being Mûspar, 24, 132, 132 n.; hymns, speculations on them, 1, 22, destiny allotted by the constella- 26-8. tions, auspicious and inauspicious, Stoma, see Prayers (c). 24, 227 sq. ; 31, 28, 28 n.; 37, 421, Stones, worshipped by Arabs, 6, xii 445; 40, 236, 313, 317; the meshes sq., XV; see also Kaabah ; ceremony of the Dikshita's cloth belong to the of treading on a s., 29, 168, 282 sq., S., 26, 10; bridegroom shows the 357, 381; 30, 45 sq., 146, 188, 260 bride the polar-star and other s., sq., 272; placed to bar off death, 29, 29, 43, 285 sq., 383 sq. ; 30, 47 sq., 248; sprinkling the fire-altar from 263; bride and bridegroom worship a s., 43, 169-71; why s. are hard the s., 29, 170; 30, 194-6; polar and not fit for eating, 43, 170; star worshipped as Brahman, 30, variegated s. set up as symbol of sun, 194 sq.; the s. which are Spenta- vital air and vital power, 43, 195 sq., Mainyu's creatures, worshipped, 31, 243, 360 sq. 199, 199 n., 205, 210 sq., 216 sq., Storehouses, and store-rooms for 220, 225 sq., 256, 308, 329, 383; robes, of Buddhist monks, 17, 119the body of Ahura-Mazda, 31, 285; 21, 128 sq., 201 sqq. interpretation of s., 37, 429, 433 sq.; Stories, see Gâtakas, and Tales. Nasks on s., good and evil, 37, 437, Storm, lightning and thunder cele440, 447; Wei-tâu, the Great Bear, brate God's praise, 6, 233. See also got the Tâo, 39, 136, 244, 244 D.; Wind. the Milky Way not to be traced to Stotra, see Prayers (c). its beginning or end, 39, 170, 170 n.; Strîdhana, t.t., wife's separate forspirit-rulers residing in the Great tune, see Woman (a). Bear, 40, 236, 236 n.; spitting at Strîveda, though acquainted with shooting S. forbidden, 40, 244; it men get into the power of women, origin of s., 41, 149; 43, 361; ex- 45, 274. piatory charm for a child born under Student, studentship, see Brahmaan unlucky s., 42, 109 sq., 517 sq.; kârin, Holy persons, and Teacher deities and bricks of fire-altar, 43, (a). 91; the hair of the sky, 43, 208; Study, see Veda (c). as Apsaras, the mates of the Moon, Stûpas, or Thûpas, or Topes, or 43, 232; kindled by the moon, 43, Dâgabas, memorial burial-mounds, 399; are Vasus, 44, 116; the region date of the earliest, 11, xvii sq. ; to between the rising of the seven be erected at the four cross-roads Rishis (Ursa Major) and the setting for Kakkavatti kings and Buddhas, of the sun in the quarter of the 11, 93, 125 sq.; mounds in which living, 41, 425; there are no s. in the bones and ashes of the deceased Sukhâvati, 49 (ii), 43. See also Lu- are to be placed, 11, 93 n.; persons minaries, Moon, Nakshatras, Omens, worthy of S., and the use of S., 11, Planets, and Sun.
93-5 ; erected over the relics of Steer, see Bull.
Buddha in eight parts of India, 11, Sthâlîpêka, see Sacrifice (b).
131-6; 19, 334 sq.; Asoka raised Sthapati, see Revottara.
84,000 S., 19, 336 sq. ; wonderful Sthavira Sâkalya, n. of a teacher, apparition of a seven-jewelled S. 1, 257, 265.
disclosing the frame of the expired Sthaviras, Elders, among Gaina Tathagata Prabhậtaratna, 21, xxx, monks, 22, 286-95, 297, 306; 45, 227-40, 283, 364-8, 404, 441; S. 149. See also Theras.
containing the relics of extinct Sthiragupta, see Kshamâsramana S. Buddhas appear in the BuddhaSthûlabhadra, n, of a Sthavira, 2, fields, 21, 8; building of S., and 287, 289.
worship of relics in S., 21, 15, 50-2, Stipi, son of Ravant, 23, 217.
147-51, 247; 36, 230, 280 sq. ; Stivant, n.p., 23, 216.
numerous S. were erected over the Stobhâksharas, or syllables used relics of Buddhas, 21, 27, 382 sqq.; in the musical recitation of Sâman different kinds of S., 21, 50; the
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