137 sq., 148; its text, 8, 137 sq.; verted by Buddha, 13, 148-51; an its date and position in Sanskrit Arhat possessed of Iddhi, 20, 79 ; literature, 8, 138-48, 203; its style, his doctrine of Agnosticism, 45, metre, and language, 8, 142-4 ; no xxvi sq., xxix. system of philosophy in it, 8, 144 Sangaya, King, converted by the sq.; its relation to the Veda, 8, monk Gardabhâli, 45, 80-8; belongs 145-7; translated, 8, 149-94 ; S. to the Gotra of Gotama, 45, 83. and Anugîtâ, 8, 227; quoted, 48, 23. Sangaya, a Brahman who met death Sanavâsa, successor of Madhyântika for his son's sake, 19, 92 n.; 49 (i), as head of the Buddhist Church, 90 n. 19, xii, xiv,
Sanghâdisesa, see Sin (6). Sânavâsî, see Sambhậta S.
Sanghapalita of the Gautama gotra, Sanctity, see Ashi Vanguhi.
a Sthavira, 22, 294, 294 n. Sanda, and Marka, two Asura- Sangharakkhita Sâmanera, when Rakshas, 26, 279-84 ; demon har- attaining to Arhatship, shook the assing infants, 29, 296 ; 30, 211. palace of the king of the gods with Sandhyâ, see Prayers (6), and Sacri- his big toe, 11, 46 n. fice (b).
Sangharaksha, author of a life of Sândikera, demon harassing child- Buddha, 19, xxviii sq. ren, 30, 211.
Sanghavarman, translated the Sândilîputra, n. p., 15, 225.
Amitâyub-sûtra and Sukhâvatî-vyûha Sândilya, his teaching of Brahman, into Chinese, 49 (ii), vi, xxii. 1, 48; 34, cxv; 48, 679 ; see Sang Hû, see Zze-sang Hû. Sândilya-vidyâ; his relation to the Sangikâ-putta, a young Brahman, Satapatha-brâhmana, 12, xxxi-xxxiv; son of the Sañgika woman, 20, 43, xviii; 11), of teachers, 15, 118, 125 sqq. 118 n., 119, 186, 187; pupil of Sângîvîputra, n. of a teacher, 15, Vâtsya, 15, 227; did not find high- 226 sq. est bliss in the Vedas, 34, 443; Săng-kia- lo- c'ha -Sho-tsih- fo - quoted, 41, 414; 43, 254, 279, 295, hing-king, a life of Buddha, 19, 345, 345 n.; complete S. fire-altar, xxviij sq. 43, xviii, 167, 222, 272, 274 ; sum San Î-shăng, minister of Wăn, 3, total of the wisdom of S., 43, xxiv, 208. 400, 400 n.; pupil of Kusri, 43, Sankalpa, Sk, t.t., will, conception, 404; promulgator of the Pañkarâtra &c., 1, 112 n.; meditation on S, or doctrine, 48, 526 sq.
Will as Brahman, 1, 112 sq., 113 n. Sândilya, n. of a Sthavira, 22, 294, Sankappo, Pali t.t. (= Sk. sankal294 D.
pa), aims or aspirations, 11, 144 sq. Sândilya-vidyâ, t.t., meditation of Sankara, god : Krishna is S. among
Sândilya on Brahman, 1, 48 n.; 34, the Rudras, 8, 88; offering to S., Ixvii, lxxv, cxiv, 91; 38, 187, 214, 29, 203 ; n. of Rudra, 29, 256; 216 sq., 219, 233, 266 ; in the Agni- author of a version of Manu's code, rahasya and in the Brihad-aranyaka, 33, xii; a form of Vishnu, 48, 93. 48, 641 sq.
Sankara, or Sankarâ kârya, his comSândilyâyana, quoted, 43, 273. mentaries on the Upanishads, 1, Sângamana, see Anasnat S.
Ixxi, lxxiy sq.; 15, x; his authority Sañgaya, charioteer, relates to Dhri- for the text of the Upanishads, 1,
tarâshtra the events of the battle of Ixxi sq., Ixxiii sq., xcvii, xcix; 15, Kurukshetra, 8, 3, 37-43, 92, 96, 98, xii sq. ; his date, 8, 27; 25, cxi, 130, 136.
cxi sq. n.; his commentary on the Sañgaya Belatthiputta, n. of a Sanatsugâtîya, 8, 135, 137 sq., 148; teacher, 10 (ii), xii, 86 sq. ; son of acquainted with the Anugitâ, 8, 197, the Belatthi slave-girl, 11, 106; 35, 201-4, 226; Upanishads referred to 8; Sâriputta and Moggallâna as by S. in his commentary on the followers of S., 13, 144, 148 sq.; Vedanta-sûtras, 15, ix, ix n.; 38, 250 followers of the ascetic S. con- 421-30; quoted by Medhâtithi, 25,
avira, 22, 291. S. Will as Brahman editation on s. or
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