Spirits, of earth and air listen to a during the sacrifice, 4, 321-3; 37, sermon on salvation, 10 (ii), 37-9; 94; three kinds of s. I. are unclean Kakudha appears after his death as for the higher castes, ten kinds for a s. to Moggallâna, 20,234 sq. ; the the Brâhmanas only, 7, 95 sq. ; depreacher hears the yells uttered by files vessels, &c., 7, 97, 102 n., 164 the s., 21, 339; evil deed cannot be sq.; 25, 190; women who drink kept secret from s. (fairies, dryads, s. 1. denounced, sin of intercourse &c.), 35, 295, 295 n.; abide here with them, no funeral libation for on new moon day, 44,2. See also An them, wives who drink may be decestors, Ancestor Worship, Ghosts, serted, &c., 7, 137; 14, 112 sq.; Gods, and Superhuman beings. 25, 184, 329, 341 sq., 444; crime Spirit Tablets, see Ancestor Wor- of smelling s. l., 7, 138; 25, 444; ship (d).
Brâlimanas, esp. women, who drink Spiritual insight, or Vipassana, one s. 1. reborn in hell or as low animals, of the conditions by which a Bhikkhu 7, 175; 14, 112 ; 25, 496; drinker obtains his desires, 11, 210-18. of s. 1. will have black teeth in Spiritualism, in Buddhism, 11, 208. future birth, 14, 109; 25, 440; Spiritual sense, five organs of, 11, Brâhmanas drink rum in the north, 61, 63.
14, 146, 146 n.; distilleries of s. l. Spirituous liquor, drinking of, for- are impure, 14, 170; punishments bidden, is a high crime or mortal for drinking Surâ, 14, 201; 25, 383, sin, 2, 63, 74, 188, 188 n., 280; 6, 496; 33, 229 sq.; about selling wine 32, 110; 7, 26, 132, 134; 8, 279, to foreigners and infidels, 18, 176 389; 10 (i), 61; (i), 18, 66; 11, sq.; sin of drunkenness, 18, 177-80; 253; 13, 44 ; 14, 5, 105; 25, 383, 37, 180; unfermented toddy not 441, 494 ; 44, 233, 260 ; 48, 702; allowed to Bhikkhus, 20, 386, 399, penance for drinking surâ or any 412; drinking of s. I. one of the s. 1., 2, 82 sq., 87, 287, 287 n., 293; four stains by which Samanas and 7, 162, 181; 14, 127, 132, 213 sq., Brâhmans are affected, 20, 389 sq.; 296, 299; 25, 449-51, 449 n., 450 advantages of moderate drinking of n., 460 sq., 460 n., 480 ; drinkers of wine, 24, xvii, 46-8; evils of ims. l. excluded from Sraddha, 2, 257; moderate drinking, 24, 48 sq., food 25, 105; being abandoned to drink, of one intoxicated not to be eaten, Hsî and Ho neglected the duties of 25, 161; abstention recommended, their office, 3, 81 sq.; the people of 25, 177; drunkenness a vice of Yin (Shang) ruined by indulgence kings, 25, 223; money due for s. 1. in s. I., 3, 122; on the proper use not to be paid by heir, 25, 282; 33, of s. 1., and the disastrous con- 329; sellers of s. 1. banished, 25, sequences of drunkenness, 3, 171- 381; not to be sold by Brahmanas, 9; wine and other s. I. in China, 25, 421; regulation of drinking3, 172 sq.; employed at sacrifices, habits, 27, 81; 28, 106 sq. ; regu3, 174-7, 174 sq. n.; 27, 408, 443, lations about preparation of s. 1., 27, 445-7, 447 sq. n. ; 28, 141, 293 ; 303; 28, 141; drinking to one offered to the departed spirits or another at sacrifices, 27, 317 sq. ; their personators, 3, 194, 241 sq., the dark spirit' (water) more valu300, 304 n., 306, 323, 332, 365, 367- able than s. I. for sacrifices, 27, 435, 70, 375, 386 sq., 387 n., 401, 403; 435 n.; Surâ given to women at 28, 293 ; used by a king for making the wedding, 29, 32; debts conpresents, 3, 267; 27, 119; vice of tracted for s. 1. not to be paid, 33, drunkenness, 3, 359, 411, 414, 414
45; drinkers of s.1., inadmissible witn.; drinking festivities, 3, 374 sq. nesses, 33, 303; forbidden gift, 36, and n.; 27, 56, 271, 271 1., 299, 121; Surâ means untruth, misery, 316 sq., 317 n. ; 28, 4 35–46, 455-7; darkness, 41, 8, 29; Surâ cups of37, 150; two bottles of s. l. offered fered at the Vâgapeya, 41, 8-11, 29; by the people of Pin to their ruler, Parisrut liquor bought from a eu3, 445; drinking wine forbidden nuch, 41, 9 sq.; one who drinks s. I.
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