Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 588
________________ TÃO 571 characteristic inaction or passion- those who conduct government less and purposeless action, 39, 149; according to the Great T. con40, 3 sq., 59; doing nothing the trasted with those who rule in essential condition of the T., 39, a spirit of ostentation and by 161, 261 n.; is injured by disputa- oppression, 39, 96 sq.; he who has tions, 39, 186; is self-existent, in himself the attributes of the T. produced heaven and earth, was is like an infant, 39, 99; the man before all things, independent of of T. is humble and retiring, the space and time, 39, 243 sq. and n.; noblest man under heaven, 39, 100; a great founder, heaven and earth government according to T. is alone a great melting-pot, 39, 249 sq.; effective, 39, 100-5, 108 sq., 136, He gives to all things their blended 259-62, 267 n.; the guarding of the qualities, and does not count it any T. ensures long life, with vigour righteousness; Ilis favours reach to all and success, 39, 103; nothing is generations, and He does not count it useless, if used Taoistically, 39, any benevolence; He is more ancient 128; 40, 27 sq.; the passionless perthan the highest antiquity, and does formance of duty, the method of the not count Himself old ; He overspreads T., 39, 130, 198-201; is the Master heaven and supports the earth; He of the T. still a man'? 39, 134, carves and fashions all bodily forms, 234 sq.; the True Man of T. knows and does not consider it any act of skill; the difference between the Heavenly - this is He in whom I find my enjoy- (= Taoistic) and the Human in ment, 39, 256, 332; overspreads and man, 39,134 sq., 236 sq.; the True sustains all things, 39, 309; if there Man or the Master of T., 39, 135, were not the T., there would be no 236-43, 237 n.; ancient personages life, 39, 310; its universal compre- and superhuman beings who got the hension and unfathornableness, 39, T., 39, 135 sq., 244 sq.; genesis of 342; nothing can be effected with- the knowledge of the T., 39, 136, out the T., 39, 361; the Great T. 246 sq. and n.; knowledge of the has no name, no passions, no bodily T. makes men superior to the form, but It produced everytling, infirmities of age, 39, 136, 245 sq.; to be found only in a spirit-like (c) THE T. AS A PATTERN of energy working imperceptibly and MORALITY; POSSESSING AND KNOW- controlling all phenomena, 39, 145; ING THE T. what really belongs to man is the Paradisiacal state of simplicity T., sufficient for his happiness, 39, under the guidance of the T., 39, 155; they who possess the T. 26-8, 139-41, 277-80, 287-90; culti- refuse worldly honours, even a vation of the person according to throne, 39, 157; 40, 149-65; is to the T. the best qualification for the be loved more than Heaven, 39, highest offices, 39, 56 sq., 97 sq.; 241 sq. and n.; he who has the T. the full possessor of the T. is like looks upon death not as a calamity, heaven, 39, 60, 11 sq.; end of the 39, 249-55 ; unity with the paradisiacal state when the Great mysterious Heaven, or the Great T.' ceased to be observed, 39, 60-2; Pervader, the aim of the Taoist, 40, 312 sq., 316 sq.; possession of 39, 255, 257; to be good means to the T. confers intelligence and possess the qualities of the T., 39, might, 39, 65 sq., 75 sq.; what is not 274 sq.; even in the non-action of in accordance with the T. soon the Master of the T. there are comes to an end, 39, 73, 99; affords things he must do, 39, 305 sq., a pattern of moral conduct, 39, 305 n., without comprehending the 82 sq., 96, 309 sq.; practice of the T., no course can be pursued T, conduces to contentment and successfully, 39, 306; the ancients happiness, 39, 88 sq., 151; 40, 31-6; who ruled according to the T. did the world can only be won by the nothing, and everything was done, T., not by learning, 39, 90 sq.; 39, 307 sq.; pure simplicity of the 40, 249. Digitized by Microsoft®


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