Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 536
________________ SELF-SENAGIT 519 seeing, &c., 34, 168 sq.; the body of living creatures, 48, 291, qualities of being the True, of 357; not born, he is born in many resting in its own greatness, of being ways, 48, 297; bodiless among omnipresent, and of being the S. of bodies, 48, 424; activity of soul everything, can belong to the H. S. depends on H. S., 48, 556–8; who only, 34, 169; corresponds to the dwelling in the S. is different from the mental act of complete intuition, S., whom the S. does not know, whose 34, 172; that after which sun, moon, body the S. is, who rules the S. from &c., are said to shine is the H. S., within, he is thy S., the inward ruler, 34, 192-4 ; the word 'light' de- the immortal one, 48, 557. See also notes the H. S., 34, 195; 38, 407; Brahman, God (d), and Purusha. with reference to the heart the Self-concentration, see Meditation. H. S. is said to be of the size of Self-conquest: the strong man is he a span, 34, 196-8; is the end of who overcomes himself, 16, 309 n.; 39, the journey, the highest place of 75; to conquer one's self is the Vishnu, 34, 239; is higher than the best victory, 45, 38 sq. intellect, 34, 240; the great S. may Self-consciousness (pragña), the denote the intellect of the first-born organs and parts of the body cannot Hiranyagarbha, 34, 240; the calm, accomplish anything without it, 1, i.e. the H. S., 34, 241; is the in- 296–8; s. or egoism, the feeling this telligent soul of the Sânkhyas, 34, is 1,' 8, 102 n., 322 n., 333 n., 336 241, 259 ; is above all attributes, n., 338; subtle elements of material 34, 249; is the centre of the whole things proceed from s., 34, 376. world with the objects, the senses Self-control, of ascetics, 8, 48, 126 and the mind, it has neither inside sq., 246, 366; want of s., 8, 183, nor outside, 34, 276; the S. makes 236; energy in s., indispensable in itself, which is possible owing to order to reach beatitude, 45, 15-18. modification, 34, 287; is not affected See also Self-restraint. by the world-illusion, 34, 312 ; the Self-correction is the happiness of one unchanging witness of the three the small man, 16, 391. states, the creation, subsistence, Self-culture: a Bhikkhu who has and reabsorption of the world, 34, doubts in the system of S.(Sikkhâ), 312; there results from the Gaina is not free from spiritual barrendoctrine non-universality of the S., ness, 11, 224, 229. 34, 431 sq. ; appears in manifold Self-defence, see Homicide. forms, 34, 440; 38, 66–8; the Self-existent, see Svayambhû. nature of the S. is eternal presence, Selfishness, grief and avarice come 38, 15; is not an effect, 38, 15; is from, 10 (ii), 154 sq. not the shaper of dreams, 38, Self-restraint, is the best instrument 137 sq.; the creation of the worlds of purification; s. is the best of auspiwas accomplished by some inferior cious objects; by s. he obtains anything Lord, different from, and super- he may desire in his heart, 7, 231; intended by the H. S., 38, 206; intended by the Tom and super devotion not to be attained without not to be contemplated in the sym- S., 8, 9, 21, 50, 60 sq., 64, 66-70, bol, 38, 340-2 ; Pragâpati identified 103, 127, 182, 250 ; what real s. is, with the S., 43, xxiv; the Supreme 8, 67, 168 ; is mental penance, 8, S. has entered into the Year (of 119; defects of s., 8, 170. See also the sacrificial session), 44, 167: Restraint, and Senses. different from matter, 48, 96; hi Self-sacrifice, see Suicide. of whom the Unevolved is the body, of Semen, see Seed. whom the Imperishable is the body, of Se-na, Rishi, his daughters give milk whom Death is the body, he is the inner to the Bodhisattva exhausted by S. of all things, 48, 202 ; fire is his austerities, 19, xxi sq. head, his eyes the sun and the moon, Senâ (or Enâ), female disciple of the regions his ears, &c., 48, 287, Sambhûtavigaya, 22, 289. 289; abides, as Vaisvânara, in the Senagit, is a winter-month, 43, 108. Digitized by Microsoft®

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