Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 512
________________ SÂLÂVRIKAS-SAMAN 495 S. t:. 45, ne' pe Sâlâvrikas, conquered by Indra, 31, 359; is the best thing, a sage 42, 138, 306. by restraining his senses brings it Sâlendrarâga, n. of a Tathâgata, about, 45, 313; only men can 21, 429; 49 (ii), 101. obtain final s., 45, 331, 331 n. See Sâlha, n, of a Bhikkhu, who attained also Emancipation. to Arahatship, 11, 25; Brahmâ Sâlyâ, mother of Sâriputra, 49 (i), appeared to confirm his wavering 193 faith, 11, 164; takes his stand Sâm, i.e. Sâma Keresâspa, became against the theses of the Vaggian immortal, wounded by Nihâg, Bhikkhus, and is confirmed by a slew Dahâk, 5, 119, 119 n.; his deity, 20, 401; appointed on the descendants, 5, 137, 139 sq., 139 n. jury at the council of Vesâlî, See also Keresâspa the Sânân. 20, 407. Sâma, prince, was killed by PiliSâlî, mother of Maudgalya, 49 (i), yakkha, 35, 280 sq.; Devadatta born 193. as S., 35, 288. Sâlîki, quoted by Baudhayana, 14, Samâ, goddess of zealous devotion, xl n. worshipped, 29, 334. Sallasutta, t.c., 10 (ii), 106-8. Samadhi, Pali t.t., contemplation Salm, son of Frêdûn, 5, 133 sq., or meditation, 11, 145; the S. Sarva 133 n.; 37, 28; S. and Tûg de- rûpadarsana (sight or display of all feated by Mânûskîhar, 24, 61 ; 47, forms), 21, 378 ; enumeration of II, II n. S., 21, 393 sq. See also Faith, Sâlmalî tree, in hell, with sharp and Meditation. thorns, 45, 94; my own Self is the Sâmâga, in his field Mahâvîra S. t.,' 45, 104; most famous of reached Nirvana, 22, 201, 263, trees, 45, 290. Sâmak, son of Masyê and Masyâðî, Salmân, the Persian, referred to 47, 8. in the Qur'ân, 6, xlviii. Samâkâra, a book of the AtharvaniSalt, melted in water, simile, 1, 104 kas treating of Vedic observances, sq.; the savour of the sky and the 38, 189. earth, also cattle, 12, 278, 278 n.; Sâmân, primaeval ruler, 47, 121. bags of s, thrown up to the sacrificer Sâman, melody: meditations on the at the Vâgapeya, 41, 33 sq.; means (fivefold, sevenfold) S., 1, 16 sq., 23cattle, 41, 33, 299 sq., 343 ; saline 8; 15, 82 sq.; Stobhâksharas used in soil is the annion of fire, 41, 302, the S. hymns, 1, 22 ; on the different 344; means seed, 44, 426. tones employed in singing the S. Saluting, see Etiquette. hymns, 1, 33 sq.; the Brihat consists Sâlvas, Salvas, Sâlvas, n. of a people, of hundred verses, and is made by 30, 280; 43, 344; 49 (i), 101. Bharadvaga, 1, 189 sq., 190 n.; the Salvation : Buddha answers a Rathantara hymns, made by Vasish Yakkha's question as to s., 10 (ii), tha, consist of hundred verses, 1, 27 sq., 30 sq.; is only to be found 189 sq., 189 n.; the Brihat is man, in the three jewels, Buddha, the Rathantara is woman, 1, 190; Dhamma, and Sangha, 10 (ii), 36- Stomas and S. connected with the 40; in which one is no longer liable Nishkevalya-sastra, 1, 224-7 and n.; to be reborn, 11, 25 sq., attained S. and Samhitâ connected, 1, 254 ; by the Mirror of Truth, 11, 26 sq.; S. verses represented as parts of the decay is inherent in all component throne and couch of Brahman, 1,277 things! Work out your si with sq., Rig-veda and Yagur-veda not to diligence !' This was the last word of be studied while the sound of S. is the Tathagata! 11, 114; Buddha's heard, 2, 38, 261; 7, 125; 8, 20; 14, teaching a scheme of s. by self- 66,208;25, 148; 29, 116, 116 n., 324; culture and self-control, 11, 142 sq.; Brihat, chief among S. hymns, 8, 90, how to obtain final s., 11, 213; 45, 90 n.; are pure, 8, 145, 180; Bri355, 380; is universal for believers, hat, Rathantara, and Vâmadevya S. 31, 93, 98 ; eternal s. of the saint, in the ritual, 8, 180; 12, 196, 196 n., Digitized by Microsoft ®


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