is the t., penance is the t., Pragâpati entire in the Krita age, 25, 22, 22 n.; is t., the entities are born from t., truthfulness is better than silence, the universe is the t., 8, 315; is of 25, 45; no untruth must be uttered the quality of goodness, 8, 325, 373; at a Srâddha, 25, 117 sq. ; who is only the Kshetragña attains to the dishonest in speech, is dishonest in t. which is great and transcendent, everything, 25, 168; necessity of 8, 351; veracity, the duty of house- speaking t. in a court of justice, 25, holder, Brahmakârin, hermit, and 254 ; witnesses admonished to speak ascetic, 8, 360, 362, 364; the ascetic the t., 25, 268-71 ; falsehood allowed understands all t., 8, 366-8; aban- for pious ends, 25, 272; speaking doning both t. and falsehood, a untruth verbal sin, 25, 484; man is creature is emancipated, 8, 370; impure in that he speaks untruth, cutting the tree of worldly life with 26, 8, 16; whosoever walks in the the sword of knowledge of t., 8, way of the gods, walks in the way 371; ye shall speak no lie, 10 (ii), of t., 26, 344; truthfulness and har65 sq.; 11, 253; t. verily is immortal mony the things advantageous to speech, this is a true saying, 10 (ii), men,' 27, 380, 388, 393; prayer 73 ; what the world considers true, addressed to Brahman and T., 29, is false, what the world considers 150; on new and full moon days let false, is true, 10 (ii), 142 sq.; for the him strive to speak the t., 30, 28; t. is one, there is not a second, 10 (ii), for truthful speech Ahura Mazda 168 sq.; if an elect disciple possess- rules with absolute sway, 31, 39, 51; eth the Mirror of T. he may be Zoroaster abjures the sin of disassured of final salvation, 11, 26 sq.; honesty and lying, 31, 69, 73; the Bhikkhu always speaks the t., Snâtaka must always say the t., 35, 11, 190; gods are the t., man is the 150; what kind of sin is a deliberate untruth, 12, 4, 16; 26, 63, 238; the lie? 35, 268-70; keeping and breakeye is t. (what one sees is true), 12, ing promises, 37, 69; necessity for 78; 26, 285; he who speaks the t., maintaining the t., 37, 72 sq.; a t. worships the fire, 12, 312 sq.; only that is wicked, 37, 149; self-injury by not speaking at all one speaks of a liar, 37, 193 sq.; Astâd and no untruth, 12, 313, 452; by a de- Mitrô watch over t., 37, 210; liberate lie, a Bhikkhu commits a promises must be kept even with pâkittiya sin, 13, 32; Buddha re- the wicked, 37, 210 sq.; fire assisted bukes Upananda for not keeping by t., 37, 355; supports the earth, his word, 13, 322; cases when speak- 42, 199; the gods hold fast to t., ing untruth is permitted, 14, 83; the Asuras to untruth, 43, 257; he miracles performed by the mystic who speaks t. prospers in the end, Act of T., 21, 384 sq.; 35, 180-5, 43, 257 sq. ; is the threefold lore, 180 n., 185 n.; that is t. beyond 43, 258, 258 n.; libations of ghee doubt, what has been declared by the identified with law and t., 44, 40; Ginas, 22, 49 sq.; four kinds of ghee is t., t. sacrificed in faith, 44, speech: t., untruth, t. mixed with 46; one rule the gods indeed keep, to untruth, neither t. nor untruth, 22, wit, the t.: let him therefore speak 150; the Gaina's second vow to nothing but the t., 44, 85, 447; the renounce all lying, with its five purificatory bath at the sacrifice clauses, 22, 204 sq.; how Mithra to the Brahman,' i.e. the Vedapunishes the liar, 23, 119 sq., 124-6, study, is t., 44, 96; those of old 1 28-30, 135, 137, 139 sq., 146 sq.; became glorious, t.-speaking and good for all the world, 24, 26; the faithful to their vow by the three speech of him is most proper who great rites, 44, 144 ; at the first speaks t., 24, 77; the power of t., age of the t.' (?), 44, 276; whatever 24, 120, 323 sq.; the worst sin of untruth man speaks here is unbreaking a promise, 24, 287 sq.; 37, mixed with earth, as it were, 44, 195 ; to be sincere and true, a prin- 446; the righteous one is t., and the ciple of Zoroastrianism, 24, 329; is sun is the t., 44, 457; the divine
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