rection day, and allowed to tempt Sati, Pali t.t., mindfulness, 11, 145. men, 9, 8; a rebel against God, 9, Satippatthânâ, Pali t.t., four Ear30; tempts Adam, 9, 44; tries to nest Meditations, 11, 62 n. tempt the prophets, 9, 62 ; leaves Sãtrâ gita, see Satânîka S. man in the lurch, 9, 86; calls the Sâtrâsâha, see Sona S. infidels to the torments of hell, 9, Satru, n. of a demon harassing in133 ; opponents of the Apostle are fants, 29, 296; 30, 211. the crew of S., 9, 273. See also Sattambaka Ketiya, at Vesali, 11 Iblîs.
- 40, 58. Satânîka Sâtrâgita, seized the sac- Sattapanni cave at Râgagaha, 11, rificial horse of Dhritarashtra, 44, 56 sq. XXX; performed a horse-sacrifice, Sattee, see Widows (self-immolation 44, 400 sq.
of). Satapatha-brâhmana, its two re- Satthâ, see Teacher.
censions, 12, xxviii-xxx, xxxix sq., Sattra, see Sacrifice (i). xliii-xlvi; its several portions, 12, Sattva, Sk. t.t., Internal organ, 34, xxix-xxxv, xlvi; quoted as. Vâgasa- 122 sq., 161; Goodness, see Qualities. neyaka,' 12, xxxix sq., xl n.; geo- Satvaharân, to be corrected to graphical and ethnical allusions in Shatro-ayârân, 37, xlvi sq. the s., 12, xli-xliji; books i and ii Sâtvata doctrine, its purport is to translated, Vol. 12; Brihad-âran- teach the worship of Vasudeva, 48, yaka-upanishad of the S., 15, xxx ; 529. the vocabulary of the Buddhist Satvat-Matsyas, n, of a people, 1, scriptures and that of the S., 21, 300. xvi sq.; on creation, 25, 2 n.; Satvats, Bharata seized the horse of books ji and iv translated, Vol. 26; the, 44, 401. its accentuation, 34, 258 n.; quoted, Satvata-samhitâ quoted, 48, 525. 38, 429; 48, 778; books v to vii Satvavat, worshipped at the Tartranslated, Vol. 41; books viii to pana, 30, 244. x translated, Vol. 43; list of teachers Satya, Sk. t.t., the true, the real, of the S., 43, xviii; books xi to Atman identified with it, 1, xxx sq., xiv translated, Vol. 44; S. and Vâga- xxxiii, 130; 15, 311; see True (the), saneyi-samhitâ, 44, xiii.
and Truth; one of the Heavens, Satarkin, the poets of the first see Satyaloka. Mandala of the Rig-veda, 1, 214 sq. Satyabhedavâda, t.t. for the teachSatarudriya, see Prayers (c), and ing of Audulomi, 34, 278 n. Sacrifice (j).
Satyakâma Gâbâla, taught by Satatasamitâ bhiyukta, n. of a Bo- Gautama as to Brahman, 1, 60-4,
dhisattva Mahâsattva, 21, 4, 336 sqq. 75; 15, 157, 308 ; 34, cv, 228; 48, Satâtirâtra, see Sacrifice (i).
311, 313, 343; son of a female slave, Sataudana, see Sacrifice (j).
1, 60; teacher of Upakosala, 1, 64; Satavaêsa, see Satavês.
pupil of Gânaki Ayasthûna, 15, 214; Sâtavaneya, Purunitha, 46, 50. a Brâhmana, 25, 403 n.; quoted on Satavâyês, see Satavês.
ritual, 44, 392. Satavês, Phl., Zd. Satavaêsa, n. of Satyakâma, Saivya teacher, 15 a constellation, 5, 12, 13 n. ; western 271, 281. chieftain of constellations, 5, 12, Sâtyaki, n. of a hero, 8, 39. . 21; 24, 109, 109 n., 131; the Gulf Satyaloka, or world of the lower) of S., 5, 43 sq., 43 n.; revolves Brahman, 8, 234 n. ; 34, 181. round Hûgar, 5, 89 sq., 90 n.; Satyâshadha Hiranyakesin, see powerful S. worshipped, 23, 9, 16, Hiranyakesin. 92, 109; makes the waters flow and Satyasravas, worshipped at the the plants grow, 23, 96, 96 1., IOI, Tarpana, 30, 244. 190 sq.
Satyavâha Bhâradvâga, Angir told Satayâtu, epithet of Vasishtha, 14, the knowledge of Brahman to, 15, xii, 140.
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