Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 582
________________ SUSRAVAS-SVALOMINÎ Susravas Kaushya, n. of a teacher, 30, 244; 43, 390. Susthita Kaurika, n. of a Sthavira, 22, 288, 292. Susunâga removed the capital of Magadha to Vesâli, 11, xvi sq. Sutambhara Atreya, author of Vedic hymns, 46, 392, 394, 395, 397. Sutanu, perhaps synonym of Râgîmatî, 45, 117 n. Suvannapattiyâ, see Pûrnapatrikâ. Suvarnagarbha, the 67th Tathâgata, 49 (ii), 7. Sûtas, caste of, 2, 198; 14, 94, Suvarnanishthîvin, son of Srimga197 sq.; 25, 404 sq., 407; are charioteers, 25, 413; court-minstrels and chroniclers, 41, 60, 111. Sutasravas, n. of a teacher, 30, 244. Sutegas, the head of Vaisvânara, 38, 275 sq. Sûtras, metrical Smritis derived from, 2, ix sqq. n., x sq.; date of the S. period, 2, xviii sq.; style of S., 7, xvii; 11, xxiii; originally composed for a single Vedic school, 14, xiv; date of the Mahâvaipulya and the simple Buddhist S., 21, x-xiv; satiated at the Tarpana, 29, 220; are 'short aphorisms constituting in their totality a complete body of doctrine upon some subject,' 34, xi, xiii; all S. aim at conciseness, 34, xiii; peculiarity of the philosophical S., 34, xiii sq. See aiso Dharma-sûtras, Grihya-sûtras, Kalpa-sûtras, Sacred Books, Srautasûtras, Suttas, and Vedânta-sûtras. Sûtrâtman Pragâpati, 34, 142 n. Sutta-Nipâta, Purânas mentioned in the, 8, 14 n.; quoted, 8, 14 n., 19 n., 24 n., 36, and notes to 40, 45 sq., 48-51, 56, 59 sq., 62-6, 68-70, 79, 88 sq., 101, 103, 105, 108 sq., 111 sq., 114, 118, 121; 36, 285, 313, 358, 363 sq.; its language, 10 (ii), xi sq.; contains remnants of Primitive Buddhism, 10 (ii), xi-xvi; translated, Vol. 10 (ii); Sona pleases Buddha by reciting the Atthakavagga of the S., 17, 37. See also Tipitaka. Suttantas, t.t., older name for Suttas, 13, xxix sq. See Suttas, and Tipitaka. 565 11, xx; their teaching, and the original teaching of Buddha, 11, xx sqq.; stock phrases and repetitions in them, 11, xxii-xxv; peculiar use of the words Dhamma, S., and Suttanta,, 13, xxviii sqq. See also Tipitaka. Suttas, Pali texts of Buddhist canon, translated into Singhalese, 10 (i), xiv; translations of S., Vols. 10 (ii) and 11; 11, xxiv-xxvii; age of S., 11, x-xx; their authorship, ya, 49 (i), 90. Suvarnaprabha, the 14th Tathâgata, 49 (ii), 6. Suvidhi Pushpadanta, n. of a Tîrthakara, 22, 280. Suvikrântavikrâmin, one of the sixteen virtuous men, 21, 4. Suvîrina, n. or epithet of the dogdemon harassing children, 30, 219. Suvisuddha, n. of the world of the Buddha Dharmaprabhâsa, 21, 195, 197. Suvrata, at the head of the lay votaries, under Pârsva, 22, 274; Arya Dharma of the S. gotra, 22, 294; ordained Vishnukumâra, 45, 86 n. Suwâ'h, an idol worshipped by the Arabs, 6, xii; 9, 303. Suyagna Sânkhâyana, author of the Sankhâyana-Grihya-sûtra, 29, 3-5, 123; honoured as teacher, 29, 123, 141, 220. Suyâma, a guardian of the world, 35, 37. Suyâma, one of the eight Brahmans who took note of the marks on Buddha's body, 36, 44. Sû 3ze-kau, see Sû Shih. Svabhâva, t.t., various meanings of it, 8, 11. Svadhâ, see Sacred syllables. Svâdhyaya, t.t., daily reading of Veda, see Veda (c). Svâgata, one of the five hundred Arhats who are to become future Buddhas, 21, 198; n. of a Bhikshu, 49 (ii), 2. Svâhâ, see Sacred syllables. Svaidâyana, see Saunaka S. Svaikna, see Pratîdarsa S. Svaitreya, n. of a victorious hero, 46, 407. Svalominî, a demon harassing children, 30, 211. Digitized by Microsoft®


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