Rig-veda, 1, xxii; he who learns (6) CLASSIFICATION OF S. that a man has committed a s. Five deadly s., 1, 83 sq. ; 2, 277 should not be the first to make it sq.; 14, 4 sq. ; 35, 41; 49 (ii), 73, known, but he shall not invite him 192, 197, 197 n.; Abhisasta, one to dinners given at religious cere- who has committed the five great monies, 2, 75; food of sinners not S., and loses his caste, 2, 74, 79, to be eaten, 2, 190, 267; 14, 69- 79 n., 91 sq., 190, 190 n., 267, 71 ; 25, 161-4; created by Angra- 267 n., 275; 14, 69, 119, 122, 182; Mainyu, 4, 5-9; s. and merit com- 25, 64, 162 ; see also Caste (e) ; lists pared as to their results in future of s. according to their greatness, life, 4, 270 sq., 281, 281 n.; evil classes of s., 2, 280-3; 4, lxxxivdemons produced by S., 5, 113 ; s. Ixxxvii; 14, 4 sq., 296, 298, 313 sq.; is what is against the will of Allhar- 17, 316; 18, 33 n., 230 sq. and n., mazd, 5, 157; new-born child not 235 sq. n., 426; 25, 441-4, 484; 35, to be shown to a sinful person, 5, 268-70; 37, 62, 62 n., 103 sq., 322; whoso commits a crime, he only 104 n., 107 sq., 154 sq., 192; 42, commits it against himself, 6, 88; 521 sq., 524, 528; 45, 366-77; S., God has only prohibited sinful which cause loss of caste, 2. 280-2; actions, 6, 140 sq.; causes of s., 8, 14, 217-19; that cannot be expiated, 56 sq. ; 22, 3-14, 51 sq.; Kâsyapa 2, 281; 25, 469; which are minor was conversant with merit and s., offences (upapataka), 2, 281; 14, 8, 232; men reborn in uncomfort- 4 sq., 219; five s. that make one a able and harassing states in conse- Peshôtanu, 4, 176 sq.; classific quence of s., 8, 233, 321 ; 10 (ii), of s., their punishments, and coun47 ; what is s. ? 8, 301 ; each soul is terbalancing of s. by good works, to bear the burden of its own s., 9, 5, lx, 239-41 and notes, 242 n., 256, 3, 253; what is s. according to 258 sq., 261-3, 265 sq., 268 sq., Buddha, 10 (ii), XV sq., 40 sq. ;
272, 282 sq., 288 sq., 289 sq. n., destiny and sinfulness, 18, 215 sq.;
291, 294 sq., 298, 300 sq. and n., he who comprehends the causes of 304-8, 307 n., 315 sq., 318 sq., s. is a sage, 22, 2 sq. ; results of s., 322, 326, 326 n., 334 sq. and n., retribution, 25, Ixviii, 155 sq. ; 37, 340 sq., 379-81; committed in the 45 sq., 68; sinful acts and qualities,
period of adversity, 5, 202-10; marks of the qualities of Activity
abominable S. to be avoided, 6, and Darkness, 25, 491; there is
135; those who have done evil in more merit than demerit, 35, 128
ignorance will be forgiven, 6, 263 ; sq. ; your s. will find you out,' 35,
he who destroys life, who speaks un295, 295 n.; misery arises through
truth, who in this world takes what is
- not given him, who goes to another sinfulness, 37, 35 sq.; abettors of s.,
man's wife; and the man who gives 37, 72; pregnancy of the fiend due
himself to drinking intoxicating liquors, to certain s., 37, 164, 207; there
he, even in this world, digs up his own would be no s. if the soul were
root, 10 (i), 61; twelve kinds of s., not embodied, 37, 200 ; committed
10 (ii), 17-19; 45, 356-64, 387 sq.; by the gods, 42, 32, 520; disease
he who has attained the bliss of the caused by one's own s. or that of
right view is incapable of commitparents, 42, 41, 59, 293 sq.; Vritra ting the six deadly S., or to conceal is s., which ever keeps him from them when committed, 10 (ii), 38 well-being and virtue, 44, 1; care sq.; the s. termed samghadi-sesâ, taken at funeral rites that the or requiring formal meetings of the deceased man's s. should be re- Order, Mânatta penance for them, stricted or not made manifest, 44, 13, 7-15; 17, 397-439; the s. 422, 425-8, 435-7; no s. in a termed aniyatâ, or undetermined, Buddha country, 49 (ii), 14, 40, 13, 16 sq.; the s. termed nisaggiyâ See also Crimes, Karman, Morality, pâkittiyâ, involving forfeiture, 13, Nirriti, and Transmigration.
18-31; the s. termed pâkittiyâ,
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