cxxi sq.; importance of his com- Sankhasataka, at the head of mentary on the Vedanta-sútras, 34, 159,000 lay votaries, 22, 267. xiv; his authority above doubt and Sânkhâyana, see Suyagña S. dispute for the Indian Pandit, 34, Sânkhâyana-âranyaka and Kauxv; how far he represents the true shitaki-upanishad, 1, xcix. Vedanta-doctrine, 34, xvii sq.; S. Sankhayana-Grihya-sûtra possibly and Râmânuga, 34, xvii, xxii sqq., refers to Mânava Dharma-sûtra, 25, xxviii, xxx sq., xli-xlvi, li sq., lxxxv- XXXV sq.; Suyagña Sankhayana its ci; 48, ix sq.; his whole system hinges author, 29, 3-5; its relation to the on the doctrine of the absolute Srauta-sûtra of Sankhâyana, 29, 5 identity of the individual soul with sq.; the fifth and sixth books later Brahman, 34, xx; refers to other additions, 29, 9-11; translated, 29, commentators, 34, xx; his school 12-150. acknowledges Vedântic teaching of Sankhayana-sûtra (i. e. Srautaa type essentially different from sútra) explains Râgasûya and Asvatheir own, 34, xxi; preceded by medha in two chapters in Brâhmana Dramida, 34, xxii; sketch of his style, 44, xvi; on the Purushamedha, philosophical system, 34, xxiv-xxvii; 44, xxxii, xli-xliii, xliv ; on the no tendency among his followers to sacrifice at the building of the firekeep their doctrines secret, 34, altar, 44, xxxix; on the offering to xcix; his doctrine faithfully repre- Gumbaka, 44, xxxix sq. sents the teaching of the Upanishads, Sankhya, system of philosophy : 34, cxxi sq. ; his mode of interpreta. Vishnu-smriti knows only Yoga and tion with regard to Upanishads, 34, S., 7, xxiv; attempts in Vishnucxxii-cxxy; philosophy of S. nearer smriti to reconcile tenets of S. to the teaching of Upanishads than with Vaishnava creed and Yoga, 7, Sûtras of Bâdarâyana, 34, cxxvi; xxviii; the 24 or 25 entities or catetranslation of his commentary can- gories of S., 7, 287 sq. n.; 8, 368 n., not be combined with an inde- 373 n. ; 34, 257-60; 48, 371-4,530; pendent translation of the Vedanta- Vishnu is the teacher of the S., 7, sûtras, 34, cxxviji.
296; in Upanishads, 8, 8; in BlaSankara-bhashya, i.e. the com gavadgitâ, 8, 8, 27, 47; S, and Yoga mentary of Sankarâkârya on the are one, 8, 63 sq., 372 n.; doctrines Vedanta-sútras, translated, Vols. 34 of S., 8, 74 n., 286 n., 372 n., 386 and 38.
sq. n., 392 n.; 25, 3 n., 4 n., 7 n., 21 Sankarananda, his commentaries n., 495 n.; 34, 28; 38, 33, 86, 103;
on the Upanishads, 1, lxxi, lxxvii: 15,x. 48, 355, 358-60, 480-4; Prakriti Sankarsha-kânda, text quoted, 38, or Pradhâna and purushas (souls) of 259.
the S., 8, 313, 332 n. ; 34, xxx, 301; Sankarshana, n, of a deity, 11, 48, 282 sq., 298; doctrines of S.
267 n.; a manifestation of the refuted, 8, 383 n.; 34, xl, 288 sq., highest being, 34, xxiii, lii, 441 sq.; 297 sq., 363 sq., 374 n. ; 34, xxxixoriginated from or is a form of xlviii, xciii, 15 n., 237-89; 38, 69 Vasudeva, 34, li, 440; is the in- sq.; 45, ix, 237, 407 n.; 48, 351dividual soul, 34, 440; 48, 524-6; 407, 424 sq., 427, 480-95; Svetâscannot spring from Vasudeva, norvatara-upanishad an Upanishad of can Pradyumna spring from S., 34, the S.? 15, xxxiv-xlii ; meaning of 441 sq.; proclaimed Mâdliava in the word S., 15, xxxy; God as the agreement with the Satvata law, cause which is to be apprehended by 48, 528 sq.
S. (philosophy) and Yoga (religious Sânkarshana, text quoted, 48, 666. discipline), 15, 264; S. and Yoga Sankassa, n. of a city in heaven, maintain duality, do not discern the 36, 248.
unity of the Self, 34, 298; S. Sankha, a demon harassing child- and Sassata-vâdâ, 36, xxv; S. and ren, 30, 287.
Yoga are mere Smriti, not of Sankhârâ, see Samkhâra.
scriptural character, 38, 381 ; athe
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