Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 596
________________ THEFT_THREAD-GIRDLE 579 the five principal sins, 10 (i), 61; of Khi and stole his state, 39, 282, all sort of th. to be avoided, 10 (ii), 282 n. 65 sq.; ye shall not take that which Thien Mâu, of Khi, violated a treaty has not been given, 11, 189, 253; 13, with King Yung of Wei, 40, 118, 235; the Bhikkhu who commits th., 118 n. falls into defeat, 13, 4; penalties Thien Phien, a Taoist professor for th. with and without violence, who did not know the true Tao, 24, 326-8; punishment of officials 40, 223-5. for stealing, 25, 259; stolen property Thien Zze-fang, at the court of the must be restored, 25, 260; thieves, Marquis Wån of Wei, 39, 151 sg.; robbers, burglars are 'thorns,' 25, 40, 42 sq. 387; punishments for th. in future Third Place, sce Future Life (b). births, 25, 440; various kinds of th., Thirst, explained, 1, 100; sacrifice 25, 441, 443 sq., 443 n.; is sinful to Th., 30, 128. See also Tanhâ. bodily action, 25, 484; violating Thou art that, see Brahman (f). truth, a kind of th., 33, 95, 95 n.; Thought, thoughts: harbouring evil clandestine sale of stolen articles, th, belongs to the quality of passion, is considered as th., 33, 144 sq.; 8, 323; the characteristic quality of robbers of human beings and quad- mind is th., 8, 348, 350; all that we rupeds, 37, 427; charm against are is the result of our th., 10 (i), robbers, 42, 147 sq., 367; he who 3 sq.; guard your th., 10 (i), 12-15; takes away land may be slain as an th., word, and deed, 10 (i), 28, 28 assassin, 45, 19. See also Judicial sq. n., 59, 85, 87, 90, 11, 1o; reprocedure. lation between th, and the senses, Theogony, see Gods (b). 35, 89-92; good th., see Morality Theopompus, and Zoroastrianism, (c). on the periods of the world, Thoughtfulness, dams the streams 4, liv. of desire, 10 (ii), 190 sq. Theosophists, not Buddhists, 35, Thoughtlessness, opp. to earnest268 n. ness, 10 (i), 9-11. Thera-Gâthâ, t.w., quoted in Milin- Thraêtaona, and Traitana, 4, lii; dapañha, 35, xli. Thera-paramparâ, or lists of Elders Tûra, 4, lix, 255; 23, 222 n.; smote in the Ceylon chronicles, 11, xlvii. Azi Dahâka, 4, 9, 9 n., 226, 245; Theras, Buddhist t.t., Elders, senior 23, 61, 113, 242, 254 sq., 277, 294, priests, 10 (ii), x; the Bhikkhus' 307; 31, 233, 233 n.; the functions duties towards Th., 11, 6; as au- of Thrita ascribed to Th., 4, 226; thorities for the true teaching of invoked against brigands, 4, 245 sq. ; Buddha, 11, 66-70 ; never go about invoked in spells and incantations, in public alone, but are always ac- 4, 246 ; 23, 69 n.; Th. and Trita, companied by a Sâmanera, 11, 102 12, 48 n.; 42, 523; delivers Savann.; young Bhikkhus must follow ghavâk and Erenavâk, 23, 61 sq. ; the order of the Th., 13, 268, 271. sacrifices to Ardvi Sûra Anâhita, 23, See also Preachers. 61 sq.; Vafra Navâza flung up in Thief, see Parables (f), and Theft. the air by Th., 23, 68 sq. and n. ; Thien, see God (b), and Heaven (a). as inventor of magic, 23, 69 n.; Thien Ho, marquis of Khî, 40, 103, worships Drvâspa, 23, 113; Fra103 n. vashi of Th. worshipped, 23, 221; Thien Kăn, his interview with a 31, 389 sq., worships Vayu, 23, 254 nameless man,' 39, 137, 260 sq. sq.; worships Ashi Vanguhi, 23, Thien Khậi-kih, has an interview 277; seized the glory that had dewith Duke Wei of Kâu, 39, 150; parted from Yima, 23, 294 ; is fiend40, 16 sq. smiting, 23, 326; son of Athwya, Thien Khang, killed his ruler and 31, 233, 233 n., 389 sq. ; 42, 523. usurped the state, 40, 177, 177 n. See also Fredûn. Thien Khăng-zze, killed the ruler Thread-girdle, see Costume. PP2 his three sons Air Fraitana, 4, lii; Aura, 4, lix, 2s a , Sairima parâ, or lists of Eldere Buddhist tut es n, xlvii. Hilled his ruler and See also Frèdân. Costume. Digitized by Microsoft ®


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