Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 587
________________ 570 TÂO cannot be described by any name 316; was before Heaven and Earth, -neither speech nor silence is 40, 290, 293 ; is It existing or nonsufficient to convey the notion of existing? 40, 291-3; cannot be It, 39, 154 sq. ; 40, 126-30, 126 n., called a "Mystery,' 40, 292; Its 130 n.; heaven as a synonym of T., omnipresence, 40, 292 ; praised, 40, 39, 178 n., 182 n., 185 n., 196, 319. See also God (b), and Heaven (a). 196 n., 229 n., 234 n., 278 n.; 40, (6) ITS WORKING, ITS POWER AND 61 n.; the true Governor,' accord- INFLUENCE. ing to Kwang-zze, 39, 179 n.; the Genesis of all things, under the Great T. does not admit of being guidance of T., 39, 21; the T. as praised, 39, 189; is · The Heavenly promotive of longevity, 39, 23-5, Treasure-House,' 'The Store of 51, 146, 298 sq., 299 n., 331, 364; Light,' 39, 190; the Central Ele- acts as a kind of talisman, 39, 25 sq., ment of our nature, 39, 198; the 99; proceeds by contraries, 39, 26, ever-during Thing, 39, 242 sq., 31, 48, 78, 83-6, 88, 102, 106-8, 242 n.; that Itself on which all 112 sq., 123 Sq.; 40, 262-4; growth things depend, and from which of knowledge caused the decay of every transformation arises, 39, 243; T., 39, 28-30; the Author of all no one knows Its beginning, no one things, the Creator, the Originator knows Its end, 39, 245, 382; 40, of heaven and earth, the Mother of 293; the perfect T. explained by all things, 39, 47, 67 sq., 82-4, 94 Sq., Kwang Kbăng-3ze, 39, 297-3oo ; 247-50, 256 ; 40, 28, 2o5, 205 n., always One, and yet requiring to be 249, 288, 290 ; its operation is quiet modified, 39, 305; the Way of and unceasing, 39, 50; the spirit of Heaven, and the Way of Man, 39, the valley,' a name for the activity 306, 306 n.; admits of no substitute, of the T., 39, 51; produces all 39, 348; the Perfect Music illus- things, but does not claim them as trating the T., 39, 348-51, 348 n.; its own), 39, 54, 76 sq., 93 sq.; its stupidity akin to the T., 39, 351; silent, but all-powerful operation in Lâo-zze instructs Confucius about nature, in man, and in government, the T., 39, 354-7 ; aimlessness of 39, 59 sq.; an antidote against the T., 40, 51, 51 n.; the Complete, decay and death, 39, 60, 92 sq.; thie All-embracing, the Whole, the production of material forms from One, 40, 66 sq.; cannot be known the T., 39, 64 sq.; its non-active or named, 40, 68-70; personified and yet all-efficient operation, 39, as 'Non-entity,' 40, 70, 70 n.; 70, 79, 106 sq.; 40, 88, 127, 129 sq., characteristics and attributes of the 262; its relation to the world, 39, T., 40, 84 sq., 105 sq., 267, 280 ; 75; the Great Image of the invisible Tâ-kwei, a personification of the T., its inexhaustible efficacy for the T., 40, 96 n.; the T. as described good of the world, 39, 77; compreby the robber Kih, 40, 174 sq.; hends and rules all Lâo-zze's teachthe T. is the course by which all things ing, 39, 112 sq.; all creatures find should proceed, 40, 201; the Grand their happiness in T.,39, 127, 164-7; Unity, the Grand Purity, the Grand the panacea for the evils of conRest, 40, 206 sq.; is twofold: the troversy, 39, 129, 181-5, 196, 196 n.; Pure and the Turbid, Motion and the characteristics of the T. and Rest, 40, 250 sq.; the Perfect T. their influence on man, 39, 133, cannot be heard and seen, can only 223-35, 225 n., 231 n.; the author of be described by Itself, 40, 265 sq.; all the transformations of things, is in heaven and earth, 40, 267 ; the 39, 133, 224, 224 n.; how the T. nature of the T. and the use of lifts men above deformities of the knowledge, 40, 275-9; is originally body and all calamities, 39, 136, one, 40, 277, 291; the Mind, the 247-9, 255-8; the greatness of the T., the Heavenly, and the Human T. in its spontaneity, when it has are simply One, 40, 281; the Root obtained complete dominion over and Origin, 40, 290 sq., 293, 313, man, 39, 145, 148 sq., 374-85 ; its defor: all 7.9, 2. Digitized by Microsoft ®


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