535 their eyes, 45, 92 ; Gandhana-s. Sneezing, explained, 24, 265 sq. suck the poison from the wound See also Omens. they have inflicted, 45, 118,118 n.; Sobhari, n. of a clan, 32, 400, 403-5; different kinds of s., huge s., 45, S. Kânva, a poet, 32, 401, 403. 394, 394 n.; Agni, the roaring s., Sobhya, prayer addressed to, 2, 46, 103, 105; s. on the Hôm tree, 297 n., 298. killed by the Fravashi of Zaratûst, Society, three classes of, viz. priests, 47, 24 ; example of the rope mis- warriors, and husbandmen, 4, 21 n., taken for a s., 48, 23 sq., 32 sq., 47, 58 sq., 65, 78, 80, 166; 5, 142, 186; 66, 73, 75, 148 sq., 180 sq., 184 sq., 18, 215; 23, 201, 201 n., 327, 329, 191, 217, 433; imagination of being 332; 31, 343; intermarriage bebitten by a s., owing to the nearness tween different classes of s., 5, 206; of the s., 48, 75; the relation of the four classes of s., priests, warriors, world to Brahman is like that of husbandmen, and artisans, 5, 357, the s. to its coils, 48, 618-21; live 357 n., 360, 365; 24, 67-9, 105 sq., on air, 49 (i), 72; the s. Kâla 118 sq. ; 31, 252, 265; 37, 308, 424 pays homage to Buddha, 49 (i), sq., 459 sq.; 47, 9, 15, 46 sq., 148 135 sq.; the s. Sesha, 49 (i), 197. sq.; disreputable professions, 7, See also Ahi, Dalâka, Nâgas, Sarpa- 186-9; 25, 387 sq. and n.; origin vidya, Superhuman beings, Uragas, of social distinctions, 16, 436; social and Vâsuki.
constitution of Zoroastrian Iran, Snaoya, n.p., 23, 203.
23, 119, 149 sq., 149 n.; ranks and Snâtaka, i.e. he who has bathed' classes of s., 23, 332 ; 31, 385 sq. ; after completing his studentship, 2, property of nobles and the people, 92 n.; honour due to the S., 2, 93; 37, 92; natural superiority, 37, 25, 75, 75 n.; duties and rules of 97 sq. See also Castes, and Proconduct for S., 2, 93-9, 218-26; 7, fessions. 179, 224-31; 14,59-63, 158-60, 239- Sodom, destruction of, 9, 96 sq., 43; 25, 130-69, 472; 29, 123-6, 230, 104, 120 sq., 246. 316-19, 409 sq., 433; 30, xxxiv sq., Sodomy, see Sexual intercourse. 85-7; how to be received as guests, Sôg-tôrà, the Aspîgân, 47, 34. 2, 120; 14, 49; 29, 87 n., 88, 92, Soittiyâ, see Sautaptika. 197, 273, 435; 30, 132, 171-5, 277 ; Sôk-tôrâ, ancestor of Fredûn, 5, way must be made for a S., even by 132, 132 n. a king, 7, 203 sq.; 14, 69; 25, Soldiers, the highest class of ser55 sq.; three kinds of S., 7, 203 n.; vants, 33, 134. 29, 310 sq.; 30, 86; qualities Solitude, is wisdom, 10 (ii), 129-31; through which one becomes a true one of the conditions by which S. (Nahậtaka), 10 (ii), 89 sq.; 45, a Bhikkhu obtains his desires, 11, 140; must be supported by house- 210-18. holders, 25, lxviii, 133 sq.; a S. Solomon, rules over the ginns, and becoming a hermit, 25, 198; gifts has power over nature, 6, lxx; 9, must be made to S., 25, 431; a great 52, 52 n., 151, 151 sq. n.; it was being indeed is a S., 29, 230; auspi- not S. who disbelieved, but the cious rite performed by S., 30, devils, 6, 14, 14 n.; an inspired 128; the sun shines through the prophet, 6, 94, 125; David and S. splendour of S., 30, 165; hairs from give judgement about a field, 9, 52, the navel of a S. used for a charm, 52 n.; taught the speech of birds, 42, 477; a S. or a Brahmakârin marches with ginns, birds, and men, initiates the Unnetri for the sattra, through the valley of the ant, and 44, 137; he who always feeds two converts the queen of Sebâ, 9, thousand S. will become a god, 45, 100-3; his death discovered by 417. See also Holy persons, Morality a worm, 9, 151, 152 n.; legends of (a), Teacher (a), and Woman (6). S., 9, 178 sq. and n.; the wind and Snâvidhaka, killed by Keresâspa, the devils subjected to him, 9, 179. 18, 370; 23, 296 sq., 297 n.
Solstices, see Sacred Times,
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