three kinds of ss. according to the Gainas, 48, 516; of atomic size, and yet infinite, 48, 548; its true nature not manifested in the samsâra state, 48, 602; the s., though fundamentally free from evil, yet is capable of connexion with evil, 48, 653; in deep sleep and death unconscious, 48, 765 sq.; s. and God (Highest Self, Brahman), see Brahman (f), and Self (b). See also Purusha, and Self (c). (b) S. AND BODY.
The righteous Zoroastrian is a believer in body and s., 4, 375; created before the body, 5, 53 sq., 64; whoever appeals for the body is not able to save the s., 5, 211; actions for the s, and actions for the body, 5, 395; is called 'the Knower of the field,' i. e. of the body, 7, 286 sq.; how the s. falls away from the perishable body, 8, 237; eternal s. preserves the life-winds in the body, 8, 238, 238 n.; how the s. enters the foetus in the womb, 8, 241 sq.; how the s. moving about carries the body, 8, 252; sees the self come out from the body, 8, 253; on being born in the body the s. becomes united with all evils, when departing it leaves all evils behind, 15, 163 sq.; leaves the body in dreams, 15, 165; s. of the body, the master of its house, 18, 53; distinguished from the spirit of the body, 18, 53-5, 54 n.; more important than the body, 24, 5 sq.; how to preserve both body and s., 24, 9-16, 25 sq.; body, animal s., and intelligent s. constitute man, 27, 36, 381; 28, 220-2; requires a body in order that knowledge may arise, 34, 51; is in the body only, 34, 111 sq.; 38, 93; Sânkhya cannot admit a real connexion of s. and body, 34, 379; is the body the sufferer of pain, or the s.? 34, 379; 38, 64, 65; endeavour (which is required for action) originates when the s. is connected with the internal organ which abides in the body, 34, 387; size of s. the same as that of body, 34, 431-4; questions about s. and body not answered by Buddha, 35, 205 sq., 361; desires of body and s., 37, 193; if the s. were
not embodied, there could be no sin, 37, zoo; the s. blesses the body when righteous, and curses it when wicked, 37, 207 sq.; abides in the heart, but pervades the entire body like sandal-ointment, or as light, 38, 38-42; 48, 548 sq., 765; its knowledge and lordship are hidden on account of its connexion with the
body, 38, 139 sq.; 48, 603, 609; the ruler of the body and senses, 38, 367; works cause the connexion of the s. with the body, 38, 369; 48, 607, 609 sq.; embodied s. and body viewed as non-different, 38, 374; the entering of one s. into several bodies is like the multiplication of the flame of a lamp, 38, 413 sq.; individual ss. not distinguished as gods, men, &c., but only the bodies, 48, 328; may enter a body other than its own, 48, 420; the s. taking the prânas moves about in its own body, according to its pleasure, 48, 554 sq.
Its ascent to and descent from the moon, with a remainder of former deeds, which determine the new birth, 1, 80-2; 15, 209; 34, lix sq.; 38, 101-32; 48, 589, 592-4, 596600; the ss. descending from the moon, have no consciousness, until they actually attain a new birth, 1, 83 sq. n.; after shaking off all good and evil works, the s. of him who knows Brahman passes with the subtle body to the world of Brahman, stages of the s. on its way, 1, 235; 34, lxxxii; 38, 382-9; 48, 648-51, 728-54; fate of s. after death, the two roads to the world of the gods and of the fathers, 1, 271-9 and notes; 48, 589-92; shooting-stars, the ss. of good men falling from heaven, 2, 96 n.; Fravashis and ss. of the saints worshipped, 4, 349; 31, 214, 275, 278 sq., 279 n., 351; begs the body not to throw her into hell, 4, 375 sq.; comes out from the body of the dead, 5, 163; Siddhas see the s. departing from the body and coming to it at birth, 8, 239; of what description is the s.
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