Trinaskanda, Maruts invoked for home, 1, 106 sq. n.; he who unthe people of, 32, 293.
derstands the T., declares the T.,1, Trisalâ, the Kshatriyânî mother of 121 ; is the abode of the BrâhmiMahâvîra, 22, xii sqq., 191 sq., 226, upanishad, 1, 153; the door of the 228-51; her other names Videha- T. is covered with a golden disk dattâ and Priyakârini, 22, 193, (the sun), 1, 313; by the T. the way 256.
of the gods is laid out, by which the Trisanku, poet, teaching of the Veda sages proceed to the highest place by, 15, 51 sq.
of the True One, 15, 39; True of Trisarana, or Buddha, Dharma, the T.,' a name of Brahman or the Sanglia, 10 (i), 51 n.
Self, 15, 105, 108; 38, 171; rests on Trishamdhi, invoked for help in the eye, on life (prâna), 15, 197; battle, 42, 126-9, 632, 637.
identified with the person in the Trishna, see Tanhâ.
sun, 15, 199 sq.; there is only one Trishtubh, see Metres.
vidyâ of the T., 34, Ixxii; 38, Trita, an Aptya deity, 12, 47-9, 245-7; ativâ din is one who declares 48 n.; slew Visvarûpa for Indra, 12, something beyond by means of the 47 sq. and n. ; 41, 250 n.; T. and T., 34, 163, 165 sqq.; its secret Thraệtaona, 31, 233 n.; Maruts names, ahar and aham, 38, 246. weaken those who are weakening See also Sat. T., 32, 296 ; a friend of the Maruts, Trust, see Property. 32, 297, 305, 325, 392 ; Trita or T., Truth: speaking the t. a proof of the scapegoat of the gods, 42, 165, being a (true) Brâhmana, 1, 60; 8, 521-8; in heaven blows upon 171; what is true (Om) is the flower Agni like a smelter, 46, 387; Dvita and fruit of speech. ... Therefore one and T., 46, 406.
should not say what is untrue, but Trita, see Trita.
guard oneself from it, 1, 230; when Tritsus, wear braided hair, 32, 424. promises need not be kept, 2, 204; Trivarsha, n. of a teacher, wor- speaking the t., a penance, an obshipped at the Tarpana, 30, 244.
servance, a vow, 2, 277, 297 ; 12, 4, Trivrishan, father of Tryaruna, 46, 273; 25, 476 ; 29, 319; 44, 240 ; 48, 420 sq.
301, 303 ; sin of, and penance for, Troy ("Idios, vilu), siege and con- speaking untruth, 2, 290 sq. ; 7, 135, quest of, 32, 44.
139, 176 ; 25, 155, 444 ; is the best True, the (sat or satyam, Tò Övtws thing, the highest virtue and duty, ov), is Âtman and Brahman and all 4, lxii; 5, 396; 10 (ii), 30; 25, 156; this, 1, xxx sq., xxxiii, 130, 278 sq.; 33, 93; 37, 282-4 ; falsehood the 15, 58, 190 sq., 311, 335; 34, cix, chief of all sins, 4, 35 n.; 5, 396; 167, 267 ; 38, 216 sq., 234; when 10 (i), 61; 24, 322 sq.; truthfulness a man sleeps, he becomes united required of a priest, 5, 348; the allwith the T., 1, 98 sq., 98 n. ; 34, importance of t., 7, 51 sq.; the 350 ; 38, 210; all these creatures, my mind is purified by t., 7, 97; 14, son, have their root in the T., they 165, 287; 25, 188; 33, 93 ; one dwell in the T., they rest in the 7., purified by veracity, sanctifics a 1, 100; creatures, when they have company, 7, 254 ; ascetic to utter become merged in the T. (either in speech purified by t., 7, 280; 25, sleep or in death), and when they 207 ; truthfulness one of the twelve have come back from the T., know great observances of a Brahmana, not that they are merged in the T., 8, 167-70, 182 ; the world rests on or have come back from it, 1, t., immortality depends on it, 8, 101 sq.; now that which is that subtile 170; 33, 93 sq. ; 48, 540 ; is the essence (the root of all), in it all that Sastra at the allegorical sacrifice exists has its self. It is the T. It is of concentration of mind, 8, 280 ; the Self, and thou, O Svetaketu, art it, what is t.? 8, 311, 314; those whose 1, 101-9; though you do not per- final goal is concentration of mind, ceive it, exists, 1, 105; is our real are full of t., 8, 315; the Brahman
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