rite for S., 25, 83 ; are not guests, Suga, wife of Inda or Indra, 10 (ii), but fed, 25, 95 ; sin of dallying with 189. S. female when invited to Sraddha Sugata, see Buddha. or studying a vrata, 25, iu, 121, Sugâtâ, a devout woman, obtained 467; 30, 76; Sukâlins, the manes of final salvation, 11, 25; daughter of S., 25, 112 ; giving remnants of a Senâpati, 19, xxvii ; one of the first Sraddha meal to S., a crime, 25, Buddhist nuns, 49 (i), 192. 121; deceiving S., 25, 160; how to Sugataketanâ, a leader of female be buried, 25, 184; are to work for lay devotees, 21, 360. the king, 25, 238; must not be Sugâtavaktra, satiated at the Tarjudges, 25, 255 sq.; a kingdom pana, 29, 220, where S. are numerous soon Sugrîva, Mrigaputra's father king perishes, 25, 256, 256 n.; S. give in the town of, 45, 88. evidence for S., 25, 266; special Suhail ibn 'Amr, concluded truce rules for S. of administration of with Mohammed, 9, 237 n. oath and examination as witness, Suhasta, a guardian of Soma, 26, 72. 25, 269 sq., 274 ; punishments of S. Suhastin, n. of a Sthavira, 22, 288; for crimes (assault, adultery, his twelve disciples, who gave rise defaming) against members of to numerous Kulas and Sâkhâs, 22, higher caste, 25, 301-4, 319; guilt 290 sqq., 290 n. of S. in case of theft, 25, 313; Sui, the pearl of the marquis of, 40, created to be slaves, 25, 326; cannot 154, 154 n. be initiated, 25, 402; not worthy to Suicide as a penance, 2, 82, 89, 283, receive sacraments, 25, 429; cannot 288; 14, 104 sq., 108, 213; he who commit offence causing loss of caste, commits s. becomes an Abhisasta, 2, 25, 429 ; produced by Darkness, 25, 89; 14, 119; no funeral libation and 493; S. who neglects his duty no period of impurity for those who becomes a Preta in next birth, 25, commit s., 2, 250; 7,93 ; 14, 119; 499; sell Soma, 26,64 n.; acts per- 25, 184; symbolical self-sacrifice, 2, formed by a S. (servant) at a funeral, 293 ; by hanging oneself, 4, 77; 8, 29, 239; the ass is a S. by birth, 29, 237; penance for one who has been 366; sacred fire not to be taken concerned with the death or funeral from the house of a S., 29, 383; of a s., 7, 93; inciting a man to s., excluded from sacrifices and cere- a kind of destruction of life, 13, 4; monial purifications, 34, 224, 227-9; penances for intended or attempted 41, 66 sq., 66 n. ; 48, 337, 342 sq.; S., 14, 119 sq. ; by entering the fire the word S. etymologized, 34, 225 the world of Brahman is gained, 14, sq.; Agni removed from the S. 136, 136 n.; self-sacrifice in honour caste, 41, 226; Takman (fever) en- of a Buddha highly recommended treated to go to the S.-females, 42, for a Bodhisattva, 21, 379 sq., 385 2; Agîgarta, father of Suna sepa, sq.; recommended to Gaina monks, reproached for not abandoning the 22, 68-78, 68 n., 70 n., 72 n., 74 n.; ways of a S., 44,xxxv; the Pravargya 45, 147, 175 sq.; special places for must be performed whilst not Gainas committing religious s., 22, coming into contact with S., 44, 182; Gaina monk is not allowed to 446; woman, S., dogs, and crows commit religious s, without asking are untruth, sin, darkness, 44, 446; leave of his teacher or superior, 22, not qualified for the knowledge of 307; voluntary death the befitting Brahman, 48, 337-47; allowed to end of a hermit's life, 25, 204, hear Itihâsas and Puranas, 48, 338; 204 n., 212; promise to die for a reason why S. might be qualified for friend, 27, 69, 69 n. ; why Buddha cognition of Brahman, 48, 343-7. prohibited s., 35, 273-5; denounced, See also Caste (e, f).
40, 141, 295; committed by Tâoist Sudyumna, Manu's son, 49 (i), gon. sages, 40, 162 sq., 165; three Suffering, see Pain, and Truths (the methods of the sage's death with four noble).
one's will,' 45, 24, 24 n.
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