casting off its skin, 10 (ii), 1-3 ; 22, demon-made, 31, 257; the Dragon 212; 44, 38; 45, 66; 48, 311; Vritra Daêva-made opposed by sacrifices, was a s., 12, 166; hymn of the 31, 322; s. surrounded by Garudas, queen of s. (Kadrû, or the earth), 35, 38; the poem of love to the 12, 301 sq., 301 n.; 26, 451, 451 n.; s.,' 35, 282 n.; the Bodhisattva a s. a s., in the shape of a youth, be- king, 35, 287; similes of s., 36, 348 comes a Bhikkhu, manifests his true sq. ; 45, 68, 92; sinfulness of the s. nature in sleep, and is expelled, 13, Srôbar by witchcraft, 37, 111, III 217-19; manifest their true nature 1.; birds kill the s, which are produring sexual intercourse and in duced by the demons, 37, 196; the sleep, 13, 219; the dragon a symbol boy who stole a pearl from under of the superior man' and 'the the chin of the Black Dragon when great man,' 16, 57 sq., 59 sq. n., he was asleep, 39, 161; 40, 211; 409-14, 412 n.; the s.-king Supassa Confucius has seen the dragon asks Buddha to forbid eating s. coiled up in Lâo-zze, 39, 358; the flesh, 17, 86; the s. winged around s. desires to be like the wind, 39, Dahấk, 18, 110, 110 n. ; subdued by 384 sq.; wounded s. healed by charms of snake-charmers, 19, 266, a lord of Sui brings him a large 299; 35, 38, 212, 213 n., 215 sq.; pearl, 40, 154 n. ; 'slaughtering the 36, 168 sq. ; 44, 367; four royal dragon' means learning the Tâo,' breeds of s., 20, 76; girdles made 40, 206, 206 n.; killing s. forbidden, like the head of a s., 20, 143; danger 40, 244; the coursers, swallowing of s. in houses, 20, 166, 174, 272 sq.; the dragon, 41, 27; are neither girdle of s., 20, 233; Gadgadasvara worms nor non-worms, 41, 90; assumes the shape of a great s., to those that crawl on their belly! preach the Lotus, 21, 401; Avalo- driven away, when sweeping the kitesvara protects from Nâgas and ground for the Gârhapatya, 41, 298; s. emitting flames, 21, 414 sq.; worshipped by the Sarpanama feasts at festivals of s., 22, 92; Azi formulas, 41, 369-71; know healing Dahâka, the storm-cloud 'snake,' plants, 42, 43, 580 ; ichneumon tears 23, 60 n., 75, 75 n.; against the evil the serpent, and joins him together done by s., the Fravashi of Thraê- again, 42, 103, 540; invoked against taona is worshipped. 23, 221; Adam enemies in battle, 42, 119; s. and seduced by a s., 24, 179, 210-12, other superhuman beings, 42, 125 219 sq.; manes of s.-deities, 25, sq., 162; the cloud-s. slain by 112 ; must never be despised, 25, Indra, 42, 146, 349; as guardians 150; S. deities yield enjoyment in the six regions, 42, 192 sq.; the from fear of punishment, 25, 219; pure earth starts in fright away the west belongs to the s., 26, 4; from the s., 42, 203 ; earth invoked the fore-edge of the Dikshita's against the s., 42, 204 sq.; Vyâla cloth belongs to the s., 26, 10; feud = s.? 42, 447 sq. ; Arbuda and between men and s., 26, 379; wor- Arbudi, s., 42, 633 ; 44, 367; Rudra shipped at the Tarpana, 29, 121, invoked against s., 43, 151; the s. 219;, worship of s. at the Srâvana serve the Person in the eye under and Agrahầyanî (rainy season) cere- the name of "poison,' snakemonies, 29, 127–32, 201-5, 327–31, charmers under the name of 338-41, 411-13, 416 sq.; 30, 89-92, 'snake,' 43, 373 ; people flock from 94-7, 124, 237-41, 287-9; 42, 639 all sides to see a great s., 44, 40; sq.; blood of sacrificial animal S. deities gratified at the Agnihotra, assigned to s., 29, 257; Ahi budhnya, 44, 82; a stronger has driven a great the dragon of the deep, 29, 331; 41, S. from its own place, the lake 96, 961. ; invoked at house-building (parable), 44, 92; is he who creeps rite, 29, 347; Rudra dwells among along the path, 44, 390 ; blockhead the s., 30, 181; Haoma invoked sacrificed to s. at the Purushamedha, against the Dragon, 31, 239; the 44,414; do not stir in the presence two foes who meet the Dragon of Suparna, 45, 68; do not shut
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