513 servances connected with the study Self (Atman). of s, d., 29, 76-83, 141-50; where (a) Knowledge of S. and with whom s. d. should not be (6) Highest S. or Brabman, and individual discussed, 35, 138–41; a teacher
S. or Soul.
(c) Individuals. should keep nothing secret from his
(d) The Highest S. disciple, 35, 142, 142 n.; the recitation of the Pâtimokkha and the
KNOWLEDGE OF S. Vinaya Pitaka are kept from lay
Atman best translated by S., 1, men, but they are not s. d., 35. xxix, xxxii; salvation obtained by 264-8; sin of disclosing s. d., 37,
knowledge of the S., 1, 110, 312; 130: Pravargya ceremony must not 2, 154 ; 8, 126; 18, 24 ; 25, 501, be taught to any and every one, 44, 501 n., 502 n., 503 sq., 508 ; 34, 445. See also Mysticism, Teacher,
98, 167, 250; 38, 285-306; is hidden and Upanishads.
in the Veda, 1, 110 n.; there is Secret rites, see Witchcraft.
freedom in all the worlds for those Sects, costume of different, 7, 202 n.;
only who have discovered the S., 1, views held by different s., 8, 375-7;
127; the S. which is free from sin, lists of religious s., 8, 376 sq. n.;
free from old age, from death and grief, 35, 266, 266 n.; leaders of many s.
from hunger and thirst, which desires dwell at Sâgala, 35, 3; followers of
nothing but what it ought to desire, ant
imagines nothing but what it ought to all s. frequent the court of a king,
ng, imagine, that it is which we must search 36, 266. See also Agivikas, Heresy, out, that it is which we must try to Heretics, and Karaka.
understand. He who has searched out Seduction, see Woman.
that S. and understands it, obtains all Seed, origin of, 1, 205, 243 sq.; food worlds and all desires, 1, 134-42; 48, turned into s., 8, 238 n.; body made 314 ; by the S. we obtain strength, up of s. and blood, 8, 241; from by knowledge we obtain immordesire s, is produced, 8, 275; apâna tality, 1, 149; meditation on the wind, as connected with objects, is S. which is conscious, 1, 305; he S., 8, 338; water abides in s., and s. who beholds all beings in the S., and the in the heart, 15, 147; s. of man S. in all beings, he never turns away and tree compared, 15, 150; prayer from it, 1, 312; knowledge of the on shedding s., 15, 216; offences Atman, the highest object, to be with regard to s. (corn), 25, 394; sought after, 2, 75-8, 75 sq. n., is produced from the whole body, 154;. 14, 47, 261; various meanings 41, 349, 353 n. ; is white, speckled, of Atman, 8, II; self-restraint moist, 41, 351 sq. ; is twenty-five- necessary for S.-knowledge, 8, 51; fold, 41, 353, 353 n.; is virile by concentration of mind he sees the power, 41, 354; is cast silently, 41, S. in the S., 8, 105, 105 n., 248 sq., 358; 43, 208; 44, 179; only he 250, 344; through egoism one does who has testicles sheds s., 41, 384 ; not attain to union, with the S., 8, why the s. of the boy and the old 153; knowing the Supreme S. is man is not productive, 44, 53, 56; identical with becoming it, 8, 156, from s. everything is generated, 44, 756 n., 164 sq.; 38, 138 sq.; diffi.
179 sq. See also Parables (f). culty of knowing the S., it cannot Seers, see Rishis.
be gained by the Veda, nor by Sêg, fiend of annihilation, 5, 110; understanding, nor by much learna fiend in the house, threatening ing, 8, 247, 385; 15, 8 sq., 11, 40, infants, 24, 294, 294 n.
87; 48, 617; meditation on the S. Sekha, Pali t.t., a novice or student, as existing in all things, 8, 312; 25, 10 (ii), x, 182.
210, 511-13, 511 sq. n.; 34, 171-4; Sela, the Brâhmana, goes to meet 43, xxiv, 400; 48, 179 sq.; names Buddha, discovers his thirty-two of the great S., 8, 332 ; 15, 310 SQ. ; signs, and is converted, 10 (ii), 98- the great S., the heart of all beings, 106; 35, 253 ; 36, 25.
is resplendent in the emancipated Selasutta, t.c., 10 (ii), 96-106. sage, 8, 345; he who understands
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