201-3; conditions of the soul at the time of death causing good or bad births, 45, 230-2; knowing the endless circle of births, a wise man should wait for his decease, practising self-control, 45, 286; the faithful will either make an end of their mundane existence, or become like Indra, 45, 292; all beings subject to t., men seduced by their senses and by women are born again and again, 45, 318; the evildoer wanders from womb to womb, from birth to birth, from death to death, from hell to hell, from pain to pain, 45, 377; Gainas should believe in the fourfold circle of births, 45, 408; Gainas and Vedântins hold the same views about t., 45, 417; beings now movable will become immovable beings, and it will never happen that either movable or immovable beings should die out, 45, 421-33; all living souls from Brahmâ down to the blade of grass, experience the fruits of action, 48, 156; the Lord hurls the evil-doers perpetually into t. and into demoniac wombs, 48, 558; embodiment in non-moving beings the result of evil decds, 48, 599. See also Death (b), Heaven (d), Karman, Life, Samsâra, Soul (c, d), and Works (c). Trapusha, a merchant who worships Buddha, 49 (i), 166 sq. Trasadasyu Paurukutsya, author of a Vedic hymn, 46, 420 sq. Travelling, rules relating to it, 7, 199-204; ceremonies for one travelling from home, 24, 315 sq. See also Child (6), Fire (d), and Sea. Trayastrimsa, see Heaven (b). Trayî Vidyâ, see Veda (b). Treasure-trove, see Property. Trees, live, pervaded by the living Self, 1, 102 sq., 103 n.; the cleanser delights the t., 4, 133; spell to purify t., 4, 144; the holy t. invoked, 4, 221; healing plants grow round the tree of eternal life, 4, 226; the chief of t., 5, 90 sq.; t. as omens, prayers and ceremonies on passing boundary t. and well-known large t., 7, 200; 14, 171; 25, 135; 29, 367; 30, 49, 122, 181, 262, 269; worshipped, 7, 213; 25, 91; 31,
362; 49 (i), 191; merit of planting t., 7, 270 sq.; list of t. which are the princes among t., 8, 346; the great tree of Brahman, 8, 370 sq., 370 n.; sacred t. as refuge, 10 (1), 51; the t. suitable for sacrificial purposes, 12, 90; 26, 38, 38 n.; tree-deities, 13, 126; 49 (i), 168 sq.; fruit t. and flowering t. not to be injured, 14, 97; people believe that life dwells in t., 17, 22; tree-Devas appear with half their body visible at the birth of Buddha, and worship the infant Bodhisattva, 19, xix, 345, 349; houses in t., 22, 145; a Gaina monk should not point at sacred t. with his fingers, 22, 145; boundaries marked by t., 25, 298; fine for injuring t., 25, 304, 304 m.; prohibitions against cutting down t., 27, 256, 259, 265, 270, 274, 278; only to be felled at the proper season, 28, 227 sq.; with a new chariot one should drive round a widely-known tree, 29, 210; certain t. sacred to different gods, 30, 122; t., i. e. the dryads, talk, 35, 241 sq.; Arhats compared with t., 36, 355; a stolen tree, 37, 71; felling t., lawful and unlawful, 37, 120, 127; stories of wonderful t. which are useful by being useless, 39, 132, 217-20; Kwang-zze shows the use of an apparently useless large tree, 40, 27; crime of employing poison to kill t., 40, 241; branches of certain t. used for making sacrificial bowls, 41, 67, 83 sq.; amulets from certain t., 42, 81-8, 605; Soma lord of t., 43, 76; created, 43, 76; the greenhaired and gold-haired t. worshipped, 43, 151, 154; certain t. from which stakes are made, originated from parts of Pragâpati's body, 44, 373-5; pegs of different t. fixed on making the tomb, 44, 436 sq.; Yakshas living in t., 45, 50 n., 51; the tree invoked in the Aprî hymns, the sacrificial post, 46, 9, 12, 180, 237, 239; ritual acts referring to the sacrificial post and tree-worship, 46, 253 sq.; Buddha, a tree of paradise, 49 (i), 157; meditations of Buddha under several t., 49 (i), 165; --El 'Huzzâ worshipped under the form of an acacia tree, 6, xii; sce
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