n. of an arch
222, 229; 45d heavenly
SATYAVAKAS-SAVARA Satyavakas Rathîtara, n. of a See also Âsvalâyana S., Atidhanvan teacher, 15, 51.
S., and Indrota S. Satyayagña Paulushi, n.p., 1, 84, Saunaka-smriti based on Grihya
86; 26, 2, 2 n.; Prâkînayogya, 43, søtra, 25, xxii. 393 sq.
Saunaki, worshipped at the TarSâtyayagñi, see Somasushma S. pana, 29, 123. Sâtyâyana, honoured as teacher, Saunakîputra, n. of teacher, 15, 29, 141.
224 n. Satyayani, quoted, 43, 21, 363. Saundikeya, n.of a demon harassing Satyayanins, quoted, 48, 726. infants, 29, 296. Sâu, prince, flees to escape the Saungha, n.p., 23, 218. danger of being made ruler of Yüeh, Saungîputra, n.p., 15, 225. 40, 151 sq.
Saunu (?), established on the throne Saubhara, see Pathi S.
of Suddhodana, 49 (i), 199 sq. Saubhari, a being endowed with Saurashtrikâ Sâkhâ of the Mânava special powers, 48, 331, 447. Gana, 22, 292. Sầudâ, wife of Mohammed, 6, Sauripura, Arishtanemi born at, 22, xxix.
276. Saudâmanî, the lightning so called, Saurpanâyya, n. of a teacher, 15, 45, 113
118 n., 186 n. Saudhanî Kausika, converted by Sâuru, or Saurva, or Sârû, or Sôvar, Buddha, 49 (i), 198 sq.
n. of an arch-demon, 4, lii, 139, 139 Saudharma(n), Kalpa and heavenly n., 224; 5, 10, 10 n.; 18, 319, 319 n.;
abode, 22, 222, 229; 45, 291. the Indian Sarva or Siva, 4, lii sq. ; Saudyumni, patronymic of Bharata, opposed to wearing the sacred 44, 399.
girdle, 37, 182, 182 n. Saugâmi, satiated at the Tarpana, Sauryapura, Vasudeva and Samu29, 220.
dravigaya, kings of, 45, 112, 112 n. Saukarayana, n. of a teacher, 15, Sauryâyanin Gârgya, n. of a sage, 186, 186 n.
15, 271, 279. Saukeya Prâkînayogya, instructed Sausromatega, see Ashâdhi S. by Uddâlaka Âruni, 29, 58 sq. n.; Sautaptikâ Sakhâ of the Uttara44, 79-85.
balissaha Gana, 22, 290. Saul (Tâlût), chosen by God to be Sautasomî, converted by Buddha, king of Israel, 6, 37 sq.
49 (i), 198 sq. Saulbâyana, see Udanka S.
Sautrâmanî, see Sacrifices (j). Saulvâyana, n. of a priest, 44, Sautrântikas, a school of Buddhists,
Realists, 34, 401 n.; 48, 510. Saumapa Mânutantavya, n. of two Sauyâmi, worshipped at the Tarteachers on ritual, 30, 28 n.; 44, pana, 29, 123.
Savahis, worshipped, 31, 349. Saumya, a Ganadhara of Pârsva, Sâvaka, Pali t.t., a follower or 22, 274.
disciple of Buddha, 10 (ii), x, 63-5. Saunaka, author of last books Savana, see Sacrifice (i). of Aitareya-âranyaka, 1, xciii, xcv Savanghavâk and Erenavâk, daughsq. ; teacher S. Kâpeya, 1, 58 sq.; ters of Yima, ravished by Azi 34, 226; 48, 342 ; householder S. Dahâk, 23, 62, 62 n.; delivered by asks Angiras for the knowledge of Thraêtaona, 23, 113, 255, 277. Brahman, 15, 27; 48, 284; in a Sâvanghi and Visya, the holy and line of teachers, 15, 118 n.; quoted, masters of holiness, 23, 23, 23 n.; 25, xxvi sq., 78; 29, 253, 259; 34, worshipped, 31, 196, 196 n., 201 sq., 213; 48, 101, 758; works of S. and 204, 207, 209, 212, 215, 219, 223, Ásvalâyana, 29, 153-8; satiated at 254, 367, 379 sq. the Tarpana, 29, 220; S. Svaidâ- Sâvar, demon, 5, 106 sq.; smitten yana fights the priest Uddâlaka by Shatvairô, 5, 128. Âruni in a disputation, 44, 50-6. Savara, a city of outcasts, 35, 267.
61 sq.
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