straining of s. at or between certain is s., Adhvaryu mind, 44, 136; life sacrificial rites, 12, 12, 26 sq., 188, and the gods depart from those who 214, 359 sq. ; 26, 19, 34-8, 45-7, at the sacrifice speak impure s., 44, 240, 289 sq., 448, 453-5; 41, 342; 387, 541; is worship, 44, 470, 476; see also Mauna; libations to Mind and all s. has informing power with S., 12, 124-7, 129; 44, 28, 32 sq., 35 regard to actions only, 48, 148sq.; dispute between Mind and S., 56; sacred S., see Prayers. See decided by Pragâpati, 12, 130 sq., 130 alsó Senses, Vâk, and Words. n.; inind and s. are the two Agni- Spells, against enemies and the Drug, hotra libations, 12, 332; the secret 4,1xxiii, lxxv, Too sq., 112 sq., 125 n., union of the body, 15, 47; Death 126, 129 sq., 133 sq., 136-48,213 sq., and S. produce the year, 15, 76; triad 250 sq.; curative s., 4, 1xxx, 225 sq., of mind, s., breath, 15, 93-7; 38, 78 228-30, 235-41; 45, 103 ; s. against sq. ; speaking is the progeny of thinking the demons produced by shavings of 24, 215; upheld by the mind, 26, hair, and parings of nails, 4, 191 sq.; 54 sq. ; four grades of s., 26, 268; plants defiled by magic s., 12, 370, called graha, 26, 432; Rik and Sâ- 373; sacrifices used as s. against man are S. and Mind, 26, 437, enemies, 14, 187, 193; water poured 439; distinction of names and forms out in the direction in which an originates from s. only, 34, 352; enemy dwells with a s., 14, 250 ; ill-omened speaking, 37, 129; see dhâranîs or talismanic words for the Chatter; acts under the guidance protection of preachers, 21, xxi, of Agni, 38, 91 sq.; lord of s. xxxi, 371-5, 434 sq., 439; preacher is Pragâpati, 41, 5; by his Mind of the Lotus of the True Law Pragâpati entered into union with obtains magical s. in his dreams, 21, S. and created Vasus, Rudras, and 278; name of Avalokitesvara acts Adityas, 41, 149 sq.; s. and breath, as a s. in all anxiety, and makes s. is based on vital air, 41, 151, 192; pernicious s. revert to whence they 43, 15; speaks truth and untruth, come, 21, 406, 414; evil s. worked divine and human, 41, 200; 43, 257; out by the foe of Mithra, 23, 125, speaks as far as a span's distance, 125 n.; used in a law-court, 29, 362 41, 200; there is a keen edge to s. sg.; food may be made poisonous on one or both sides, 41, 200, 200 n., by evil s., 35, 218; the Bodhisattva consists of four syllables (vâk and a Kandala who knows a s. producing akshara), 41, 203; is a spade, 41, fruits out of season, 35, 284; teach215; is of the body, is a mabishîing s., tricks, &c., a means of getting (consecrated queen), 41, 239; three alms, employed by bad monks, 45, kinds of s., 41, 239; is healing 133 n.; fate of those who practise medicine, 41, 341; by s. gods con- s. and besmear their bodies with quered Asuras, 41, 387; bears what ashes for the sake of amusement or is desirable, 41, 388 ; breath the power, 45, 231; for killing living male or mate of s., 41, 391; 43, beings, 45, 298; pious monk does 285; the mind's daughter, fashioned not use S., 45, 327; those who from the moon, 43, 11; is the Rishi practise magic arts by means of s., Visvakarman, 43, 12 ; lordship be will be born in hell, 45, 366 sq. ; stowed on s., 43, 67; gods made s. Agni upholds the sky by his efficatheir milch-cow, 43, 173; by s, one cious s., 46, 61; Agni invoked to gets into trouble, 43, 210; is Agni, protect from evil s., 46, 138, 170, the Fire-altar, 43, 332, 364 sq.; is 372; power of s., 46, 194; knowyonder sun, 43, 365, Mind created ledge of Dharanîs possessed by S., S. created Breath, 43, 376 sq.; beings in Buddha-countries, 49 (ii), Pragâpati created s., and by s. 19, 190. See also Prayers, and Witcheverything else, 43, 403; mind and craft, s. are the same and yet distinct, 44, Spênâk-maînôk, Phl. for Av. 46, 218; Adâbhya cup of Soma Spenta-Mainyu, 5, 3 n. identified with s., 44, 105 sq.; Hotri Spendamat,Phl.for Spenta-Mainyu,
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