.
Uzayêirina, the holy lord of the Usury, penance for, 2, 87; usurer ritual order, worshipped, 31, 197, not to be invited to a Sraddha, 2, 201, 204, 209, 215, 219, 224, 383. 258; 25, 103, 109; sin of u., 4, 33, Uzya, son of Vanghu-dhâta, 23, 215. 33 sq. n., 103; 6, 44, 62; 9, 128 ; 25, 442; 33, 89; law about u. and lawful interest, 14, 14-16, 15 sq. n., 175; 25, 280, 280 sq. n.; 33, 65-8; food of usurer not to be accepted, 25, 161, 163 sq.; Brâhmanas who Vâd, n.d., the Wind, has the orangeare usurers, 25, 272; usurers con- scented mint, 5, 104; meat-offering nected with magic art, 44, 368, to V. the righteous, 5, 337, 337 n.;
368 n. See also Money-lending. invoked, 5, 403, 405. See also Ut, name of the person within the Wind. Sun, 34, 78, 79.
Vada, n. of a religious book, 42, xx. Utathya, Gautama son of, 25, xxvi Vadak, mother of Dahâk, 18, 217, sq., xxvi n., 78; husband of Ma- 217 n., 228, 228 n.; 47, 32, 136; matâ, 49 (i), 44 n.
produced evil progeny, 37, 185, Utayuti Vit-kavi, son of Zighri, 23, 185 n. 219.
Vadast, a Karap, 47, 143, 144 n. Utkila Kâtya, author of Vedic Vadavâ, and Sûrya, 49 (i), 138 n. hymns, 46, 272, 274.
Vadavâmukha, a Rishi, made the Utkrishta gotra, Vagrasena of the ocean salt, 25, 398 n. 22, 288.
Vadavâ Pratitheyî, worshipped at Utopias, see Paradise.
the Tarpana, 29, 123, 220. Utpalaka, n. of a Nâga king, 21, 5. Vaddha, the Likkhavi, falsely accuses Utsarga, see Veda (c).
Dabba, the Mallian, of immorality, Uttamaugas, n, of a warrior, 8, 37. his punishment, 20, 118-25. Uttaptavaidûryanirbhâsa, the Vadhaghna, see Dahâka. 30th Tathậgata, 49 (ii), 6.
Vadhût, the holy maid, 23, 225. Uttara,attendant Bhikkhu of Revata, Vâdhyoga, see Gihvâvat V. bribed by the Vaggian Bhikkhus, Vâê, see Vayu. 20, 402 sq.
Vabakht, n.p., 5, I46 sq., 146 n.
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