Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 584
________________ SYMBOLS-TÂ-KWEI 567 360. 80-3; 16, 28 ; hithe Kings, Tâi Zinaha, 44, xvi. 24, 268–70; Hôm a s. of the birth Lî kî to eighty-five books, 3, xix; and understanding of the apostles, 27, 7-9. 18, 170; the jade-symbol, 27, 59; Taittirîya-aranyaka, Andhra re28, 459 sq., 463 sq.; pratîkopâsana, cension of, 2, xxxvi sq. ; quoted, 8, meditation in which Brahman is 432; 38, 429; 44, xlvii; 48, 779; viewed under a s., 34, lxxvii; 38, T. and Taittirîyaka-upanishad, 15, 340-5; only those who do not take xxvii. their stand on s. are led to the Taittirîya-brâhmana, quoted, 8, world of Brahman, 38, 402-4. See 261 n., 262 n., 266 . ; 38, 429; 44, also Hexagrams, and Yî King. xxxiii n., xxxix, xl n.; 48, 330; Sympathy, one of the four infinite legend of Nakiketas in the T., 15, feelings,' 11, 201 sq., 273. See also xxi sq.; treats of the horse-sacrifice, Love, and Morality. 44, xvi. Syûmarasmi Bhargava, author of Taittirîya(ka)-upanishad, quoted, Vedic hymns, 32, 414, 418. 8, 432 sq. ; 34, xlii; 38,429 sq.; 48, Sze of Pâo, King Yû's concubine, 779 sq. ; introduction to T., 15, raised to be his queen, 3, 356, 356 n., xxvji-xxx; translated, 15, 43-69. Taittirîyas, see Veda (g). Sze-mâ Hsiang-zû. officer and Taittirîya - Samhitâ, quoted, 38, author, 27, 19. 429; 48, 779; gives mantras of the Sze-mâ Khien, his accounts of Con- Asvamedha, 44, xvi. fucius as the author of the Kings, Tâi Zin-zăn, n. of a Taoist sage, 3, 3, 280-3; 16, 28; his accounts 40, 119 sq. of Lâo-zze, 39, 4. sq., 33-6; his Takhma, n.p., 23, 204. accounts of Kwang-zze, 39, 34, 36-8. Takhma Urupa, see Tâkhmôrup. Sze-thû King-zze of Wei, mourning Takhmôrup, or Takhma Urupa, or at his death, 27, 174 sq. Tahmûrâf, son of Vîvanghat, made Ahriman his steed, 4, 384, 384 n.; 5, 130, 130 n.; 23, 252, 252 n., 292 sq. ; 47, xxv, 8; Av. Takhmôurupa, a primaeval sovereign, 5, 62 ; 18, 13, 13 n.; 47, 121, 128 ; reigned Taciturnity, see Mauna. thirty years, 5, 149; a smiter of Tadvana, a name of Brahman, 1, Aharman, the demon, 18, 90, 90 n., 152, 152 n. 200, 201 n.; brother of Yima, killed Tâg, Azi Dahâka, a descendant of, by Angra-Mainyu, 23, 60 n.; is well4, xlix sq. armed, 23, 326 ; his exploits, 24, Tagganiya Kamma, t.t., act of 58 sy. and n., 60 n. ; second ruler of rebuke, see Bhikkhus (c). the earth, 37, 27, 27 n. ; his accesTàghût, idols and demons of the sion, 47, xxix. ancient Arabs, 6, 40, 79, 81 sq., Tâ-kî, wife of King Kâu-hsin, 3, 130, 106, 254; 9, 184. See also Idols. 130 n. Tâham, n.p., 5, 146. Takkasilâ, n. of town, where Gîvaka Tahmûrâf, see Tâkhmôrup. is trained by a famous physician, 17, Tahmuras and the Deluge, 4, 174 sq. 384 n. Takman, demon of fever, 42, 1-6, Tâ Hsio, or Great Learning,' the 273, 442, 445, 449. third of the Shû, 3, xx. Takshaka, n. of a Naga-king, 21, 5; Ta'if, : tribe of the Thaqif at T. Vaisâleya worshipped at the T. defeated by Mohammed, 6, Âgrahayana festival, 29, 131 ; worxlii sg. shipped at a rite against poison, 42, Tải Khăng, reduced the Lĩ kĩ to 374 sq., 374 n., 42 5. forty-six books, 3, xix. Takshan, recites for Aruni who Tâîrêv, see Tauru. wished to obtain holy lustre, 12, 335. Tâi Shăng, a Lî scholar, 27, 6 sq. Tâ-kwei, a personification of the Tâi Teh, a Lî scholar, reduced the Great Tâo, 40, 96, 96 n. Digitized by Microsoft ®


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