eternal, not produced from Brah- tial to the s., 34, 388 n., 38, 33; man at the time of creation, 34, conjunction cannot take place beliji; 38, 29-33 ; 48, 140, 392, 478 tween atoms, S., and internal organ, sq., 540-4; is gña, the Knower, 34, 34, 398, 398 n.; Pasupati taught liv, 159; 38, 33-5; 48, 544-53; the five categories to the end of is of atomic (anu) size, like the point breaking the bonds of the animal, of an awl or a goad, 34, liv, xcvii, i. e. the s., 34, 435; there is no s. in 113, 175; 38, 35-45, 397; 48, 326, the breath, 35, 48 sq.; the s. alone 546-8, 551, 690, 764; is all-per- sees the events of spiritual existence, vading, not anu, 34, liv sqq.; 38, 37, 200; is not divided, but only 35-49, 402; its intermediate state, appears divided, 38, 30, 32; s. and i, e, the state of dreams, 34, 1x ; 38, intelligence represented as separate, 133-41; 48, 601-4; its state of viz. as the agent and the instrument swoon, 34, Ixi; 38, 149-52; 48, of action, 38, 42; tied by the senses 606 sq.; manifests itself through its (grahas), 38, 83; chief vital air is own self, in its own nature, 34, subordinate to s., 38, 88; vital airs Ixxxiji; 38, 405-7; the s. of the are connected with the s. which is pious effects its desires by mere the Lord of the aggregate of instrudetermination, 34, Ixxxiv sq.; 38, ments of action, 38, 92 sq.; com410 sq.; the subject of the Upa- pared to a caterpillar, 38, 103; is nishads, 34, 36 sq.; cannot be self-luminous, 38, 141; essentially denied, 34, 37; 48, 556; is eternally non-connected with the worlds that unchanging, pure, and free, 34, 37; appear in the waking and in the 48, 425, 491; is the Self, 34, 37, dreaming state, 38, 146; breath is 54, 103, 361; characteristic marks merged in it, 38, 367 sq.; according of s. and chief vital air, 34, 102-6; to Yoga-system, 38, 414; 48, 413; Sattva and Kshetragña, or internal vital airs created seven persons organ and individual s., 34, 122 sq.; (purusha) or ss., 41, 144, 144 n.; is 38,83; is non-pervading, not omni- incorporeal, and therefore eternal, present, 34, 158; how far Scripture 45, 64; definition of s., and its refers to s., 34, 160; 38, 400 sq.; characteristics, 45, 153; one of the cannot be denoted by akshara, 34, nine categories, 45, 154; lêsyâ, a 171; mind constitutes its limiting subtile substance accompanying the adjunct, 34, 175; every s. carries on S., 45, 196 n., 203; the Materialists' the course of its practical existence doctrines about the S., 45, 339 by means of seeing, hearing, cog- sqq.; each individual possesses five nizing; otherwise existence would bodies,' audârika, &c., 45, 406 sq. be impossible, 34, 186, 322; its and n.; Gainas maintain that Giva nature before the rise of discrimina- and Agiva exist, 45, 407; individual tive knowledge, 34, 186 sq., 189; as ss, of gods, Asuras, Gandharvas, &c., such is real, 34, 189 sq.; its different men, beasts, and plants, 48, 198; in states, in deep sleep, swoon, &c., its purified state, 48, 209; the in34, 191; 38, 133-52; 48, 656; dividual s. is as insignificant as a highest Self different from the s. glow-worm and, through its conin the states of deep sleep and de- nexion with a body, liable to endless parting, 34, 233-6; Sankhya views suffering, 48, 209, 262 sq., 469, 690; about it, 34, 238, 259, 298, 301, 370, the bearer of Pranas, 48, 298; its 372-4, 379 n., 436-8; 38, 33; 48, true nature is abundant bliss, 48, 385 sq., 481; is the support of 302 ; is neither a causal substance prâna, hence may itself be called nor an effect, 48, 371; the character prâna, 34, 270; no separate creation of a god or inan belongs to the s. of the s., 34, 279, 441; 38, 396 sq.; only, 48, 422; ss. are not numberSânkhyas assume a plurality or less, 48, 444, 452 ; aggregate of ss. separateness of ss., 34, 295; 48, from Brahmâ down to blades of 494, 562, 565; according to the grass created, 48, 473; a witness, Vaiseshikas intelligence is not essen. enjoying and cognizing, 48, 492 ;
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