Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 599
________________ 582 TIPI TAKA-TI-YI the Buddhist Scriptures,' 36, XV- putta T. Thera, author of the xvii ; importance of the Digha and Katha Vatthu, 36, xx sq. Magghima Nikayas, 36, xxiii; its Tissametteyya, n. of a Brahmana, nine divisions (navangâni), 36, 92, 10 (ii), 156, 187, 191 sq., 210. 92 n. ; what is the use of recitation Tissametteyya mâna vapukkhâ, of the Scriptures to Bhikkhus? 36, t.w., 10 (ii), 191 sq. 92-6; Suttantas the market-place, Tissametteyyasutta, t.c., 10 (ii), Abhidhamma the crossways, Vinaya 156 sq. the judgement hall, in the city of Tistar, or Tîr (Phl.), Av. Tistrya, Righteousness, 36, 212; teachers the rain-god, 4, 55 n.; the constellaand preachers of different parts of tion Sirius, chieftain of the cast, the T., 36, 231, 235-9, 237 11.; leader of stars, 5, 12, 12 n., 13 n., discourses of Buddha, at which 21; 23, 92; 24, 90 sq. and n., 131; numbers of celestial beings were fights Apaosha and other Evil Spirits converted, 36, 247-9; 'the Elders and sends rain, 5, 25-8; 23, 92-109; who collected the Scriptures,' 36, 24, 133, 133 n.; assumes the forms 286; a Bhikkhu shall study the of a man, a horse, and a bull, 5, Abhidhamma, the Vinaya, and the 26 sq., 26 n., 169; 23, 93, 93 n., 96, Şuttas, 36, 306; Ekuttara Nikâya 98-100, 99 n., 106; sends rain, 5, quoted, 36, 324; Lakkhana Suttanta 31 sq., 176; 23, 92-109, 173 n.; quoted, 36, 346. See also Âgamas, seizes water from the ocean, proBuddhist Sacred Books, Dham- duces rain, defeats Apôsh, 5, 69; mapada, Magghima-Nikâya, Sam- 18, 264-9, 264 n.; 24, 112, 112 n.; yutta .Nikâya, Sutta-Nipata, Suttas, sends rain on the plants, 5, 100; the and Vinaya-Pitaka. violet his flower, 5, 104; opposes Tîr, see Tistar. Aharman in his contest with the Tiridates, a Magian, brother of water, 5, 168-71; invoked and Valkhash, 4, xxxix sq., xxxix n. worshipped, 5, 402, 405; 23, 9, 16, Tîrônakathwa of the Uspaệsta- 92-109, 285, 351 sq., 354; 31, 199, Saệna house, 23, 219. 210, 216, 225, 256, 280; Yim in the Tîrthakara, t.t., used by Buddhists water of T., 18, 418, 418 n.; to and Gainas, 22, xx; 34, 429; Gaina increase the star T., 23, 34; Tîr theory of former T., and Buddhistic Yast devoted to T., 23, 92-109; theory of Buddhas, 22, xxxiv sq.; a protector from hostile hordes and after 23 T. of the Ikshvâku, Kâs- all plagues, 23, 108 sq.; Mithra's yapa, Hari, and Gautama gotras face flashing with light like the face had appeared, Mahâvîra was of the star T., 23, 157; divides born, 22, 218; epochs of the the waters, 23, 249 n. ; the bright, intermediate T., 22, 280; called glorious star T, moves on equally, Buddhas,' 45, 314 sq., 314 n.; the 23, 284. eyes of the world and its leaders, Tistar-yâr, n.p., 24, 256. 45, 318; called "Tathâgatas, 45, Tistrya, see Tistar. 320, 320 n. See also Gina, and Titans, see Superhuman beings. Saints. Tithe, see Taxes. Tîrthas, see Hand, and Holy places. Titles, applied to and used by cliefs Tîrthikas, or Titthiyas, see Heretics. of regions, provinces, and of barTîs, see King (c). barous tribes, 27, 110 sq., 113; 28, Tishya, the star, bestows wealth, 26 sq.; applied to wives of kings, 326, 331. princes, &c., 27, 112 sq. Tishya, Sâriputra addressed as, 21, Titthiya, see Heretics. 89; the 38th Tathagata, 49 (ii), 6. Tittira, worshipped at the Tarpana, Tishyabhadra, disciple of Sam- 30, 245. bhûtavigaya, 22, 289. Tî-yî, father of Kâu-hsin, 3, 176, Tissa, Buddha foretells his future 176 n.; all sovereigns from Thang birth, 35, 6; the Elder T, known to T. attended to the sacrifices, and by his writings, 35, 110; Moggali- were virtuous, 3, 197, 216; King Digitized by Microsoft ®


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