Vâêdhayangha, n.p., 23, 210. Vàgin, n. of a teacher, worshipped Vaêdist, Vaêdîstô, an ancestor of at the Tarpana, 30, 244. Zoroaster, 47, 34, 140.
Vâgiratna, n. of a teacher, worVaêdvôist, a Karap preached to by shipped at the Tarpana, 30, 244. Zaratûst, 47, 20 n., 55-7.
Vagra, n. of a Sthavira, 22, 288; Vâêgered, brother of Hôshầng, 47, disciple of Simhagiri, 22, 293. X, 8; cultivator and cherisher of Vagrabâhu, a royal sage, 19, 97; the world, 47, 128.
49 (i), 94. Vaesaka, struggle between Tusa Vagrakkhedika, t.w., a philosophical
and the sons of, 23, 66-8, 67 n. Mahâyâna-sûtra, 49 (ii), xii-xix ; Vaêtand-i Râghinốid, n.p., 5, 136. translated, 49 (ii), 111-44. Vafra Navâza, when flung up in the Vagranagarî Sakhâ of the Karana air by Thraêtaona, worshipped Gana, 22, 291. Anâhita, and came down unhurt, Vagrapâni, n.d., Avalokitesvara as23, 68 sq. and n.; reached the sumes the shape of, 21, 411. distant Rangha, 23, 326, 328. Vagrasena, n. of a Sthavira, 22, Vâga, n.d., one of the Ribhus, 44, 288, 293.
381 ; Savitri accompanied by Ri- Vagravâlukâ, n. of a river in hell, bhus, Vibhus, and Vâzas, 44, 480 ; 45, 94. plur., a name of the Maruts (?), 46, Va grî Sâkhâ of the Kautika Gana, 292, 294.
22, 292. Vâgapeya, see Sacrifice (j). Vaguttarâ, converted by Buddha, Vâgasaneya, see Yâgñavalkya. 19, 245. Vâgasaneyins, quoted, 34, 146, Vahidhrôs, n.p., 5, 146. 148; of the Kânva and Mâdhyandina Vahistôisti, a Gâtha, 31, 187-94. branch, 48, 278 sq., 281, 373; Vahmaêdata, son of Mathravaka, Vaisvânara-vidyâ of the V. (Brihad 23, 213. -âranyaka-up., 5, 9), 48, 290 sq. Vahman, the Amshaspand, interVâgasaneyi-Samhitâ, isa-upani- cedes for the soul, 4, 373 sq. shad and Sivasankalpa in the, 1, Vâhrâm, angel, his flower, 5, 104; lxvi; quoted, 38, 393 ; V. and Sata- the mighty, the victorious, 5, 228, patha-brâhmana, 44, xiïi sg.; on the 403, 405; the fire in which is V. Purushamedha, 44, xxxiin.
(Varahrân), 18, 65, 65 n.; the strong Vâgasra vas, n. of a teacher, 12, (Verethraghna) V. co-operates with xxxiii, xxxiji n.; 15, 226; 43, 390 the departed soul, 24, 17. n.; worshipped at the Tarpana, 30, Vâhrâm, son of Mâh-vindâd, 37, 244.
xxxvi. Vagaravaga, n. of a teacher, 12, Vẫhrâm Gor, Sassanian king, 5, xxxiii; father of Nakiketas, 15, 1. 200 sq., 200 n. See also Kusri V.
Vẫhrâm-shất, n.p., 5, 147. Vâgereza, n.p., 23, 213.
Vâhrâm the Vargâvand, or ShahVaggabhûmi, Mahâvîra travelled pûr, miracles at his birth, 5, li, 221, in, 22, 84.
221 n.; destroys the fiendish races, Vaggians, Agâtasattu's war against, 5, li sq., 223, 228 n., 229, 231 n., and Buddha's prophecy about them, 232. 11, 1-4; the ministers of Magadha Vâi, see Vayu. build Pâtaliputta, in order to repel Vaibhâshikas, Realists,' a school the V., 11, 18 sq. ; 17, 101; the V. of Buddhists, 34, 401 n. ; 48, 510. Bhikkhus of Vesali, their ten theses Vaibhràgra, a royal sage, 19, 97; relaxing the rules for Bhikkhus re- 49 (i), 94. jected by the council of Vesalî, 20, Vaidabhritîputra, n, of a teacher, 386-414.
15, 226 n. Vaggumudâ, n. of a river, 20, Vaidadasvi, see Purunilha V., and 375.
Taranta V. Vâgî, n.d., invoked at the house. Vaidarbhi, Bhargava, n. of a sage, building rite, 29, 347, 347 n.
15, 271, 274.
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