Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 528
________________ SCRIPTURE-SEASONS 511 argumentation, 34, 17; S. and intui- ebb, 18, 89; merchants trading by tion as means of knowledge, 34, 18; S., 25, 282, 282 n.; the s., the child Brahman the source of S., 34, 19- of the reed, worshipped, 29, 127; 22; the means of knowing Brahman, is the womb of the waters, 41, 416; 34, 20-47, 288, 350-2, 355 ; 38, expiatory oblation to the S., 44,211. 339; 48, 161–74, 255; aims at See also Ocean. action, 34, 20 sq.; not the source Seasons, speculations on the, 1, 25, of Brahman, 34, 22; because it is 30 sq.; year has six s., 1, 186; 12, directly stated in S. therefore Brah- 62, 198, 281, 309, 321, 368, 421, man is the cause of the world, 34, 435 ; 26, 101, 109, 166, 248, 289, 61-4, 306, 317; intuition vouched 294, 383, 408; 41, 31, 124, 206, for by S., 34, 101 sq.; nowhere 220, 244, 269, 271, 351; 43, 64 sq., makes statements regarding the in- 96, 228, 318-20, 322; 44, 88, 154, dividual soul, 34, 160; Brahman is 168, 246 sq., 287, 323, 402, 406, the special topic of S., 34, 160, 265 431; moon, the ordainer of the s., sq.; 48, 174-200, 255 sq.; in order 1, 274, 274 n.; the departed says: to be authoritative, is independent I am a season, and the child of the of anything else, 34, 203 ; Smriti S., 1, 275, 278; regulation of the s. depends on S., 34, 203, 440; may for agriculture by Yâo, 3, 33-4; sometimes have to be taken in a the five elements that regulate the secondary sense, 34, 318; its S., 3, 77, 77 n.; winter created by authoritativeness denied by the Angra Mainyu, by the Daêvas, 4, Bauddhas, 34, 412; the production 4, 10, 224 ; seven months of summer, of the omniscient Lord, and om- and five of winter, 4, 260; spring, niscience of the Lord based on S., best of s., 8, 91, 91 n.; have winter 34, 437; our only authority on as the first, 8, 352, 352 n.; worsupersensuous things, 38, 4; 48, shipped, 12, 79 sq.; 23, 5, 14, 36-8, 426; our knowledge of what is 49, 52; 28, 203 ; 31, 198, 210 sq., duty and the contrary of duty de- 216 sq., 220, 225, 336, 339; 44, pends entirely on S., 38, 131; 142; cause living beings to be proceases to be valid when true know- duced, and plants to ripen, 12, 92; ledge springs up, 38, 340; is of five s. in the year, 12, 98, 98 n., greater force than Perception, 48, 142, 144, 192, 280, 317, 382 sq.; 26, 24-6, 30; rests on endless un 16, 21, 24, 50, 70, 88, 166, 241, broken tradition, 48, 25 sq.; how251, 408, 41, 8, 152, 172, 198, 232, scriptural texts are to be reconciled, 293, 307 sq., 333, 335, 372; 42, 58, 48, 26 sq., 138-45; not stronger 209; 43, 62 sq., 96, 120, 147, 163, than Perception, 48, 73-8; is more 184, 191, 204, 240, 253; 44, 13, 37, loving than even a thousand parents, 125, 150, 154, 168, 291, 375, 402, 48, 204, 662; aims at comforting 405, 452; Prayâga offerings and the the soul afflicted by pain, 48, 216; s., 12, 146-8, 159; description of enjoins meditation, 48, 252 ; Smriti, winter, 12, 153; how the S. obtained when contradicted by S., is of no their share in the sacrifice, 12, 155account, 48, 408; on which its 7; are the doors of the year, 12, authoritative character depends, 159; three s, represent the gods, 48, 414; the highest authority three the fathers, 12, 289, 420; among the means of knowledge, 48, three s., 12, 290; 43, 322; 44, 88, 435, 473 sq.; authority of S., 247, 445 ; connected with the Smriti, Itihâsa, and Purâna, 48, 460, castes, 12, 290 sq.; 41, 91; 44, 347 751. See also Sacred Books, Sruti, sq.; the sun is all the s., 12, 316; Tipitaka, Upanishads, and Veda. the divine coursers are the s., 12, Sea, going to, a custom peculiar to 382 sq.; the fathers are the (six) s., the north, 14, 146; S. voyages 12, 431, 435; 43, 243 sq., 244 n.; forbidden, 14, 217, 217 n. ; 25, 105; he who sacrifices the Kâturmâsya is the kin and birthplace of the offerings, becomes a s., and as such horse, 15, 74; 43, 401; flow and goes to the gods, 12, 444; the s. Digitized by Microsoft ®


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