44, xlv, 417–21; is suprenie among (not deity'), 1, xxxiv, 94 n.; called sacrifices, 44, 418; is everything, animan or subtile essence,' 1, xxxiv 44, 420.
sq.; produces fire, 1,93; 38, 20-2; Sarvânî, offering to, 29, 352.
enters into the elements and reveals Sarvânnabhûti, Bali offering to, 25, names and forms, 1, 94 sq. ; 34, 92 n.; 29, 86.
267 ; is the highest substance or Sarvârthadarsa, n. of a Tathâgata, subject, the Brahman, 1, 98 n.; 34, 49 (ii), 10.
332; 38, 19 sq., 142, 144, 160 ; Sarvârthanaman, a Bodhisattva nothing is true but the S., 1, 133 n.; Mahâsattva, 21, 4.
what is different from the gods and Sarvârthasiddha, the Vimâna, Rin the senses that is S., 1, 278; he
shabha descended from it, 22, 281. became sat and tyat, 15, 58; 38, 25, Sarvârthasiddha, n. of Buddha, 49,
dha, n. of Buddha, 49, 167; Not-being and S. are in the (i), 19.
highest heaven, in the lap of Aditi, Sarvarûpasan darsana, n. of a 32, 246; born from Not-being, 32, meditation, 21, 403 sqq.
2.46 sq.; Mâyâ cannot be called S., Sarvasattvapriyadarsana, the Bo- 34, xxv; the thought of the S. not dhisattva, who burns himself in to be understood in a figurative honour of the Buddha, 21, xxxi, sense, 34, 54; release is taught of 376-85; Gautami, the nun, is to him who takes his stand on the S., become the future Buddha S., 21, 34, 55-7; Pradhana is not denoted 256 sq.
by the term S., 34, 57-60; comSarvasattvatrâtri, n. of a great prises the Self as well as the NonBrahma-angel, 21, 161.
self, 38, 210, 210 n.; is the root of Sarvasattvogahâri, n. of a giantess, the world, is the only object of 21, 374.
cognition, 38, 396; is alone real, 48, Sarvâtmabhûti, Bali offering to, 25, 32 sq. ; whether S. and Conscious91, 91 sq. n.
ness are one, 48, 33, 47 ; affected Saryâta, the Mânava, and the Rishi with difference, 48, 40; perception Kyavana, 26, 27.2-5.
does not reveal mere S., i.e. BrahSaryâti, Indra drank Soma at the man, 48, 44-6. See also Entity, and sacrifice of the son of, 26, 336.
True, the. Sasa Atreya, author of a Vedic Sâtâgira, n, of a Yakkha hymn, 46, 412.
26 sq. Sâsân, n.p., 5, 137 sq. and n.
Satakratu, n. of Indra, 8, 219. Sâsânians, rulers of Iran, 5, 151, Satan, or Saitân, a fallen angel, fell 151 n.; 37, 29 sq., 29 n.
from paradise because he refused to Sasaramatamka, a demon harassing adore Adam, 6, Ixix, 5; suggests a children, 30, 219.
wrong reading to Mohammed, 6, Sasiketu, a future Tathagata, 21, xcix; 9,62 n.; follow not the foot145.
steps of S., 6, 23, 30, 134 ; pelted Sâstri, a name of the Self, 15, 311. with shooting stars, 6, 50 sq. n.; Sasîyasî, Tarantamahishi, a liberal evil ascribed to S., 6, 65, 67, men woman, 32, 358-60, 362.
warned against S., 6, 78, 140; leads Sastras, see Prayers (c).
men into error, 6, 81, 83, 120; 9, Sâstras, see Sacred Books.
101, 121; fight against the friends Sat, Sk. t.t., Being,' that which is,' of S., 6, 82; wine and gambling are TÒ öv, the beginning of all things, S.'s work, 6, 110; makes people Atman identified with it, 1, xxx sq., forget, 6, 123, 223, 223 sq. n. ; 9, 93, 124 n.; 15, xvii-xix; 34, cv sq., 21; made a breach between Joseph cxviii; 38, 96, 209 sq.; cannot be and his brethren, 6, 230; will desert translated in English, 1, xxxii sq.; the misbelievers, 6, 241; patron of everything in this world was pro- the unbelievers, 6, 256; 9, 231; duced by the union of the S. with the pelted one, has no power over the elements, 1, xxxiii sq.; is called believers, 6, 261; an open foe to parâ devatâ, the highest being' man, 9, 6, 166 ; respited till resur
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