122 ; divides days and nights, 25, Varuna, 44, xix sq.; when the s. 20; a guardian of the world, 25, (Aditya) sets, all the gods follow 185, 216 sq.; the eye of Mitra, him, 44, 113; yonder s.walks Varuna, and Agni, 26, 343; 41, 408; singly, 44, 314, 388; who knows 43,363; is footless, yet able to the birth-place of the great s.? 44, walk, 26, 380; called graha or 390 ; is the remover of evil, 44,
seizer,' 26, 432 sq.; is the house- 426; the cut-off head of Vishnu lord of the seasons, 26, 453 n.; the became yonder s., 44, 442; Brahgods have released the s. from dark- manaspati is the S., 44, 453; is ness and from the seizing demon, Yama, Makha, 44, 460; the father of 30, 213 ; 42, 15, 294 ; Daêva-wor- thoughts, the lord of the creatures, shippers blaspheme the S., 31, 55, 44, 469; is the child of the gods, 44, 62; the s. of the rapid steeds, the 469; sustainer of the sky and of eye of Ahura-Mazda, 31, 199, 199 heat, and of the gods, the immortal, n., 210, 216, 225, 256, 271, 276, born of heat, 44, 470; the never324, 360 ; the s. as a (red or white) resting guardian, 44, 470 ; lord of horse, 32, 14, 16-20, 279; 35, 199 all worlds, of all thought, of all sq. n.; 41, 208, 359-61; 43, 250; speech, 44, 471; wanders on paths 44, 312, 501; Arusha, the red hither and thither, 44, 471; guards morning-s., 32, 20–3; the eye of the gods, 44, 471 ; our father, 44, the s., 32, 347; the s. and the other 472; is the divine ruler, bence divinities are mere differentiations protects human rulers, 44, 496 ; of prâna, 34, 269; stricken with when yonder s. overflows all the darkness by Svarbhânu, 41, 65 sq.; gods subsist upon him, 44, 508; the S. and the Adityas, 41, 149 sq. Savitri, the rising s., 46, 39 ; the n., 150; the S. with the dappled lover of the Dawn, 46, 67 sq.; rules horse, 41, 334; strings these worlds over wealth, 46, 75; Vaisvânara to himself on a thread, 41, 360, unites with the s., 46, 127: meant 360 n.; 43, 141; Agni in the s., 41, by the great impeller'? 46, 178; 383; 43, 239 sq.; 46, 70, 229; ascended to the wide plains, bethe heavenly dog, 42, 13, 500 sq.; holding right and wrong deeds as the slayer of unseen vermin, 42, among the mortals, 46, 309; the 23 sq., 315, 318; has given the mighty s., the quick Aditi, 46, 326, ants) as a remedy against poison, 329; the rays of the s. have shaken 42, 27; at his rising the s. removes the darkness, and have sunk it into pains, 42, 47, 600; by means of the waters like a hide. Unsupported, breath the gods aroused the s., 42, unattached, spread out downwards51; Rohita, the red s., 42, 207-14, turned-how is it that he does not 661-8; the bay steeds of the s., 42, fall down ? By what power of his 210-12, 661 n.; as a tortoise, and does he move? Erected as the pillar of a hermit, 42, 403; regent of the Heaven he protects the firmament, 46, heavens, 43, xx; is the all-embracer, 356; Varuna and Mitra make the 43, 8, 106; is the holder of the air, s, rise, 46, 356; seven young fallow supporter of the regions, and ruler mares carry the s., 46, 356; the allof beings, 43, 28, 62; wields the observer, 46, 356; Agni has found thunderbolt, 43, 85; is the last the S., 46, 397 sq.; the Person Visvagyotis, 43, 129 sq. ; is of un- within the s. is different from the impaired strength, 43, 134; revolves soul, viz. the highest Self, 48, 237round the worlds, 43, 134; animates 42; Manu, the son of the S., 49 (i), all this universe, 43, 142; the heart 19; surrounded by Apsaras, 49 (i), of Pragâpati, 43, 180 sq.; the s. 40 ; see also Savitar, and Sûrya;the foundation of Pragapati (the the departed goes from the year to fire-altar), 43, 354 sq.; Vaisvânara the s., from the s, to the moon, 1, as the s., 43, 396; the eater of the 68, 80, 134; 15, 328 sq. ; is the moon, 43, 398 sq.; kindled by door of the world of Brahman, 1, the wind, 43, 399; as the horse of 134 ; 44, 66 sq.; world of the s.
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