Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 544
________________ SIBI-SIN(S) 527 Sibi, or Sivi, King, gave away his Sikhandin, n. of hero, 8, 39. sh or his eyes in charity, 19, Sikhin, n. of a Brahma angel, 21, 159 ; 35, 179-85, 36, 378; 49 (i), 5 n., 169. See Brahma Sikhin. 151. Sikkhâ, see Self-culture. Sibinta, worshipped at the Tarpana, Sîkshâ, the pronunciation of the 30, 244. Veda, chapter on, 15, 45-53. See Siddhânta, i.e. Gaina canon, see also Sciences. Gaina Sûtras. Siksha-vallî, in the TaittirîyakaSiddhartha, name given to Buddha, upanishad, 15, xxvii sq. 19, 23. Sila, converted by Buddha, 19, 243. Siddhartha, father of Mahâvîra, Sîla, Pali t.t., right conduct, 11, 159, 22, x sq.; Trisalâ, wife of the 188 n., 189–200. See also Morality. Kshatriya S., of the Kâsyapa gotra, Sîlâgarbha, a Kaitya so called, 49 of the clan of the Grâtris, 22, (i), 167 sq. 191, 226, 228, 239-56; his other Silaka Sâlâvatya, n.p., 1, 15-17. names Sreyâmsa and Gasamsa, 22, Silence, see Mauna, and Speech. 193. Silpa Kasyapa, n, of a teacher, 15, Siddhartha Vana, n. of a park, 22, 226. 283. Silver, originated from Agni's tears, Siddhas, Kapila, chief among the, 8, 12, 322 n.; "white gold,' i.e. s., 89,89 n.; praise Krishna, 8, 94, 96; representing the moon, 44, 196; are invisible, possess extraordinary gold and s. plates at sacrificial powers, 8, 232, 235 n.; 35, 181, rites, 41, 251, 462; as the priests' 181n.; Kâsyapa instructed by a S., fee, 44, 357. See also Metals, and 8, 232-6; see with a divine eye Money. the soul, departing from the body Sîmantonnayana, see Child (b). and coming to the birth, 8, 239; Simha, of the Kâsyapa gotra, a final emancipation understood by Sthavira, 22, 294. the S., 8, 314; Mahâvîra became a Simha, a Bodhisattva Mahâsattva, S., 22, 264; satiated at the Tar- 21, 4; n. of a Tathagata, 49 (ii), 7, pana, 29, 219; pious monks will 66 sq., 100. after death become eternal S., 45, Simhadhvaga, n. of a Tathậg ta, 8, 18, 167 sq. ; through the law of 21, 178. chastity, the S. have reached per- Simhaghosha, n, of a Tathagata, fection, 45, 77 ; thirty-one qualities 21, 178. of S., 45, 183; who the S. or per- Simhagiri Gâtismara, n. of a Sthafected souls are, where and how vira, 22, 288, 293. they live, 45, 211-13; souls of S., Simhakandrâ with five hundred 48, 198, beings born as S. on ac- nuns, 21, 360. count of religious merit, 48, 238. Simhamati, n. of a Tathậgata, 49 See also Holy persons, and Super- (ii), 7. human beings. Simhasâgarakûtavinanditarâga, Siggîn, register of the wicked in n. of a Tathâgata, 49 (ii), 6. hell, 9, 324, 324 1. Similes, see Parables. Sigill, Es-S. rolls up the books of Simplicity: to keep people in a human fates, 9, 55, 55 n. state of s. and ignorance, the ideal Sîha, general-in-chief of the Likkha- of Taoism, 39, 78 sq. vis, a follower of the Nigantha sect, Sîmûrgh, see Saêna. is converted by Buddha, 17, 108-17; Sin(s). 45, xvi. (a) Definition, origin, consequences of s. Sikand-gûmânîk Vigâr or doubt • (6) Classification of s. dispelling explanation,' by Mardân- (c) Atonement, Repentance, Renunciation of s. farukh, object of the work, 24, xxv-xxviii; its age, 24, xxví sq.; (a) DEFINITION, ORIGIN, CONSEMSS. and versions of it, 24, xxviii- QUENCES OF S. xxxvi; translated, 24, 117-251. The religious notion of s, in the Digitized by Microsoft ®


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