s.-rise, 22, 241 sq.; 32, 14, 16; as the s. draws water with his rays, so the king draws taxes, 25, 396; in the beginning the s. was on earth, 26, 309; eclipse of the s., 27, 32830, 328 n., 338 sq.; body of s. made for the creation of the Ameshôspentas, 31, 262; s.-rise an image of the creation, 32, 10; the chief of planetary orbs, 36, 55; why does the s. at times shine with diminished heat? 36, 111-13, 113 n.; moon mentioned before the s., 36, 127 sq. and n.; qualities of the s., 36, 320-2; essence of waters contained in s., 41, 7; s.-rain, 41, 76; watery s.-motes, 41, 79 sq.; created, 41, 148; through time the s. rises, 42, 225, 687; moves from left to right, 43, 136; is smooth and round, 43, 180; is variegated, has the air for his seat, and is half-way from this earth, 43, 196; when the s. sets, it enters the wind, 43, 333; the s. is motion, everything moves as soon as he rises, 43, 337; everything is baked by the s., 43, 352; floats along the waters, 43, 368 n.; mightily shineth the towering form of the ball, yonder burning s., 44, 107; not rivalled by any one, 44, 354; no one can turn him back, 44, 359; is four-cornered, the four quarters being his corners, 44, 498; suns revolve round Meru, 45, 288, 288 n.; cows lowed and men shouted at sight of s., 46, 57, 68; rays of s. present also during the night, 48, 739 sq. See also Luminaries, Omens, Parables (f), Planets, and Stars. (b) THE S. IN MYSTICISM AND
Breath (the inner Self) and s. (the outer Self) identified, 1, 7, 214, 219; 15, 305-12; the golden person within the s., 1, 13 sq.; 41, 367; person in the s. and person in the eye identified, 1, 15; 15, 191; 43, 368 sq., 371, 374; yonder s. is the twenty-first, or twenty-onefold, 1, 28; 41, 265, 308; 43, 62, 163; 44, 37, 150, 150 sq. n., 291, 305 n., 331 n., 333, 375, 378, 402; meditation on the s. as the honey of the Devas, 1, 38-44; 34, 216, 256 sq.; 48, 335, 368-70; meditation on the s. or
Person in the s. as Brahman or Highest Self, 1, 54 sq., 66, 302 sq.; 15, 61, 68, 100, 134, 306, 317 sq., 338-41; 34, 63, 112; 41, 366; 43, 94; 44, 388, 459 sq.; if Prâna is satisfied, the eye is satisfied, and thereby s. and heaven are satisfied, 1, 89; what I am (the worshipper), that is he (s.); what he is, that am I, 1, 220, 313; 15, 335; the s. is the self of all that moves and rests, 1, 221, 259, 261; 2, 297 n.; the door of the True is covered with a golden disk, 1, 313; the s. as a Brahmakârin, 8, 178; 42, 214-17, 626-8; one of the ten fires at the allegorical sacrifice of the sense-organs, 8, 261; only seen by one who attains to the Adhyâtman, 8, 316; the light in the s. is goodness, the heat passion, the eclipse is darkness, 8, 329 sq.; is all the seasons, 12, 316; the Agnihotra is the s., 12, 327; rays of the s. extend down to the vital airs, 12, 343; s. or man in the s. is death, 12, 343 sq.; 38, 267; 43, 366 sq.; 44, 26; is the eye of creatures, the eye of the world, 15, 19; 44, 346; 49 (i), 62; the s. the essence of the material, the person in the s., the essence of the immaterial, 15, 107; golden Person in the s. is the self in the lotus of the heart, 15, 134, 306; 34, 81; Ahar, secret name of Person in the s., 15, 192; the spirit of all creatures, 15, 272; the Self is the s., hidden by the thousandeyed golden egg, 15, 311; is the cause of new births, of heaven, of emancipation, 15, 329; Brahman, the essence of the s., 15, 335; the Self and the s. remain as long as the egg of the world, 15, 337; the symbol of the s. appearing above and within' the earth, 16, 241, 242 n.; the s. or Ether, and Mind or Reason, the two supreme beings of the Upanishads, 21, xxvii; a vision of the s., 22, 235; is the lotus of the sky, 26, 277; is the soul of the movable and immovable, 26, 343; is Suketâ ('good-will' ?), 29, 348; soul to be meditated upon as the s., and the s. as the soul, 38, 244; truth is the same as the s., 41, 265; 44, 457; gold plate and gold
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