Senagit, n. of a king, whose son over the five s. and the inind which
reached final bliss, 49 (i), 95. issue from nature and return to it, Senâpati, Buddha visits the village 8, 112, 112 n.; relation of s. to one of, 19, xxvii.
another, and of mind and s., 8, 268Senika, disciple of Sântisenika, 22, 70; five s., the fuel for the fire 293.
connected with the Brahman, 8, Seniya, see Bimbisâra..
286; the sprouts in the holes of the Sony, or Sênộ, SênốY, Av. Saễna, son tree of vorldly life, 8, 33, 37; of Ahûmstut (Hûmstûv), disciple of the ten s., and the one sense (mind), Zoroaster, a priest at the renovation, 8, 317; 38, 65 n.; contact of 23, 203, 203 n.; 37, 230, 262, 262 objects of sense with the s. is the n.; the times of S., 37, 406; admoni- source of delusion, 8, 335; the s. tions of the righteous S., 37, 410 n.; and the objects of s., and the five a high-priest, 47, xi, 83, 83 n., 85 n. ; great elements to be placed together, priestly college established by S., and held by the mind, 8, 341; desire, 47, xxviii; his date, 47, xxx sq.; an wrath, &c., are got rid of by reupholder of the religion, 47, 166. straint of s., 8, 344; the group of s., Sensations, different kinds of, 35, the bonds of the wheel of life, 8, 70 sq.; defined, 35, 93; dependent 355; the ascetic draws in his s. as on Karman, 35, 100.
a tortoise his limbs, 8, 366; the Senses, worshipped at the Dîkshâ by Supreme Self cannot be reached by one who lives in the forest, 1, 75; the s., 8, 367; the Sannyâsin underrelation of s. and elements, 1, 96-8; stands the s. and the objects of the 8, 342 sq., 348-50, 352, 382-5; are S., 8, 368; the different kinds of only instruments, 1, 142; when sound, touch, colour, taste and freed from the s. the wise, on smell, 8, 383-5; five s., the five departing from this world, become fetters, to be cut by the Bhikshu, immortal, 1, 147; Brahman directs 10 (i), 86; 11, 181; he whose s. the s., but is independent of them, are trained, and longs for death, is 1, 147 sq.; eye, ear, mind, speech, called subdued, 10 (ii), 89; s. and breath, as five deities, 1, 185 ; speech Asavas, 11, 301-3; are different is not intertwined with the other from the Self, 15, 22 ; eight grahas, seven s, of the head, 1, 196; quarrel, seizers' or s. and atigrahas or as to pre-eminence, of the s., 1, objects of sense, 15, 125 sq. ; 34, 206 sq., 290 sq.; 15, 97 sq.; when cxi sq., 239; 38, 79, 83, 369; breath departs, the s, also depart gather round the Self at the time of with it, 1, 223; compared to har- death, 15, 173 sq. ; 38, 102; nature nessed horses drawing about the of s., 15, 329; are our greatest body, 1, 233; 7, 231; 8, 187, 386; foes, 19, 297; renouncing all attach49 (i), 22; the deities (mind, speech, ments to the objects of s., the fifth eye, ear) bring an offering to Prâna, great vow of the Gaina, 22, 208 1, 280, 281; the contacts of the s. sqq.; five s. known through the (external objects) are not per- Veda, 25, 505; the objects are manent, 8, 44; restraining the s. beyond the s., 34, 239, 244; relation necessary for attaining tranquillity of the s. and their objects is based and release, 8, 50 sq., 57, 242, 246, on the mind, 34, 239; elements 248, 251, 266 n., 362; sacrificing and s., the product of Nescience, 34, the s, in the fire of restraint, 8, 61; 281; Sânkhyas enumerate somewho controls the s. is not tainted times seven s., sometimes eleven, by actions, 8, 64; the embodied 34, 376; 38, 82 sq.; "the abode of self in the city of nine portals, 8, the six' (s.), in Bauddha termino65, 65 n.; enjoyments of the s. logy, 34, 404, 405 n.; produced sources of misery, 8, 66; mind, from name and form, 35, 79; are chief of s., 8, 88; the ten s. and not interchangeable, 35, 86-9, 98 five objects of sense, included in the sq.; action of s. by contact, senKshetra, 8, 102 ; the soul presides sation, idea, thought, &c., 35, 86-9,
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