of S., 49 (ii), 8; the 19 ci), 166. See
259-62 crifice to the sove
8, 219, 347; as a name of Rudra, Siyâvakhsh, an author of the prose 12, 201 n.; 15, 252 sq.; 29, 256; Sad Dar, 24, xxxvii. the Person (purusha) is Bhagavat, Skanda, called Sanatkumara, 1, 125; is the omnipresent s., 15, 246; 38, 235; chief among generals, 8,
the happy one,' who also creates 89; feasts at festivals of S., 22, 92; the elements, 15, 259; Mahesvara worshipped at the Tarpana, 30, 244; rejoiced when beholding his six- son of Agni, 49 (i), 12. faced child, 19, 20; Gadgadasvara Skandhas, Buddhist t.t., the five preaches under the shape of S., 21, aggregates or constituent elements 401; sacrifice to S., 29, 203; of being, 10 (i), 54, 54 sg. n., 87; Vidyâdharas, attendants of S., 35, 22, xxxiii; 34, 402 sq. ; 35, 42-4, 217 n.; the disease Sûla due to the 82; 49 (ii), 147, 153. See also trident of S., 42, 506; slays Andha- Aggregates, and Khandha. ka, 42, 620; not acknowledged as Skandila, president of the council supreme god in the Gaina-sútras, of Mathurâ, 22, 294 n. 45, 102 n.; Nârâyana alone existed, Skârayat-ratha, n.p., 23, 210. not Brahmâ, nor S., 48, 240; a term Skins of animals, see Animals (e), referring to the Highest Reality and Antelope. (Brahman, Nârâyana), 48, 522, 667; Sky, first created by Allharmazd, 5, or Bhava, 49 (i), 16; has a bull 10; attacked by the evil spirit, 5, for his sign and is immovable in his 17, 25, 167 sq.; three parts of the vow, 49 (i), 104 ; Brahman, Vishnu, S., 18, 86-8, 94, 94 n., 126 sq., and S., 49 (i), 196 sq., 200; moon 127 n., 220, 220 n.; 24, 17 n.; of S., 49 (ii), 8; the palace of Mahes- nature and material of the s., 18, vara Deva or S., 49 (ii), 166. See 259-62; 24, 36, 36 n.; invocation also Isâna, Mahesvara, and Pasupati. and sacrifice to the sovereign S., Siva, mother of Arishtanemi, 22, 23, 10, 18, 34, 136, 334, 352; 276; 45, 112.
Fravashi of the s. worshipped, 23, Sivabhûti, of the Kautsa gotra, a 200;-union of S. with the sun, 41, Sthavira, 22, 294.
149, 188 sq.; the s. or the udder of Sîvaka, n, of a Yakkha, 20, 181 sq. the s, is the waters, 41, 216, 284; Sîvaka: Buddha addresses Moliya 44, 492; fashioned by the Adityas, S., 35, 195.
41, 234; is Pragâpati's head, 41, Sivasamkalpa, an Upanishad, in the 313, 317; sheds seed in the form of Vâgasaneyi-Samhitâ, 1, Ixvi.
rain produced by smoke (steam), Siveyyaka, a kind of cloth, 17, 190, 41, 383; the seat of waters, 41, 190 n., 193 sq.
416; is blissful, 43, 88; deity and Sivi, see Sibi.
brick of fire-altar, 43, 91; the Sîyah-tôrâ, see Sîyâk-tôrâ.
firmament or heavenly world, the Sîyâkmak (or Sîyâmak) and Nasâk, third luminous back of the s., 43, one of the first seven pairs of men, 93, 100, 122, 198, 250, 304; is the 5, 58 sq.; son of Mâshya, 5, 130; left wing of fire-altar and universe, 47, 35, 127, 127 n., 140; Fravâk, 43, 179; is the higher abode, 43, son of S., 5, 132; primaeval ruler, 202 sq. ; the stars are its hair, 47, 121.
Aditya the man, 43, 208; steadied Sîyâk-tôrâ, ancestor of Fredûn, 5, by clouds and stars, 44, 126; relates 132; 47, 34.
to Indra, 44, 241; was the first conSîyâmak, see Siyâkmak.
ception, 44, 315, 389; was afraid of Sîyâvakhsh, Av. Kavi Syâvarshân, being injured by the heat of the Prason of Kâi-Us (Kâî-Kâûs), king of vargya, 44, 467; is yellow, 44, 467; Iran, 5, 136, 136 n., 224, 226; 18, a place of abode for all the gods, 44, 90, 90 n.; 23, 222, 222 n., 303 ; 24, 505; laughing of the s., the lightning, 64,64 n.; 47, 14; formed Kangdez, 46, 203, 205. See also Heaven. 18, 257, 257 n.; father of Husravah Sky-flowers, example of an ima(Khûsrôî), 23, 114 sq., 278, 304; 37, ginary thing, not objects of con28; of beautiful body, 23, 326. sciousness, 48, 50, 55, 77, 532.
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