Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 583
________________ 566 SVANA-SYMBOLS Svâna, guardian of Soma, 26, 72. Svetâsvatara proclaimed Brahman Svapaka, see Caste (e). to ascetics, 15, 266. Svar (sun-light), Maruts, men of, 32, Svetâsvatara-upanishad, quoted, 326. 8, 432; 38, 429; 48, 778 sq.; its Svarâg (an autocrat or self-ruler): position in the Upanishad literature, he who loves, and delights in the 15, xxxi-xlii; is it a sectarian Self, becomes a S., 1, 124; Virag Upanishad? 15, xxxiji sqq.; transand S., 30, 167; metre, 41, 364; lated, 15, 228-67; Mâyâ in the S., 43, 385. 34, cxvii n., cxxi n. Svarbhânu, the Asura, struck the Svikna, n. of a people, 44, 239 n., sun with darkness, 41, 65 sq., 406 250, 400. . n.; 42, 294. Swallow, see Birds (6). Svarga world, see Heaven (d). Swan maidens, nymphs swimming Svargit Nâgnagita or Nagnagit, the about as, 44, 70. Gândhâra, quoted, 43, 21. Swoon, nature of it explained, 34, Svârokisha, a Manu, 25, 19. lxi; 38, 149-52; is half-union or Svastika, one of the celestial regions, half-coincidence with deep sleep, 22, 190. 38, 151 sq.; a half-way approach to Svastika, a poor Brâhman, con- death, 38, 152; 48, 606 sq. See also verted by Buddha, 49 (i), 192. Sleep. Svastika, ornament, 48, 434, 447. Syâparna Sâyakâyana, n. of a Svâtikârî, sacrifice to, at the plough- teacher, 15, 186, 186 n.; 43, 274, ing rite, 29, 326. 344, 344 sq. n. ; was the last to Svayambhû, the Self-existent, offer- slaughter five victims at the building to, 14, 308; Brahman is S., 15, ing of the fire-altar, 41, 171; 44, 120, 188; Rishi of a Kanda, 30, 242; Xxxviii. quoted as authority on law, 33, 227; Syâva, see Syâvâsva. ocean, the delight of S., 45, 49 ; Syâvarshân(a), see Sîyâvakhsh. created the world, 45, 244 ; sleeps Syâvâspi, n.p., 23, 213. on the ocean, 45, 290 ; prayers to Syâvâsva Atreya, author of a Vedic S., 49 (i), 25; worshipped by hymn, 32, 312, 314, 321, 328, 335, Buddha, 49 (0), 200. See Brah- 339, 342, 345, 349, 354, 356, 358 ; man. legend of S., 32, 359 sq. Sveta, one of the princes of moun- Syllables, sacred, see Om, Sacred tains, 8, 346. syllables, Stobhâksharas, and VyâhSvetadípa, 'the white island,' the ritis. abode of Bhagavat, 7, 156. Symbols, of royalty, 3, 58 sq. ; 27, Svetaketu Auddâlaki Aruneya, and 214 sq.; natural phenomena as s. of his father Uddâlaka Aruni, legend human qualities, 3, 147 sq. and n.; and dialogue, 1, xxxiii-xxxvi, 76 sq., royal s. used at ancestral sacrifices, 92-109; 15, xiv sqq., i n. ; 34, cv, 3, 154, 420, 420 n.; inner self is void cxviii; 38, 210; 48, 583, 585; of s., 8, 160, 160 1., 309, 351, 367; taught by Kitra Gângyâyani, 1, with numerous s. only one know271 sqq.; quoted, 2, xxviii, xl-xlii, ledge is approached, 8, 307, 307 n. ; 50 ; 26, 100, 314 ; 43, 333-6; 44, s. of the Brahman, 8, 308 ; lineal 40,90 ; became similar to Rishis by figures, their origin and explanation, study of the Veda, 2, 19, 19 n.; in the Yî King, 16, 9-26; lineal teacher of Yâgñavalkya, referred to figures employed for divination, 16, by Apastamba as modern,' 12, xli; 20 sq.; the " Treatise on the S.,' mentioned in the Mahâbhârata, 12, the Great Symbolism,' 16, 35-8; xliii; King Ganaka meets with and good fortune and bad indicated by questions S., 12, xliii; 44, 112 sq.; the s. of the Yî King, 16, 350 sq., and the Kshatriya sage Pravahana 351 n.; the Ho map and the Lo Gaivali, 15, 204; possessed esoteric writing, 16, 374, 376 n.; symbolism knowledge, 44, 147 ; desirous of in wearing the sacred thread-girdle, final release, 48, 203. 18, 122 sq., 122 n., 125, 129–34: Digitized by Microsoft ®


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