aranis, 15, 236 sq.; wanders about other things, 34, 369; relation of in every body, 15, 292, 295; the object and subject cannot exist in enjoyer of rita (good works), 15, it, 34, 378 sq.; is one and per295; pure s. and elemental s. manent, 34, 424; as the nature of the (Bhûtâtmâ), 15, 295-9; the taking s. is eternal presence, it cannot underof food represented as a sacrifice of go destruction even when the body i the s. to the s., 15, 312 sqq.; the reduced to ashes; nay we cannot even four conditions of the s.: the person conceive that it ever should become in the eye, in dream, in deep sleep, something different from what it is, and he who is above the sleeper, 38, 15; nine qualities of the s., 15, 345 sq.; Buddhist denial of s. according to the Vaiseshikas, 38, 69; or individuality, 19, xxxiji, 204 sq., the passages about it having true 273 ; 49 (ii), 117-44; the s,called wishes and other qualities, have to son,' 29, 295, 298; 30, 211; the be combined, 38, 247-9; not soul looks for its true s, in the different from the body, according body, &c., 34, xxvi; the existence to the materialists, 38, 269; transof a s. different from the body migrating s. as the object of cogproved, 34, lxxiv, 424; 38, 268-72; nition, 38, 288; it is the agent in the interior s. is the object of the seeing and hearing, is successively notion of the Ego, 34, 5; the in- apprehended as the inward s, of all terior s. is the witness of all the the outward involucra beginning modifications of the internal organ, with the gross body, and finally 34, 9; passages about the non- ascertained as of the nature of intransmigrating s., 34, 25 sq.; neither telligence, 38, 335; men wrongly joined to the gross body, nor to the superimpose upon it the attribute subtle body, 34, 28 n.; embodied of being made up of many parts, s, is purified by certain ritual ac- such as the body, the senses, &c., tions, 34, 33; its true nature is 38, 336; wrong conceit of the s. nothing either to be endeavoured being subject to pain, 38, 336 sq. ; after or to be avoided, 34, 36; how released s. manifests itself in its own far the s. can be considered as the nature, 38, 405 sqq. ; love, play, agent in sacrifices, 34, 42; the per- and the like cannot be ascribed to sonal s. of a deity may be called the action of the s., 38, 410; one's an intelligent S., 34, 99; as the own s. is the doer and undoer of ruler of the organs of action the misery and happiness, according as embodied s. is connected with the one acts well or badly, 45, 104; mind, 34, 107; the golden person a wicked s. commits sins, though is in the embodied s., 34, 112; the the individual be unconscious of the cognitional s, is not immortal, 34, operations of his mind, speech, and 130; the effects of nescience, desire body, 45, 399 sqq., 399 n.; the and works, ascribed to it, 34, 130; s, different from the 1, 48, 37 sq., embodied s, is, by means of merit 57 sq., 61, 72 ; the abode of knowand demerit, the cause of the origin ledge, 48, 63; the s, which dwells in of the coinplex of things, 34, 136; the different bodies of gods, men, has the qualities of Selfhood and &c., is of one and the same kind, 48, intelligence, but not those of om- 96 sq.; different from, but conscious niscience and similar qualities, 34, of the organ of Egoity, 48, 182; 158, 268; one and the same divine the s. of non-sentient beings, 48, s. may assume several forms at the 243, 245; the bodiless and knowing same time, 34, 200; words like s. is immortal, 48, 321, 392. See âditya, &c., convey the idea of certain also Soul. divine ss., 34, 219; in the individual (d) THE HIGHEST S. S. of a dreaining person, there exists Atman, the S., is the cause of a multiform creation, 34, 352 sq.; everything, 1, 124, 236-41; 38, 133 sq., 137 sq. ; though devoid 91, 105, 329 sq. ; 34, 53-6, 274, of motion, the s. may yet move 286; 38, 209 sq.; knowledge, and
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