n.; 34, 59 sq.,, -, 190, 28,
the S. which is uncreated, change- (6) HIGHEST S. OR BRAHMAN AND less, unmoving, &c., becomes im- INDIVIDUAL S. OR SOUL. mortal, 8, 367, 391; 15, 14; dis- Identity of the individual s. with cussion on the S., by Buddha, 13, the Highest S. or with Brahman, 1, 100 sq.; Yama explains the true xxv, XXX, 101-9, 125 sq. n., 135 sq., nature of the S. to Nakiketas, 15, 138, 140; 8, 156 sq. and n., 193 sq.; 8-17: 34, 248; the wise who, by means 14, 264, 2641., 278; 15, 113-17, 176, of meditation on his S., recognizes the 178-81, 245-8, 290 sq. ; 34, xx, Ancient, who is difficult to be seen, who xxvii, xxx, xxxiv sq., 14 sq., 30 sq., has entered into the dark, who is hidden 36, 41-3, 45, 51, 104 sq., 113, 115 Sq., in the cave, who dwells in the abyss, as 155, 161, 185, 190, 190 n., 198, 233God, he indeed leaves joy and sorrow far
5, 240 sq., 249-51, 277-83, 295, behind, 15, 10; everything is known
320-30, 377, 381; 38, 30 sq., 33 sq., by the S., 15, 15 sq., 87; 34, 275;
42 sqq., 65-8, 73, 138-40, 146, 174by the light of the one S. everything
80, 208 sq., 244 sq., 288, 291, 335, is lighted, 15, 19 sq.; the subtle S.
337-40, 396 sq., 399 sq. ; 48, 10, is to be known by thought, inter
23 sq., 98 sq., 102, 126, 191, 203, woven with the senses, 15, 39 ; must
238 sq., 351, 467, 655 sq., 659, 687, be gained by truthfulness, penance,
717 sq. ; the Sândilya-vidya, "he is
mys. within the heart, smaller than right knowledge, and abstinence, 15.
a corn of rice ... greater than the 39-41; everything is perceived and
earth ... he myswithin the heart, known in the S., 15, 110 sqq., 183
is that Brahman,' 1, 48; 15, II; sq. ; to be described by No, no,
43, 400; 48, 315; relation of the 15, 148 sq., 160, 180, 185; 48, 396 ;
Supreme S. (paramâtman) or Brahwhoever has found and understood the S.
man and individual s., 1,84; 8, 55, that has entered intothis patched-together
92, 103, 11; 15, 235; 25, 486-8 hiding-place, he indeed is the creator,
and n.; 34, xix, lvii sqq., xcvii-c, for he is the maker of everything, his is cxxi sq., 37, 59 sq., 112 sq., 115, the world, and he is the world itself, 118-23, 130. 161, 185-7, 190, 233 15, 178; dialogues on the S., 15,290- 249-52, 277-83, 278 n., 441; 38, 317; knowledge of S. required to
61-73, 138, 149, 173-5, 240 sq., reap full reward of sacred rites, 25, 407 sq.; 48, 98 sq., 141, 257-65, 213, 213 n.; knowledge of Supreme 393, 459, 559, 561 sq.; the living s. S. to be learnt by the king, 25, 222 ; suffers pleasure and pain on earth, pupils of the sacred doctrines turn not the Highest S., 1, 95 n.; intheir minds to the S., 29, 147; in dividual s. a shadow or reflection its primary meaning it refers to of Highest S.,1, 95 n.; 34, xcvii; 38, what is intelligent only, 34, 56; 68 sq.; let him know that the person is not destroyed, but by means of within all beings, not hcard here, not true knowledge there is effected its reached, not thought, not subdued, not dissociation from the mâtrâs, 34, seen, not understood, not classed, but 281; how is it known at all if it is hearing, thinking, seeing, classing, not the object of perception ? 34, sounding, understanding, knowing, is 368; knowledge of S. is self-estab- his S., 1, 263; the departed says to lished, 38, 14; those who do not Brahman: 'Thou art the S. What know the S. are objects of enjoy- thou art, that am I, 1, 278; inment for the gods, 38, 111; know- dividual s. part of Brahman or the ledge of the unity of the S. estab- Supreme S., 8, 31, 112, 186, 186 n.; lished in the Sârîraka-Mîmâmsa, 34, xxv, lviii, xcvii sq. ; 38, 61-3, 48, 9; S. and Nescience are one, 396 sq.; 48, 191, 195 sq., 558-67; 48, 54 ; defined, 48, 72; the S., the Brahman dwells only in the s. of meaning "cognition,' appears as a a man of high vows, 8, 180; God thing, 48, 118; represented as a and the s., the two divine principles, man, for the sake of meditation, 48, 8, 187, 187 n., 192, 192 n.; the S. is 293
placed in the ether, in the heavenly
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