devotee is released from the existence, the wise who have destroyed shackles of repeated birth and their seeds of existence, and whose death, 8, 49, 313; Arguna has desires do not increase, go out like this passed through many births, 8, 59; lamp, 10 (ii), 39; the wise who know meritorious acts lead to birth in whence sin arises, drive it away, good families, 8, 72 sq. ; ali worlds they cross over this stream that is return, but after attaining to Krish- difficult to cross, with a view to not na there is no re-birth, 8, 79 sq., 107; being born again, 10 (ii), 46, 167; sacrificers go to the world of the a wicked Bhikkhu, having gone to gods, whence they are re-born again, calamity, from womb to womb, from 8, 84; future births depend on the darkness to darkness, after passing prevalence of the three qualities, 8, away, goes to pain, 10 (ii), 47; 105, 108 sq., 321 sq., 325; one liberation from t.is Nirvana, 10 (ii), should seek the seat from which 57-60; an Ariya is one who is not those who go there never return, 8, re-born, 10 (ii), 92; having abanH11 sq.; driven on by egoism, ava- doned sensual pleasures, let him rice, thirst, carelessness, foolish men cross the stream, and go to the undergo again and again birth and other shore, 10 (ii), 146, 148, 194 decay, 8, 153 sq., 302 ; 10 (i), 78, sq., 200 sq.; foolish men desire re80-4; 15, 13; 22, 18-20; the iterated existences, 10 (ii), 147 sq., Siddha perceives the t. of souls, 8, 160, 162, 196 sq.; a Brâhmana who 232 ; Siddhas, saints, Arhats, and does not depend on philosophical Buddhas, remember previous births, views, having gone to the other 8, 234; 10 (ii), 116; 35, 122 sq.; shore, does not return, 10 (ii), 153 49 (i), 148; (ii), 12 sq., 49, 53; sq.; he for whom there is no death and all beings are constantly distracted with no re-birth, how can he tremble or debirth and death, and ... are seen aban- sire anything? 10 (ii), 172 ; leave the doning their bodies, or entering the
body and desire behind that thou quomb on the exhaustion of their pre
mayest never come to exist again, vious actions, 8, 237; those who per
10 (ii), 209; is due to not underform actions (Karman) and rejoice standing the four Noble Truths, in this world are born again and 11, 23 sq.; 17, 104 sq.; he who again, 8, 378; 22, 37 sq.; no new possesses the Mirror of Truth, is births are in store for the Arhat, the not liable to be re-born as an aniBuddha, the Muni, 10 (i), 28; (ii),
mal, or a ghost, or in any place of 25, 27, 34; 17, 9 sq. ; 20, 385 ; woe, 11, 26 sq.; the gods liable to some people are born again, others t., 11, 163; Buddha's knowledge of go to hell, or heaven, 10 (i), 35, 35 past and present births, 11, 209; n. ; looking for the maker of this taber how the Bhikkhu can be freed from nacle, I shall have to run through a re-birth, 11, 213; how a Bhikkhu course of many births, so long as I do may obtain the super-human power not find him); and painful is birth of seeing beings pass from one again and again. But now, maker of existence to another, 11, 216 sqq. ; the tabernacle, thou hast been seen; a Brâhmana who eats the food of a thou shalt not make up this tabernacle Sûdra will be re-born as a pig or a again, 10 (i), 42 sq.; 35, 275 n.; Sûdra, 14, 38 sq.; freedom from he who is free from guilt, will not future births is certain for the enter again into birth and decay, ascetic, 14, 47, 274; bad wives re10 (i), 60; he who has destroyed born as animals, 14, 112; 25, 332; the germs of new births, is a true freedom from t. through final Brâhınana (Arhat), 10 (i), 94 sq.; liberation acquired by learning, 14, those who understand the noble 137; according to their work and truths will not have to take the to their knowledge, some enter into eighth birth, 10 (ii), 38; the old is organic beings, others into inorganic destroyed, the new has not arisen, those matter, 15, 19; how do men come whose minds are disgusted with a future back to this world ? 15, 204, 209;
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